Boys’ ‘B’ Football Match vs Rice Lane ‘B’ – 27th June 2018

Boys’ ‘B’ Football Match vs Rice Lane ‘B’ – 27th June 2018

A big well done to the year 5 and 6 boys who played Rice Lane this evening. This match was a rematch of last week’s game with an entirely new squad! The other match ended with a loss, so the boys were out for revenge…

The match was extremely challenging for the boys. This was both due to the quality of the opposition as well as the extremely hot weather! Referee Mr. Fairclough soon gave up trying to run after the ball, so it’s a wonder the boys kept going for 40 minutes!

There were chances early on. Winger Joel put a close-range effort just over the bar and Harrison Hunter slotted in a one-on-one chance that was ruled by low-budget VAR to be offside! Centre mids Jonny and Bobby were working tirelessly in both attack and defence.

The half-time whistle blew and the second half began. Rice Lane were playing with energy and focus. Keeper Daniel made some excellent saves that stopped OLI from going 1-0 down. OLI kept plugging away and eventually midfielder Adam Gallagher threaded through an excellent pass to Harrison who poked a finish in from the area, 1-0!

The boys had some more chances through wingers Dom and Ryan, but couldn’t hit the back of the net again. In the closing minutes, defenders Antony, Merci and Ben held strong with excellent communciation to see the game through to the final whistle, OLI had won 1-0!

The match was a fantastic experience for the boys. Sportmanship was excellent. Special credit must go to two year 5s who made their debut for the team and played brilliantly. Tom Farrell used his Cross-fit training to limit dangerous attacks and Adam had a great game, completed by an assist.

Men Of The Match (Picking 2 because I can):

– Daniel Adeboye – Stunning saves earning him a clean sheet, our first for a while!

– Adam Gallagher – A brilliant, energetic debut with a flawless attitude.

School Council visit the Houses of Parliament

Today members of our school council have travelled to London to visit the Houses of Parliament. Mrs Sergeant, Mr Cotton, Mr Southworth and our governor Ian Byrne left early this morning with 13 children from across the school. After lunch in Victoria Tower Gardens the group made their way to the Parliament Education Centre. Photographs are on our Gallery page.

Eco-Council Trip

Yesterday the Eco council were given the opportunity to visit Gillmoss Recycle and Discovery Centre. Whilst there, the children were provided with lots of interesting facts and given lots of fun, practical activities to take part in. To finish the visit we were able to observe the recycling centre and see the process of how the rubbish is sorted and distributed to various parts of the country. 

This trip has really made us think about the importance of recycling and how we could make some small changes of our own to help our Planet.


Congratulations to the Year Six members of the Chaplaincy Group on achieving their Faith in Action Award this week!

Boys’ Football Match vs. Rice Lane

Many thanks to the boys who took part in a friendly match today against city champions Rice Lane. Rice Lane have put together an excellent side that saw them win both the league and the cup this year. Our boys fought very well but ultimately lost 5-1. Here’s a quick run-through of what the boys have to be proud of.

Kamil Skop – Excellent saves throughout the game keeping the first half very close for a long time.

Ruben McNeil – Playing through injury to keep the defence in check.

Francis Westhead – Fearless tackling and leading the back line for the whole game.

Daniel Smith – Limiting the right wing’s effectiveness with excellent tackling and movement.

Jake Jones – Playing an excellent second half to reduce the Rice Lane lead.

Joe McFarlane-Wells – Playing out of position and still being an extremely effective leader in midfield.

Scott Tynan – A wonderful debut; Scott looked right at home playing at this high standard.

Luke Buckley – Playing like he belongs on the pitch despite being a year younger than the other boys.

Billy Smith – A dead ball specialist, Billy’s corner set up our goal.

Dylan O’Brien – Leading the team with wonderful communication.

Zac Abbou (MOTM) – Working tirelessly in attack and scoring a great goal.

Thanks to the boys again for playing, their sportsmanship was great. Special credit goes to Joe for making Mr. Fairclough and Miss. Topping look for his lost bag for 20 minutes before realising he’d left it in school.

A parents guide to Fortnite: Battle Royale

Recently we have noticed an increasing number of young people talking about the game ‘Fortnite’. In this message we are trying to give guidance to parents about Fortnite, looking at what the game is and some of the things to be aware of.

What is Fortnite?

Fortnight is an online game, which includes Battle Royale, where players do not have to pay to play. In Battle Royale, 100 players compete against each other to be the last person standing in player vs player (PVP) combat.

Users play against people of different ages from across the world, and can talk and interact with each other as they play through the in-game chat feature.

What age rating is Fortnite?

Fortnite has a PEGI rating of 12, PEGI have said this is due to the: ‘frequent scenes of mild violence. It is not suitable for persons under 12 years of age’.

This PEGI rating only takes into account the content in the game and not the contact element, where players may be exposed to swearing and offensive language from strangers, either through audio or on-screen text chat.

What do I need to know?

You need to create an account

In order to play Fortnite you have to create an account. To create this account you need to provide an email address (which you will have to verify) and display/user name. However you are not asked your age in order to create an account.

You are playing against other players

As Fortnite is an online game you willplay against players of different ages from across the world. You cannot turn the in game chats off or choose who you play against.

You can make in game purchases

Although Battle Royale is free to play, other aspects of the game are not. There are packs which give you different access to the full game and extensions, bonuses and weapons. These start at £34.99 and go up to £119.99. The game does ask players to make additional in-game purchases whilst playing, though these are not required to play the game.

There is animated violence

Fortnite does feature violence when players are in combat with each other, the animation of the game is very cartoonish, and the violence isn’t bloody or gory. However, it is worth noting that the aim of Fortnite is to defeat other players by fighting against them.

Where you can play

Fortnite is currently available on PC, Mac, PlayStation and XBox , and will soon be available on IOS (apple products). It is downloadable from the Fortnite website, this download gives access to both the free and paid for versions of the game.


Year 5 and 6 Trip to World Museum – China’s First Emperor and the Terracotta Warriors

Year 5 and 6 enjoyed a great day out at the World Museum, visiting the Terracotta Warriors exhibition as well as other floors of the Aquarium and Bug House.

The children took the bus into town, conducting themselves excellently throughout the journey, being polite and well-mannered towards members of the public.

The children learned about China’s First Emperor, Qin, and the legacy he left for the whole of China, seeing some of his clay army first-hand and learning how they were all made to be individual. 

Residential Trip Meeting for Current Y2 and Y5 pupils

There will be a meeting for parents of current Y2 and Y5 pupils, regarding the upcoming autumn term trips to PGL and Colomendy, on Wednesday 20th June, at 3:30pm in the school hall. Information on dates, activities and prices will be shared and there will be a chance to pay deposits or money towards the final cost of the trip. We hope to see you all there.


Summer Term Events 2018

The children will be bringing home information tonight about events over the summer term. This is also available on the website in the download section on the homepage.

Local Councillors Visit

Abdul Quadir and Ian Byrne, local city councillors visited our school council on Wednesday 13th June 2018.

It was a very successful meeting and the councillors were extremely impressed with the work our school council have carried out this year.

This Girl Can!

The Shewsy are holding a This Girl Can session on Saturday 16th June for 11+ girls, from 11am – 2pm.

This Girl Can Poster June 2018

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