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Purpose of study

Through the teaching of P.E. at Our Lady Immaculate, we aim to:

  • promote physical activity through enthusiasm, enjoyment and success
  • promote physical development and improve natural abilities
  • develop an understanding of the body’s needs and the effects of physical activity thus promoting a healthy lifestyle
  • develop positive attitudes to physical endeavour including perseverance, fair play and sporting behaviour, and the ability to cope with success and failure
  • develop aesthetic and creative awareness of movement
  • develop understanding and acceptance of the need for rules
  • embed values such as fairness and respect
  • develop personal and interpersonal skills in a practical way where discipline, safety and consideration for others become a natural habit
  • provide many varied opportunities for competition both within and outside our school environment

Please click on the links below for more information about our PE curriculum.


By the end of each key stage, pupils are expected to know, apply and understand the matters, skills and processes specified in the relevant programme of study. Children experience teacher-led content including invasion games, net games, fielding games, dance, gymnastics, swimming and outdoor adventures. Our PE premium budget is also partially used to employ external providers to offer broad opportunities within PE provided by experts. These include:

  • Our silver package with Liverpool School Sports Partnership includes access to a sports coach for one afternoon per week. Every child has access to this teacher’s lessons over the course of an academic year as well as a targeted after-school club led by the coach. The silver package also provides children with access to a range of sports competitions that cater to all needs including SEND pupils as well as pupils with a low level of physical literacy. The package also gives access to a range of programmes carried out in school by sports coaches over a period of weeks. These have included ‘POWER’, a PE and science programme focusing on promoting healthy lifestyles, a ‘playground leader’ course that trains children on how to lead games on the yard and ‘Skoot School’ aimed at balance, mobility and motor skills for early years children.
  • Our school works closely with ‘Rugbytots’ to provide a 12-week programme for all children in early years and key stage one. Children lead activities focusing on improving their spatial awareness, gross motor skills, teamwork and resilience through a range of games and activities based around rugby.
  • Swimming is provided for children through School Improvement Liverpool’s provision. Children travel to Everton Lifestyles to experience swimming a range of strokes as well as survival in water. Children are targeted to achieve the minimum of length of 25 metres by the time they leave key stage two and we offer ‘top-up swimming’ in Summer term as a swimming intervention to ensure that as many children have achieved this as possible. In spring term of 2022, 96% of children had achieved this target.

PE Curriculum Overview (Click Here)

PE Policy (Click Here)

PE National Curriculum (Click Here)

School Games Gold Award report   

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