Christmas Nativities and Carol Services

Christmas Nativities and Carol Services

Congratulations to all of the children who performed last week. All of the performances were of a very high standard. Each performance was so different however each group retold the Christmas story beautifully and reminded us all of the true meaning of Christmas.

I would like to thank all of the parents for their wonderful support as usual  and here are a few of the comments made following each production.

“I really enjoyed the play . Absolutely brilliant and I am so proud of my King !” A key stage 1 parent

“Another fantastic production . I have been to see all of my three grandchildren and each performance has been outstanding. The children and staff have worked very hard” A school grandparent

“It was a wonderful performance by all of the children. The singing was brilliant and the quality never fails to amaze me. It was so good being in church this year.” A key stage 2 parent.

“I particularly enjoyed the traditional nativity …..I could hear every word and I sang along to all of the carols . It took me back to my own school days (a long time ago ) Thank you to all of the staff and children .” A key stage 2 grandparent .

“The children did so well. I am looking forward to the next one.” A foundation stage parent.



Games Mark awards

On Friday, Gerry Wigglesworth, from LSSP, came to our celebration assembly to present us with two awards, recognising our contribution to developing sporting opportunities for our pupils. Taking part in competitions across the city, delivering a variety of after school clubs and utilising pupils as playground leaders has resulted in the school being awarded the Silver award for Key Stage Two and the Gold award for Key Stage One.

Gerry talked about the how gaining these awards is testament to the pupils’ attitudes and enthusiasm for sport, along with the commitment of the whole school and governors in ensuring the pupils are taking advantage of the opportunities available from the LSSP, utilising the PE and Sport Premium funding. We would like to thank Gerry and all at LSSP for their continual support towards our school’s PE and Sport curriculum and we hope to continue to deliver these opportunities at a high level for many years to come.


Year 3 and 4 Athletics @ NLA

This week, Miss Logan and Miss Stinson took a team of 16 Year 3 and 4 boys and girls to take part in the Year 3 and 4 Indoor Athletics competition, held at North Liverpool Academy. Five teams took part in the heat and OLI managed to finish in a commendable 3rd place, matching the result of the Year 5 and 6 team a month earlier.

A variety of events make up the competition, such as; standing long jump, standing triple jump, lap races, relay races, vertical jump and chest push and our team performed well enough to win some of the events.

Well done to all of our team, who will hopefully make the step up to the Year 5 and 6 team in the next two years.

Thank you for your support!

We would like to thank all parents for your support during the Christmas plays. We  also really appreciate the feedback forms as they provided us with valuable information and justified the hard work that goes into these events!

Videos will be uploaded over the next few days, as you can appreciate this is a lengthy  process.

Finally we would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a happy new year!

See you all in 2016!

Singing at the Royal Hospital!

The school Choir had a lovely afternoon singing christmas carols at The Royal Liverpool Hospital. The patients and members of the public enjoyed listening to our pupils’ beautiful voices. We sang popular Christmas carols such as Silent Night and Away in a Manger. We raised lots of money for the hospital charity and we will be given a grand total next week. Well done School Choir, we are very proud of you!


Keep up the good work !

The number of children who are reading at home has steadily increased this week , thanks to our Christmas reading challenge. Keep going to collect your rewards and stickers throughout the rest of this week and keep up the good work !

The Christmas Reading Challenge !

This week sees the launch of our Christmas reading challenge .Any child who reads at home and has it recorded in their home reading booklet from 7th December to 18th December will be able to collect a reading sticker for their reading challenge bookmark .Four additional stickers can also be collected for good reading in school. Any child who has 12 home reading stickers at the end of the challenge will win a prize on the final day of term .We hope to repeat these challenges throughout the year in order to support your child in developing good reading habits at home and school.

By working together we can ensure that your child leaves OLI as a confident , lifelong reader.

Christmas at Chester Zoo

Wow! What an amazing day Foundation Stage had at Chester Zoo. We learnt so much about wild animals, which we can use back in school during our current ‘Wild and Wonderful’ topic. You can imagine our excitement when Father Christmas surprised us and read us a lovely story around the fire. Visit our Foundation Stage page to see some of the photographs from today. More will be added shortly!

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Celebration Assembly Special Guests

We were delighted to have Paul Edwards, of Friends of Everton Park, and Toni Lappin, mother of Joseph Lappin and founder of the Joseph Lappin Centre, in Old Swan, join us at our KS2 celebration assembly this week.

Paul and Toni came to officially present our children with the ‘1km Blue Run for Joseph’ Primary School winners trophy, after a successful race in Everton Parkin October. Paul talked with admiration for our pupils, with their integrity, determination and enthusiasm displayed during the event. He also shared plans for a primary schools running competition in Everton Park in the spring, which lots of children showed an interest in.

Toni spoke about the importance of the Blue Run, raising funds for the Joseph Lappin Centre, and the school were delighted to be able to present Toni with some flowers and a donation towards the centre, raised during the Blue Run.

We hope to continue to support the Blue Run and other events in Everton Park, as we look to utilise its potential more often within our curriculum. Our partnership with Everton Park is growing ever strong and we would like more children and families to use Everton Park in ever more positive ways.

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Granada News Item

For anyone who missed the Granada Reports news item featuring our wonderful children, Mrs Sergeant and UK Military school click here to watch it!


Liverpool CAFOD Fun Run @ Wavertree Park

There is an exciting opportunity to run, toddle or walk with the family, whilst raising money for a fantastic cause, this Christmas.

CAFOD are organising a fun run, with refreshments, music and festive fancy dress prizes for all the family. The event is on 27th December 2015, 12:30pm at Wavertree Park, Liverpool, L15 4LE.

£5 entry, £10 per family or £50 groups 10+

To register go to

Contact or 228 4028 for more information.

Liverpool Fun Run 2015 Poster

The Panto’ comes to OLI (Oh yes it did !)

Today the children were treated to a wonderful afternoon of entertainment . After their success last year , M and M productions came to school again,  this time with the story of Beauty and the Beast . The children were enthralled from the moment it started , right to the end. They joined in the action , songs and even some of the dancing , not forgetting the Panto’ classics like “He’s behind you” and “Oh yes we are” .

The children couldn’t wait to tell us what they thought of it :

“That was the best show ever !”

“That was better than the film ”

“That was brilliant x10 ! ”

“I was a bit scared when he said RRRRRR !”

“Can we see another one ?”

This visit by the theatre group gave all of our children the opportunity to see a live performance . Well done to M and M productions , we can’t wait to see you again !

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Foundation Stage Stay and Play!

Thank you to all the parents and grandparents who were able to attend our monthly stay and play session. We loved sharing the way in which we plan using the children’s ideas and interests through a story focus. The plans will be copied and sent home to share together and to add your family’s ideas. Please see our Early Years autumn page for the photographs!

Granada Reports!

Don’t forget to watch Granada Reports tonight at 6pm to see our wonderful Year 3 children taking part in the Royal Team Tournament. Ashley Derricott interviewed a number of children asking them about the work they had done with UK Military School. As always, our children did us proud and spoke knowledgeably about team work and respect. Wayne was interviewed along with Mrs Sergeant and both shared with Ashley the impact the courses have on our children and families.

Photographs from todays filming have been up loaded to the gallery page of our website. IMG_0279

Key Stage One reminder!

Can we remind parents that our trip to St Georges Hall/Central Library will be happening on Wednesday 25th November 2015. All permission slips/medical forms need to be back in school as soon as possible to ensure that your child does not miss out on the exciting experience! Thanks

Anti-Bullying Week

Anti-Bullying Week has begun in school, with engaging and thought-provoking activities planned for throughout the week.

Year 6 have workshops every morning this week, with James, from GANGS (Get Away N Get Safe), which has started with the history behind gangs, how to identify and define a gang and why individuals join a gang.

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Spelling Bee

Groups of children from Four Oaks and The Beacon visited us yesterday to take part in an inter-school ‘Spelling Bee’. Each school had three children from year five and six and they had to face each other to spell words from the statutory word list for those years, such as mischievous, profession and pronunciation. Our children did really well and as usual did our school proud. They can’t wait to have another try!

If you would like see some photographs, go to the ‘Curriculum’ tab, click on ‘Writing’ on the bar down the side then ‘Spelling Bee’.

Granada Reports News Feature

On Friday 20th November 2015, Granada News will be filming a news feature alongside UK Military School. Children in Key Stage Two will be coming home today with a flyer and consent form, as children may be interviewed and seen in pieces of film. We believe this is a fantastic opportunity to showcase our pupils, the school and the work of UK Military School and appreciate your full support.

A copy of the flyer and letter will be added to the letters section of the website this afternoon.

Remembrance Sunday Display

Fr Graeme called in to school today to  thank the children for the work they had displayed in church for Remembrance Sunday. Key Stage Two children researched the names of those soldiers, from our local community,  who died in WWI.  Some of the younger children drew pictures of how they imagined the soldiers might have looked and others made poppies and researched the symbolism of this flower.

Yesterday Mr Cotton’s class invited parents in to share with them all they had learnt about Remembrance Day and local heroes who had died in more recent conflict. At 11 o’clock we had two minutes of silence to remember all those who have died fighting for freedom.                                                                                                    DSC_0281 (1)DSC_0280 (1) DSC_0283 (1) DSC_0276 (1)DSC_0275 (1)

Year 5/6 Sportshall Athletics @ North Liverpool Academy

Monday 9th November 2015

An exciting afternoon of athletics took place at North Liverpool Academy today, with our team pitted against St. Cuthbert’s, St. Theresa’s and Whitfield in the second of six heats in the North Liverpool competition.

Never once coming last, our team raced, jumped and threw brilliantly all afternoon, posting some impressive scores and scintillating team displays! Unfortunately that wasn’t even to see us through to the next round of the competition, but all pupils, who supported and cheered each other on, can be proud of their efforts.


1st St. Cuthbert’s

2nd St. Theresa’s

3rd OLI

4th Whitefield

4 x 1 lap over and under relay:

Harriet, Alexis, Madison and Eve (2nd)

Lucas, Kian, Eryk and Joel (1st)

Standing Long Jump:

Mkenzie (1.52m), Isabel (1.68m), James (1.7m) and Sonny (1.64m)

Standing Triple Jump:

Madison, Eve (4.02m), James (5.7m) and Sonny (4.2m)

Vertical Jump:

Katie, Madison, Mikey (102cm) and Derry (89cm)

1 lap race:

Mkenzie (3rd), Isabel (3rd), Derry (3rd) and Eryk (2nd)

2 lap race:

Eve (3rd), Alexis (1st), Lucas (1st), Sean (3rd)

6 lap paarlauf relay race:

Alexis and Akasha (3rd), Joel and Eryk (2nd)

4 x 1 lap relay race:

Madison, Mkenzie, Isabel and Akasha (2nd)

Eryk, Joel, Lucas and Derry (3rd)

Chest push:

Isabel (8.5m), Akasha (11m), Sean (10m) and Mikey.


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