Anti bullying


Welcome to the Anti Bullying page! Here you will find information about what bullying is, what we do to prevent it at our school and ways we promote positive emotional wellbeing.

What is bullying? We asked the different areas across the school to define what bullying is. Their definitions can be found here.

Foundation Stage. “A bully is someone who makes us sad and scared every day. Make friends not bullies.”

Key Stage One. “Bullying is hurting another person on purpose more than once…So you can be a good friend by being kind in what you say and do.”

Key Stage Two. “Bullying is when a person or group of people physically or verbally mistreats or hurts others including through any form of social media which is deliberately repeated over time.”

As you can see at the top of the page, our strive and passion to prevent bullying has allowed us to have been awarded with the silver ‘Anti bullying quality Mark’. This is following a bronze award that was given to us previously.

How do we try and prevent it?

  • PSHE curriculum

PSHE has become compulsory in all schools under the new title of “Relationship and Health education”. Alongside our current curriculum, we are enriching this with a scheme called ‘My life’.

  • Trained Playground friends for the Key Stage One yard. (This vital and important role will recommence once Covid 19 restrictions are lifted)

A group of children from Upper Key Stage Two are trained to help with the younger children to play games with the children. They have also been taught different strategies on helping the children who may find it difficult to make and maintain friendships.

  • Child friendly flow chart so that all children are clear of what will happen if bullying occurs.

The playground friends have been busy creating a flowchart for all children to use so that everyone is clear what happens if they feel bullied or if they feel they have witnessed an incident of bullying.

  • School Code of Conduct.

Our code of conduct was written by the staff and children in school and is followed by everyone to keep us in a happy, safe environment.

  • A Worry Box located in the main corridor for anybody to use.

A worry box is located in the main a corridor where children can discreetly post their worries, these will be reviewed daily to ensure any worries are dealt with quickly.

  • Massage in Schools Programme. (This will recommence when social distancing is relaxed)

Children from Foundation Stage to Year Six have been trained to carry out massage on their peers. This is so that positive touch is promoted and support positive well being and readiness to learn.

  • Anti bullying weeks throughout the year.

We have had very successful anti bullying weeks where the term ‘anti bullying’ has been turned on its head. Our most recent week was inspired by Maya Angelou ‘Be a rainbow in somebodies cloud’.

  • Come and See Religious Education Programme.

Our Religious Education programmes supports Christian values and helps us identify the right and wrong rooted in the teachings of the bible.

  • Circle time.

Circle time is a carefully planned time in which children  develop a wide range of skills and attitudes such as confidence, self-esteem, talking and listening.

  • Repair, reflect, rebuild.

We recognise that in order to be successful in life we need to develop skills of tolerance, acceptance and resilience. Repair, reflect, rebuild helps us to develop the maturity to forgive and move on.

What will happen if I think my child is getting bullied? We have a zero tolerance policy on bullying and any cases of bullying, including cyber, will be dealt with quickly and effectively. We have developed a flowchart for parents that can be found at the bottom of this page. This will help to give a clear chain of events and reassure parents and carers of the process. Children aretaught to report anything that they are worried about to a member of staff that they trust and this will be investigated straight away. If your child is experiencing bullying look at the flow chart below and then speak to the class teacher, Miss Hughes (Anti-Bullying coordinator), Mrs Brown, Mrs Roberts or Mrs Sergeant. If you do not wish to speak to a member of staff in person then please phone or email to school, these details can be found on our home page.

Flowchart for children

Flowchart for parents

Anti Bullying Alliance – Click here for advice for parents

Antibullying Quality Mark – Silver

Awarded November 2018

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