Good morning from Colomendy

Good morning from Colomendy

After an enormous breakfast all Year 6 children are ready for their first activity. Mr Garth will try and upload photographs later, follow us on Twitter @OliPrimary for the latest information.

Happy but damp in Colomendy!

The children arrived safely at Kingswood Colomendy, the wet weather hasn’t stopped them enjoying their first evening of activities. 

School Ambassador and Council Elections

Wednesday saw a tough day of campaigning by our potential school ambassadors, leaving lots of food for thought for the KS2 pupils going into election day on Thursday. In Friday’s golden assembly, it was announced that Gabriella and Reece were elected as School Ambassadors and all the staff would like to wish them the best of luck in their role.

Well done to all the pupils who put themselves forward during the elections.

Dan Carden MP Visits School!

Thank you to Dan Carden MP for visiting school this week, with our school governor Mr Byrne. Dan was fortunate enough to meet our Year 6 pupils running for school ambassador and got a sneak peak into their speeches which he was very impressed with!

Our New Playground Leaders!

Our new playground leaders have been trained and are ready to start their new roles on Monday. They are looking forward to teaching the children new games and helping the adults on the yard!


Lower Key Stage Two welcome meeting

Just a reminder that we have our welcome meeting on Thursday 14th September 2017 at 4.30pm in the LKS2 area. We look forward to seeing you there! 

Liverpool vs Arsenal – Sunday 27th August

A reminder for parents of children coming to the Liverpool vs Arsenal match on Sunday 27th August that the meeting time is 2:50pm at the school gates. A member of school staff will be there to confirm contact numbers and pick up after the game is 6:10pm back at school.

Please can you ensure that your child has eaten before the match and does not bring any money, but they may bring a small snack to have at half time.

Thank you.

Snapchat – new feature – “Snap Maps”

Snapchat – new feature – “Snap Maps”

To check out what this feature means and how to help explain how to protect yourself on line please read the full article on our Internet Safety page under the curriculum tab.

360 Degree Internet Safety Quality Mark

This month we have received the 360* Internet Safety Quality Mark. It has been a project that all the school has been involved in working towards. This invaluable Quality Mark and our completion of the award proves the huge effort that the school has invested in Internet safety has been rewarded and shown impact. Our assessor Kenneth Corish was very thorough in his assessment of out Internet Safety Policies and approaches to safeguarding our children.

To read the full details of the assessment go to the Curriculum Page / Internet Safety.

Internet safety resources for parents

Internet safety resources for parents

The UK Safer Internet Centre highlights internet safety resources to help parents and carers ensure children stay safe online whilst getting to explore and discover new things. Resources include information about drawing up a family agreement about online use in the home, and the online issues facing children and young people, available in 13 languages.

Source: UK Safer Internet Centre  Date:12 July 2017

ICT Monitors trip to the Apple Shop in Liverpool One

Thank you to all the staff in the Apple shop in Liverpool One for making the ICT Monitors trip really exciting and memorable. We made a short film with our friends and then played with all the new exciting equipment. The photos explain in more detail! 

Reception and Sports Day – PM Cancelled

Sports day this afternoon has been cancelled due to more rain and slippy surfaces making the event unsafe. We will do our upmost to reschedule for before the summer break.

Sorry for any inconvenience caused. 

LFC Ticket Initiative Scheme

A group of Year 5s were involved in a Champions League style draw to choose the four LFC matches our pupils will be able to watch next year. They chose: Arsenal, West Ham United, Newcastle United and Southampton.

Merseyside School Games – Boccia

Well done to our Boccia teams, who represented Liverpool today. The Merseyside School Games bring together the champions of each borough (Liverpool, Sefton, Knowsley, St Helens and Halton) to battle it out for the title. 

Our teams managed a sixth place finish and they can hold their heads high after a very successful season.

Online safety conversation “icebreakers”

Online safety conversation “icebreakers”

O2, as part of its partnership with the NSPCC to help all children and families in the UK stay safe together online, has created a series of weekly emails for parents and carers to help them start a conversation with their children about online safety.

Further information: NSPCC

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