Online safety: YouTube restricted mode

Online safety: YouTube restricted mode

Online safety: YouTube restricted mode

The UK Safer Internet Centre has blogged a parent’s guide to YouTube restricted mode. It covers what restricted mode is, how it works, and how it can be implemented. Advice includes: giving children strategies to deal with unwanted content; exploring further settings, such as disabling the autoplay feature to ensure no unwanted videos automatically start playing; and enabling filtering systems.

Source: UK Safer Internet Centre  Date: 10 May 2018

NSPCC conference: How safe are our children? Growing up online

The NSPCC’s annual conference takes place on 20-21 June 2018 in London. The conference will feature talks from sector leaders, and explore the latest research and insight on keeping children safe in the digital age. The conference will also see the launch of the NSPCC’s How safe are our children? 2018 report, a comprehensive overview of the latest child protection data from the UK.

Source: NSPCC conference: How safe are our children? Growing up online

FREE guide about Yubo (formerly Yellow)

We have created a FREE guide for your school to share to its community about Yubo (formerly Yellow), the social media application which has been commonly labelled as ‘Tinder for Teens’.

Our guide informs parents about the dangers associated with the platform and how they can reduce the associated risks, including, but not limited to; Bullying, Low Self Esteem, ‘Going Live’ and Location Features.

Please share our free guide for parents by retweeting our guide here:

Many thanks for your support
The National Online Safety Team

LFC Kit Launch

We were lucky enough to be able to take five pupils from across the school to Anfield this week, to take part in the launch of the new Liverpool FC home kit for 2018-19, receiving a free kit of their own to take home!! As you can see from the pictures, the children truly loved their experience and we thank Red Neighbours for their work this year, keeping our pupils in touch with such a huge club in our community.

Wildflower Plot

Fantastic work from some UKS2 pupils, helping Ian, our school gardener, to get a plot of our school grounds ready for the planting of wildflowers! 

ASC Support for Parents and Carers.

Today is our second workshop for parents and carers, beginning at 1.00pm. Last week was very successful and we are sure that this week will be just as successful!

All are welcome to attend.

First Holy Communion Celebration

Congratulations to all of our children who celebrated their First Holy Communion yesterday.

Special thanks to Anne, Mr Southworth and their families who have helped to prepare the children during this year. 

We look forward to seeing photographs of their special day.

LFC 125 Year Canvas Project

Three of our pupils, who took part in the project with artist David Andrews, went to Anfield to join the launch of the canvas project marking 125 years of Liverpool FC history. Our pupils were designated the 1953 – 1957 period – look at their creations below!

Well done to everyone who took part, you are now a part of Liverpool’s history yourself and the canvas project can be seen in the Kenny Dalglish Stand.

Eco Council Wildflower Planting

Tuesday 8th May 2018

Today, the Eco council group went to Everton Park to plant Wildflower seeds. We planted them in an area that was developed by schools from around the area last summer. We were taught how to best scatter the seeds and how to look for the areas that would need the seeds most.

Recent Liverpool FC Football Matches

We have been very lucky this season to be able to give lots of our pupils the opportunity to see Liverpool (and Everton) football matches, through our links with Red Neighbours and LFC Foundation, the community part of the club. Recently, one lucky pupil was chosen to attend the Stoke City home game due to his fabulous work in the reading stars project last term. Two other pupils, were given tickets to watch the live screening of the Champions League Semi-Final away leg vs Roma this week! We hope to be able to bring you all more ticketing opportunities soon as well as next season!

Community Links- Homebaked

Today I had the pleasure of visiting Anfield Community Bakery. Homebaked is a community land trust and co-operative bakery situated on the boundary between the neighbourhoods of Everton and Anfield, just opposite the Liverpool Football Club. The project is co-owned and co-produced by people who live and work in our area. Starting from having saved our iconic neighbourhood bakery from demolition and developed it into a thriving community-run business with a beautiful apartment above we are proposing to regenerate our high street ‘brick by brick and loaf by loaf’, using money that is spent in the neighbourhood to benefit our communities. We talker about how we could become partners in learning and have many exciting ideas of how we can support each other in the community! So keep reading and look out for some engaging projects coming up soon! 

Parent ASC Project

Next Friday 4th May from 1.00pm-3.00 pm is our first Parent Workshop, Understanding Autism. Please contact school if you are interested in attending.

Happy International Children’s Book Day !

International Children’s Book Day happens on or around Hans Christian Anderson’s birthday (April 2nd ) and aims to inspire a love of reading . Remember to take time this week to read for pleasure , listen to a story or join a library . It doesn’t matter if you’re picking up an old favourite or discovering something new, reading for yourself or reading to others , today is the day to celebrate children’s literature.

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Year 5 Lenten Fundraising – KIND

What a great morning so far! Year 5 have raised over £300 with their random mismatch fancy dress day and sponsored activities!

Already, they have taken on the bleep test and performed brilliantly! Some pupils even took part twice! The sponsored silence is now well underway! Thank you to everyone who has supported the pupils in their fundraising effort and for supporting our chosen charity KIND.

Sport Relief – Friday 23rd March 2018

What a fantastic turn out for our ‘dress as your favourite sportsperson’ with John McEnroe (Mr Fairclough) and Ian ‘Beefy’ Botham (Mr Stephenson) dressed to impress!

We also held two dodgeball tournaments and two football tournaments in Key Stage Two! You managed to help us raise over £200 (total still to be confirmed!) – thank you!

100% Attendance Afternoon Tea Party!

What a fantastic way to celebrate having achieved 100% attendance, than a tea party with your friends, eating cake and drinking hot chocolate! Over 180 pupils attended across the afternoon, with Mrs Finnegan and Mr Southworth pulling out all the stops to make sure our pupils got the reward they truly deserved!

Hope Students Teach KS1 Phonics

Today we were joined by teaching students from Hope University. They came to show our KS1 children some engaging phonics lessons and all the children were actively involved in their learning. We had Phonics Jenga, Phonics Fishing, Phonics Washing Line game, and Phonics fly swat game! All the children enjoyed the students visit and were keen to show the students how great they are at phonics.

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