School Policies

On this page is all the information that parents may need:

Anti-Bullying– for a translation of this document click here

Administering Medicines in School– for a translation of this document click here

Medication Form – for a translation of this document click here

Adverse Weather-for a translation of this document click here

Accessibility Plan– for a translation of this  document click here

Assessment – for a translation of this document click here

School Attendance– for a translation of this document click here

Behaviour and Relational– for a translation of this document click here 

Child Protection – for a translation of this document click here

Children Looked After (CLA)– for a translation of this document click here

Complaints– for a translation of this document click here

Care and Control– for a translation of this document click here

Charging and Remissions-for a translation of this document click here

Data Protection– for a translation of this document click here

Debt Recovery-for a translation of this document click here

Dignity at Work -for a translation of this document click here

Educational Visits-for a translation of this document click here

Equality and Diversity- for a translation of this document click here

Equality Statement– for a translation of this document click here

Feedback and Marking– for a translation of this document click here

First Aid– for a translation of this document click here

Food Labelling FFT– for a translation of this document click here

Food and Nutrition– for a translation of this document click here

Freedom of Information– for a translation of this document click here

Health, Safety and Welfare-for a translation of this document click here

Inclusion– for a translation of this document click here

Intimate Care– for a translation of this document click here

Phonics and Early Reading-for a translation of this document click here

Liverpool Schools Young Carers-for a translation of this document click here

Managing Allegations– for a translation of this document click here

Mental Health and Wellbeing– for a translation of this document click here

Menopause Policy and Risk Assessment– for a translation of this document click here

Mobile Phone– for a translation of this document click here

Managing Serial and Unreasonable Complaints– for a translation of this document click here

Online Safety– for a translation of this document click here

Privacy Notice– for a translation of this document click here

Pupils with Medical Conditions– for a translation of this document click here

Safeguarding Advice for Visitors– for a translation of this document click here

Social Networking– for a translation of this document click here

Safer Recruitment– for a translation of this document click here

School Security– for a translation of this document click here

SEND– for a translation of this document click here

Use of Photographic and Video Images– for a translation of this document click here

Unacceptable Behaviour– for a translation of this document click here

Violence at Work– for a translation of this document click here

Whistleblowing Policy (LA)– for a translation of this document click here

Whistleblowing Procedure –  for a translation of this document click here

Whistleblowing Referral Form– for a translation of this document click here


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