A massive ‘Thank you’ for all donations!

A massive ‘Thank you’ for all donations!

Thank you for all of your generous contributions for our Advent collection this year! ‘Fans Supporting Food Banks’ charity were amazed and very grateful. They will be used for vulnerable families in Liverpool.

Year 6 SATs Booster Sessions

In January, staff in Year 5/6 will be holding SATs booster sessions for the Year 6 pupils to attend every Wednesday after school till 4.30pm (starting from 10th January). These sessions are very important and provide key small group teaching, which has proved vital in pupils’ preparations for the end of key stage two tests. We expect all pupils in Year 6 to attend. They will receive a drink and snack at the end of the school day. Thank you for your ongoing support. Merry Christmas.

Anfield experience and a new bike!

Two of our pupils had some exciting news this week! One gained a ticket to the Liverpool vs West Bromwich Albion game in the hospitality suite and one won a new bike for winning the Regenda Home ‘Welcome to your new home’ card competition!

BBC launches Own It website

The BBC has launched Own It, a website for 9 to 12 year olds to help them maximise opportunities in the digital world as well as helping them to develop the confidence and resilience to tackle the everyday challenges they face online. The site includes quick links to charities and organisations including Childline to provide urgent support should children need it.

Source: BBC press release  Date: 06 December 2017

Further information: BBC website: Own It

Year 6 Debate: Christmas has been destroyed by commercialism

Today, our Year 6 pupils welcomed debating teams from Holy Cross and Kirkdale St Lawrence Primary Schools to take part in a debate on whether Christmas has been destroyed by commercialism. Strong arguments were put forward on both sides with each school demonstrating excellent speaking skills.

We hope both schools had a fun afternoon at our school and enjoyed having their lunch in our school canteen. 

Zyann becomes an author!

Zyann brought a short story that she wrote for a younger audience (around Year 1 age) and first shared it with her class using the visualiser. She read with different types of voices based on how the character was feeling, then shared it with a Year 1 class before lunch!

Well done, Zyann, for excellent work at home!

Year 5 Bikeability

Last week, pupils in Year 5 finished off their bikeability course with Bike Right! instructors. They took to the streets around the school to practise passing junctions and parked cars, a task which they all showed a great attitude towards.

Money Matters – LFC Foundation Workshop with Year 5

With Christmas fast approaching, Year 5 visited Anfield Stadium for a very fitting workshop on the topic of money and financial understanding. The pupils were tasked with rating whether you need or want certain everyday items, then looked at a budget and how it needs to be carefully managed.

Pupils then created a ‘life’ for a given person, deciding on his income and expenditure to look closely at how they could balance their finances.

Dance Club Performance – 1st December 2017

What a fantastic performance from our Year 5/6 dance club! They are extremely talented and will be looking forward to creating and performing a new dance routine for the annual dance competition next year.

KS2 Boccia North Heat – NLA 1st December 2017

After taking two teams last year, with both reaching the city finals (and one winning!) we added a third team into the mix, consisting of some new blood to the sport. Once again, our pupils were extremely successful, seeing all three teams qualify for the city finals and last years heat winners (Liv, Harrison and Georgie) taking first place in this heat.

Mr Garth’s Class Assembly – Ancient Egypt

Thank you to all the parents and family members who came to see the showcase of work from Mr Garth’s class today. They thoroughly enjoyed showing you their hard work and loved having the chance to teach you all a few things too!

What adults learned:

Parent: ‘They believed their heart was their brain.’

Mrs Sergeant: ‘I didn’t know that they killed the slaves if the Pharaoh died. Kieran told me that they realised this was stupid, so they used dolls in the tomb instead.’

Parent: ‘I learned only rich people were mummified and that farmers grew flax for clothing.’

Parent: ‘If we were in Ancient Egyptian times, most of us would be farmers.’

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