PGL Day 2 – Breakfast!

PGL Day 2 – Breakfast!

The children had a great night’s sleep last night and are currently getting ready for their morning activities. Breakfast consisted of bacon, tomatoes, spaghetti and toast, as well as a variety of cereals which the children took full advantage of!

The children have also shared something that they were proud of themselves for during yesterday’s activities and also praised someone else in their group for their support and encouragement. The staff here are extremely proud of how independent the children are and they are showing themselves to be very polite and well mannered – we hope you are proud of them too!

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PGL Day 1

What a wonderful day we have had in the sunshine here at Winmarleigh Hall. The children have enjoyed various activities, such as canoeing, climbing and Jacob’s ladder! After tea, the children took part in some wacky races and are now showered and in bed ready for lights out at 9:30am.

Breakfast is at 7:55am, so we will update again later on in the morning!


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Blue Run for Joseph Lappin

It was great to see so many pupils and families turn our for the annual Blue Run for Joseph Lappin in Everton Park. Our very own Ruben McNeil was the winner of the boys under 12 category with Poppy Spellman’s dad, Peter, winning the male over 18 category.

If you have any pictures you would be happy for the school to share on our website and social media, please email them to for the attention of Mr Garth.


Cross Country at Clarke Gardens – 13/10/16

Well done to our Cross Country team, who performed very well on a difficult course. The route was reversed from previous years, meaning the start and finish sections were both up hill.

Once again, James came through first for our boys (81st overall) and Katie followed up her impressive top 30 finish at Wavertree with a 25th placed finish yesterday.

Boys: James (81), Dylan (87), Ethan (89), Ruben (109), Joe (111) and Antony (112).

Girls: Katie (25) and Poppy (58).

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School Council and Ambassador Election Results

Well done to all of our children who were nominated for school council and ambassador positions. Pupils and staff voted for the school councillors yesterday, with 2 pupils from each year group being elected.

Two pupils from Year 6 were then chosen by their peers after a round of speeches and campaigning yesterday afternoon. Well done to Katie and James who were elected. We wish all the pupils the very best in their new roles.


Year 3/4 Quicksticks Hockey Competition

Well done to our Year 3/4 team, who were picked based on their sportsmanship, teamwork and determination in PE lessons from this half term.

They played in a number of matches against other schools from the north of the city!

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School Ambassador and School Council Elections

Today, our school ambassador hopefuls carried out their last minute changes to speeches and delivered them to children in Years 2 – 6, aiming to win over voters for tomorrow’s elections.

The school council elections will also take place tomorrow, with children from each class having put themselves forward last week.

Good luck to everyone involved!

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Blue Run for Joseph – Friday 14th October 2016

West Everton Community Council, in association with the Shewsy, are once again holding the annual Blue Run for Joseph in the lower part of Everton Park, on Friday 14th October.

We would love to see a huge turn-out from our pupils and families to support this fantastic local cause. Last year, our pupil team won the schools’ event with around 20 pupils and parents taking part. Members of our school cross country team are expected to attend and will wear our school vests.

If you would like to take part, please download and complete the flyer below (your child will be bringing one home today – check reading folders!) and assemble at the Shewsy at 3.45pm. Members of school staff will also be there!


Certificate Winners

Well done to all of this week’s attendance and certificate winners! An extra special mention to those children from Year 5 and 6 who were awarded with Liverpool FC tickets for 100% attendance and punctuality so far this year!

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‘Naughty Bus’ visit

In Key Stage One we had a ‘naughty bus’ visit to our school. Please go onto our Key Stage One page to see the pictures!

Macmillan Afternoon Tea

Thank you to all members of our generous community for an amazing turn out for our afternoon tea. We raised £400 for Macmillan!

Final Morning at Colomendy

The dust settled on a exciting disco session last night, with all the children in high spirits and it’s safe to say all the teachers will be coming home having learnt a few dance moves! The activities from Wednesday and Thursday definitely took their toll on the pupils as all was silent by 10:30pm!

A very sleepy group had another full English breakfast, with a few opting for just cereal, before two more activities this morning.

Beds are currently being stripped (ready for a trip to the laundry room) as well as suitcases being packed as we leave our cabin behind. Everyone has had a brilliant experience, but can’t wait to be back amongst parents and families.

We are leaving Colomendy at 1:30pm and aim to arrive back at school for 2:30pm. A full gallery will be available on the website by next week and we would love it if you could spend some time signing our website guestbook about the experience (parents and children).

See you all soon!

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Colomendy Day 2!

Good evening from Colomendy! The children are currently out on their evening activities before the disco tonight, after a tiring but impressive day! All of the children have worked really hard; by encouraging each other throughout each activity, they have pushed themselves out of the comfort zone and have achieved so much.

At the lake, one group took a well earned dip in the water after some swashbuckling canoe action whilst two groups worked together to help each other up Jacob’s Ladder!

The camaraderie between the children has been excellent and they have definitely done their parents, families and school proud so far!

We’ll update again in the morning!

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Good morning from Colomendy!

We have had a great first evening at Colomendy, with Caving and the Leap of Faith being pupils’ favourites! Even Mr. Cotton got in on the action at the Leap of Faith – impressive stuff!

Everyone has tucked into a full English breakfast, with side orders of cereal and fruit! The children are now getting ready for Canoeing, Problem Solving, Climbing, Low Ropes, 3G Swing and much more!!

We’ll update later on with more pictures from the day! Everyone is safe and sound!

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Year 6 Colomendy

Year 6 have arrived safely at Colomendy. Beds have been made and the children are enjoying some free time before tea at 5pm. They then have two activities taking place this evening! Will update as and when we can!

ICT Monitors

This week each class teacher will choose 2 ICT monitors to help with the management of ICT around the classrooms. The children will be empowered to be able to locate the correct ICT equipment and set it up for their classmates. It is hoped that this will enable the children to develop in confidence with using computing equipment.

Beat the Street Presentation

Jackie, from Beat the Street, came to award us with our two 2nd place prizes for the Summer competition! The pupils, families and staff worked extremely hard to finish in 2nd place, covering the distance from Liverpool to Moscow – an outstanding achievement!!

Mrs Sergeant tasked the children with thinking of playground equipment they would like to buy with the vouchers they have won.

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Family Friday

Thank you for another great turn out this morning in Key Stage One, next week we will be preparing for afternoon tea. We can’t to see you there!

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