Covid ’19 quick reference – School Attendance

ASD June Drop in Sessions for Parents

The Liverpool ASD Training Team are providing a series of virtual drop in advisory sessions via zoom.  They are for parent/carers wishing to talk in a private one to one setting about any questions or concerns they may have about their child. You do not require a diagnosis of ASD to book your place.

To book your place please email your choice of date and time and you will be emailed a zoom link. There are two places available for each time slot.

Monday 29th June 2020 
9.30 – 10.15
10.30 – 11.15
11.30 – 12.15
12.30 – 1.15

Tuesday 30th June 2020
12.00 – 12.45
1.0 0 – 1.45
2.00 – 2.45
3.00 – 3.45

The wider reopening of schools-Update

On the 22nd June we are reopening for Y6 children along with our key worker families.

We are currently contacting parents of Y1, Reception and Nursery children as we make plans to welcome back these year groups. More information will follow regarding this. 

In order to ensure that we maintain social distancing with increased numbers of children on site we have reviewed the timings of the day. Each group of children will have a specific time to arrive and leave school in order to minimise contact with other groups. Siblings/families are able to arrive together and they will be taken to their year group bubbles by staff. Please check the timings that apply to your child/children.

Staggered school drop off times 

8 am -8.15 am – Key worker children who have a pre-arranged early drop off at school

8.50-9.00 am  – Key worker/Hub children 

9.15 am- Year 6 children   

Staggered end of day times 

3 pm – Siblings/family groups

3.10 pm-EYFS children

3.15 pm – Key Stage 1 children

3.20 pm- Key Stage 2 children  

3.30 pm – Year 6 children

Other information 

To reduce infection children must not bring personal belongings into school and all children will receive a school dinner/school packed lunch.

For those families who do not receive Free School Meals can I remind you that the weekly cost of a school lunch is £7.50. The cost of this has been greatly subsidised by the school.

In order to reduce the risk of infection we have been advised that we are unable to accept cash in school.

Last year we introduced SIMSPAY (previously known as AGORA) as our online payment system.If you have previously used SIMSPAY please use this method to pay for your child’s school dinners .

If you need help logging on to SIMSPAY please email Miss Chute on or ring school on 0151 260 8957 and we will support you with this process.

LivPaC Resources for parents of SEND Pupils

Liverpool Parent and Carers Forum-LivPaC

Liverpool Parent and Carers Forum (LivPaC) is a group of parents and carers of children and young people with special education needs and/or disabilities (SEND) who work with education, health and care services.

“Alone, we can do so little.  BUT together we CAN do so MUCH”

Through their participation and co-production, they work to create a culture across all services which places need of families at the centre of the decision making.

Below is a link to LivPac which holds a wealth of resources which may provide useful in supporting your child and your family. 

As Parenting Co-ordinator for Liverpool City Council, I am proud that we can offer parents across the city a platform to share their stories whilst offering resources from across a wide spectrum of organisations to support parents on their journey.

It has been a privilege to pull these SEND blogs and information together and I would like to thank the parents, LivPac and our partners for their support and assistance in piecing this jigsaw of information together. Chris Cavanagh

Produced by LivPac & Chris Cavanagh (LCC Parenting Co-ordinator)

SEND Parenting

Y6 – return to school update

Following the advice from Steve Reddy, Director of Children’s Services and his team our school will be open to Y6 pupils on 22nd June 2020. (See below)

Children should arrive at school at 9.15 am in their uniform. They will not be able to bring in any personal items from home and all children will receive a school hot dinner or a school packed lunch. For those families who are not in receipt of free school meals can I remind you that school dinners cost £7.50 per week.   The children can be collected from school at 3.30pm so that we can ensure social distancing.

We look forward to seeing the children back in school on Monday.


As of 11th June, almost all schools are open to children of key workers and vulnerable
children. The return of Year 6 children was initially planned for 15th June but this was
paused until 22nd June.
Having consulted with Cheshire and Merseyside Directors of Public Health 1, they now feel able to support schools to progress their plans for a phased return of Year 6, if deemed safe to do so on 22nd June.
 This will be based upon the individual context of each school and will be dependent upon the size and layout of the building, circulation around the site and availability of staff. Places will be allocated until a school reaches its capacity as determined by its individual risk assessment. Once again, the stage at which
schools are able to open for these pupils will vary from school to school.

Liverpool City Council
Cunard Building, Water Street, Liverpool, L3 1AH.

Y6 return to school -DELAYED

Following recent information about the virus rate and advice from public health, school’s have been advised by Steve Reddy the director of Children’s Services Liverpool, NOT TO OPEN for Y6 on the 15th June 2020 as planned.

We will continue to work with the local authority, school staff and governors to ensure that we meet the needs of as many children as possible. More information will follow for our Y6 children and families and we will continue to risk assess for a wider school reopening as we move forward throughout the summer term.

Catherine Sergeant

Head Teacher 

Online Safety – App information

Dear Parents/Carers,

This is to inform you of an app that has come to light this week. The app is called Sweet Snap and there is an upgrade called Sweet snap lite.

This is a dangerous app to download. If downloaded it has been reported to also download additional software to your phone siltently. There have been instances of student’s photos being uploaded from the phone silently too. There are multiple adults accessing the chat and trying to talk to the chilldren in a sexual manner.

This has been reported to the Police but please can all parents/carers check their child’s phone and remove this app if they have it.

Please can you speak to your child about online safety.

If you would like additional resources to support this, then click the link below.

If you have any concerns regarding any apps or online safety, then please inform the Police and school.

School Reopening Update 26.5.2020

Week beginning 1st JuneKEY WORKER FAMILIES ONLY

We are currently on our 2-week half term holiday however staff from school have kindly volunteered their time so that we can continue to support our key worker families.

I have been in touch with key worker families who accessed the OLI Hub to plan for their childcare needs however if you think that your child comes under the key worker category and you require childcare for the week beginning 1st June 2020 please email will need to provide details of your employment and shift patterns so that we can ensure that we don’t exceed staff- pupil ratios. The full list of key workers according to the Government can be found at this link


If your child falls  into the vulnerable category set out by government they will also be able to attend school from the 8th June 2020 . If your child has already attended a childcare hub we have planned for these children however if you have not attended a childcare hub and you feel that your child comes under either category please email outlining your childcare needs. A member of staff will be in touch.

ADHD Foundation Webinar Training for Parents

There will be availability for parents to attend webinars from The ADHD Foundation.

Topics will include:

  • ADHD and Treatment – AM
  • Sleep and Wellbeing – PM
  • Stress awareness and self-regulation – Evening

There will also be workshops on Emotional wellbeing and mental health with a focus on moving towards transition which will be held on Wednesday Evenings 7-8pm.

If you wish to attend please email school using the SEND e-mail address and your request will come directly to myself. I will then give you further details to access them.

This training is primarily for families who have accessed support from the ADHD Foundation through school; or for those families who have a child with a diagnosis of ADHD/ASC or have a child on Pathways.

Further information can be found on the SEND page of Home Learning.

Keep safe and take care, Mrs Brown

Think you know

Think U Know

Parents/ Carers and Students why not have a go at the quiz? Let us know how you get on! Remember it is important to stay safe on line!

FSM Vouchers week commencing 20th April 2020

For the attention of those families in receipt of FSM.

School is awaiting delivery today of the FSM vouchers for our families.  We will be sending these out by first class post, as soon as they are received by school.

Thank you for your patience at this time.

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