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ASD Drop in Sessions.
Please see attached information from the ASD training team regarding sessions available from September
- 1:1 consultations – They are for parent/carers wishing to talk in a private one to one setting about any questions or concerns they may have about their child you do not require a diagnosis of ASD to book your place.
- Virtual Group sessions – They are for parents/carers who have any questions or concerns about their child, in regard to social communication difficulties or waiting an ASD assessment. It is also an opportunity to speak with an ASD trainer and other parents.
Parents can contact the ASD team directly via email asdtrainingteam@liverpool.gov.uk to book onto theses sessions.
Phonics Screening Check information for Year 1.
Please find attached information released from the Government today with details and information about your child’s upcoming phonics screening check. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact a staff member on year1@oliprimaryschool.co.uk
ADDvanced Solutions are running a family learning programme that starts next Wednesday (7th June) 6:30-8:30pm via Zoom. It is the first of 6 sessions that will be ran at the same time each week. No diagnosis is needed.
Hi Everyone,
ADDvanced Solutions are running a family learning programme that starts next Wednesday (7th June) 6:30-8:30pm via Zoom. It is the first of 6 sessions that will be ran at the same time each week. No diagnosis is needed.
The programme provides an opportunity for parents and carers to gain understanding and skills about neurodevelopmental conditions including autism and ADHD (pre, during and post diagnosis) with strategies to support the difficulties that may present. Topics covered during the sessions include:Webinar Registration – Zoom
– Neurodevelopmental conditions/learning difficulties and associated mental health difficulties – Autism Spectrum Disorder/Condition – Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) – Sensory Processing/Integration Difficulties (SPD) – Supporting behaviours associated with ND conditions – Your local offer, welfare rights and special educational support Parents need to sign up to access the programme via this link:
Virtual Drop In Sessions via Zoom for all parents/carers who have questions or concerns about their child, in relation to social communication difficulties or waiting an ASD assessment.
Support for grandparents and carers of neurodiverse children with or without diagnosis.
Please find some new information below about services available for grandparents which is available from the ADHD Foundation who are working in partnership with Positive Futures. The ADHD Foundation have received lottery funding to work specifically with Grandparents and SGOs to help them support any of the children or young people in their care who are Neurodiverse (with or without a diagnosis).
Support is through a number of avenues including skills building workshops around ADHD, ASD and generic behaviour support. The aim is to reach and support as many families as possible over the next 18 months, and where appropriate providing intense support through one to one advice and support.
Another avenue is to provide support material around understanding and supporting ADHD. In addition to the Parent/ Carer Skills building webinars.
Please feel free to access the below materials:
Rachael Varney from The ADHD Foundation is currently facilitating face to face workshops at Positive futures on a weekly basis. If anyone is interested in attending any of Racheal’s workshops she can be contacted – her details are below.
Rachel Varney
Please note, due to peripatetic working, response times may vary.
If your enquiry is urgent please email
ADHD Foundation – The Neurodiversity Charity
54 St. James Street
L1 0AB
Feedback from online safety parent and child workshops -Spring 2023
Thankyou to the many parents who attended the online safety workshops alongside their child. They were very successful and we will do another session in the summer term based upon feedback from parents.
Click below to read the summary of the parental feedback following the sessions.
Children’s University
Please find below information about Children’s University for parents and carers. We will be rolling this scheme out over the next few months with school clubs as well as sending more information about how your child can gain credits for clubs and activities outside of school, too.
School is open
Morning everyone . School is open today . Please use the main entrance at Northumberland Terrace. All other gates are closed
E-safety Workshops for parents and carers
Parents and carers are invited in to school at 9.15am on Wednesday 8th March to take part in internet safety workshops with their child. We are really looking forward to you then.
The Liverpool ASD Training Team are providing a series of Virtual Group Drop in advisory sessions via zoom.
Free Christmas Market at The Sandon
The Sandon (180 Oakfield Rd) has a free Christmas market from 12pm 17th December. Stalls have free toys and food for families who are struggling with the cost-of-living crisis.
Information from Public Health Liverpool
Today we received information from Professor Matthew Ashton, Director of Public Health Liverpool. The letter contains advice and guidance for parents who are concerned about Strep A and scarlet fever.
Advent Giving
Our school council voted to support local charities this advent and would like to ask for your help.
Each week in advent we will be collecting different goods to help those in need in our community this Christmas.
Please bring ONE item from the list below each week
Week beginning 5th December – tinned foods
- Tinned tomatoes
- Soup
- Baked beans/ spaghetti hoops
- Tinned meat
- Tinned vegetables
- Tinned fruit
Week beginning 12th December – dry goods
- Pasta
- Rice
- Lentils, beans and pulses
- Tea/coffee
- Biscuits
Week beginning 19th December – toiletries and household goods
- Toiletries – deodorant, toilet paper, shower gel, shaving gel, shampoo, soap, toothbrushes, tooth paste, hand wipes
- Household items – laundry liquid detergent, laundry powder, washing up liquid
- Feminine products – sanitary towels and tampons
- Baby supplies – nappies, baby wipes and baby food
Thank you
Chloe, Sadie, Ethan G, Mikey, Gabriel, Louis, Ethan T, Tharoon, Harry, Harinya, Colin and Mia
(OLI School Council)
Christmas Newsletter 2022
Click here to view our Christmas Newsletter 2022
School Health Services
ASD Q&A for all parents.
Safeguarding concerns
9th November 2022
Dear Key stage 2 parents
This week has been especially difficult at home time on the KS2 yard due to the change in the weather and the start of the darker nights which have made visibility difficult.
Staff and I had some safeguarding concerns ensuring that all children were handed over safely to parents especially as some parents don’t come onto the playground but stand at the railings or remain in their cars. For staff on the gate it has also been especially difficult to monitor that these children have reached their parent safely.
We have therefore decided to review our end of day procedures in order to safeguard your children.
Moving forward from Thursday 10th November the procedure for home time dismissal at 3.20pm will be;
- Children from years 3 and 4 will be dismissed from the gym from separate doors.
- The children will be in their class lines and will be handed over directly to their parent /carer at the hall door. Not only will this be easier to manage but it will also reduce the number of children on the KS2 yard.
- Year 5 and Year 6 will still be dismissed from the playground however we need all parents to come onto the playground so that all children can be handed over directly to a parent or carer.
- If parents could stand beyond the umbrella this will give staff and children the space to line up and dismiss the children safely.
- The children will line up with their teacher and the teacher will dismiss each child directly to their parent /carer on the yard.
- Please don’t call the child away from the line before the teacher has lined the children up and identified their parent/carer is there. This is to ensure that your child is sent safely home.
On another matter I have received several complaints from families and local residents due to parents parking on the zig zag lines outside the school gate. This causes an obstruction which can be very dangerous especially when children are trying to cross the road with their parents. Can I ask parents to park safely away from the school gate as it is putting the children at risk and could result in a serious accident?
I would like to thank you in advance for your co-operation as I’m sure you would agree that the safety of your children is paramount.
Mrs Catherine Sergeant
Reception baseline assessment
Now that the children are settled into Reception, staff will begin administering statutory assessments. Please click on this link to access further information about this national screening.
Thank you
Welcome back -Monday 5th September 2022
We are looking forward to seeing the children tomorrow.
Breakfast club will be open as usual from 8am and the cost is £1.50 per day.
To reduce congestion please use the gates suggested for your child’s year group. Their teachers will be waiting to receive them on their playground from 8.45am.
Families can enter together for convenience.
Hapton Street Nursery Gate – Children new to Reception classes , nursery and 2 year olds
Main Gate – Years 3-6
Park gate-Years 1 and 2
The school office will be open for those families who wish to buy ties, reading folders etc.
Can I also remind families from years 3 -6 who do not receive free school meals that the cost of a school hot or cold meal is £1.50 per day?
Reception children and Nursery children who are NOT new to school will return on Wednesday 7th September . This is to allow our new reception and nursery children settle quickly into our school .