Year 5

Welcome to Year 5.

The team working in Year 5 are; Mrs Bird and Mrs Thoroughgood who will be supported by Miss Courtney and Miss Hughes. We are very excited for this upcoming year and starting our first term together! We will keep you updated with the children’s learning via our year group Twitter feed @oli_year5.

We ask that you please try and read with your child every night. Really focus on asking questions about their book as this will help them with their reading comprehension. Most importantly, you will spend some quality time with your child and instill a love of reading for pleasure!

We have a year group email where teachers will be available for support and they can be contacted on

Information for Parents

PE will take place on a Monday and a PE kit is required for all children 

Click here for information on the school uniform and PE kit

Year 5 Long Term Curriculum Overview 2024-2025



Children will be given weekly homework task, linked to the curriculum. This will be set on Seesaw. Your child will be given their password on their first week back. 

Useful websites to support your child at home:

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