School is open today 17.01.2024

School is closed today 16.1.24

Due to the heavy snow fall and the dangerous road conditions around school this morning we have taken the decision to close the school today. We apologise for any inconvenience but this decision has been made with the safety of families and staff in mind.

School is open

Morning everyone . School is open today . Please use the main entrance at Northumberland Terrace. All other gates are closed 

Safeguarding concerns

9th November 2022

Dear Key stage 2 parents

This week has been especially difficult at home time on the KS2 yard due to the change in the weather and the start of the darker nights which have made visibility difficult.

Staff and I had some safeguarding concerns ensuring that all children were handed over safely to parents especially as some parents don’t come onto the playground but stand at the railings or remain in their cars. For staff on the gate it has also been especially difficult to monitor that these children have reached their parent safely.

We have therefore decided to review our end of day procedures in order to safeguard your children.

Moving forward from Thursday 10th November the procedure for home time dismissal at 3.20pm will be;

  • Children from years 3 and 4 will be dismissed from the gym from separate doors.
  • The children will be in their class lines and will be handed over directly to their parent /carer at the hall door. Not only will this be easier to manage but it will also reduce the number of children on the KS2 yard.


  • Year 5 and Year 6 will still be dismissed from the playground however we need all parents to come onto the playground so that all children can be handed over directly to a parent or carer.
  • If parents could stand beyond the umbrella this will give staff and children the space to line up and dismiss the children safely.
  • The children will line up with their teacher and the teacher will dismiss each child directly to their parent /carer on the yard.
  • Please don’t call the child away from the line before the teacher has lined the children up and identified their parent/carer is there. This is to ensure that your child is sent safely home.

On another matter I have received several complaints from families and local residents due to parents parking on the zig zag lines outside the school gate. This causes an obstruction which can be very dangerous especially when children are trying to cross the road with their parents. Can I ask parents to park safely away from the school gate as it is putting the children at risk and could result in a serious accident?

I would like to thank you in advance for your co-operation as I’m sure you would agree that the safety of your children is paramount.

Mrs Catherine Sergeant


Welcome back -Monday 5th September 2022

We are looking forward to seeing the children tomorrow.

Breakfast club will be open as usual from 8am and the cost is £1.50 per day.

To reduce congestion please use the gates suggested for your child’s year group. Their teachers will be waiting to receive them on their playground from 8.45am.
Families can enter together for convenience.

Hapton Street Nursery Gate – Children new to Reception classes , nursery and 2 year olds

Main Gate – Years 3-6

Park gate-Years 1 and 2

The school office will be open for those families who wish to buy ties, reading folders etc.

Can I also remind families from years 3 -6 who do not receive free school meals that the cost of a school hot or cold meal is £1.50 per day?

Reception children and Nursery children who are NOT new to school will return on Wednesday 7th September . This is to allow our new reception and nursery children settle quickly into our school .



Return to school information

The following years groups will return to school on

Monday 5th September

Years 1 to 6 – all children

2 Year Old Nursery children

Children NEW to Nursery and Reception classes.


Wednesday 7th September

Last years nursery children who are moving to Reception 

Last years nursery children who are remaining in nursery for another year .

(This gives us the opportunity to settle those youngest children who are new to our school)

We look forward to welcoming you all back to school next week

Help for Ukraine

I’m sure like everyone in school you have been asking “How can we help the families of Ukraine?” The children and staff  have been praying for peace . You may like to share this prayer with your children at home. 

A prayer-for-peace-Children’s

The children and staff  have also decided that the focus of our Lenten giving this year will be to help the children and families of Ukraine in a practical way. 

We would like to support The Archdiocese of Liverpool who have organised parish collection points for essential goods which will be transported to help Ukrainian families in need .

Each Friday during Lent we are asking the children to donate a new essential survival item from the list below and then school staff will deliver the goods to a local parish collection centre. Each class will have a donation box to collect the items received and please ensure all items are new and unopened. 

Essential items for Ukraine poster 

  • Foil survival blankets
  • First aid kits
  • Bandages of different widths  
  • Toys
  • Crayons
  • Nappies
  • Nappy rash creams or baby bath lotions
  • Powdered baby milk  and Baby bottles
  • Shampoos, soap 
  • Toothbrushes, toothpaste
  • Towels
  • Children’s socks, underwear, vests , gloves
  • Sleeping bags
  • Metal cups
  • Thermal clothing
  • Hair brushes


The Archdiocese  has also set up a text service for those families that would also like to make a cash donation to help Ukraine . Click on this link below for more information

Donate to Ukraine

I would like to thankyou in advance of your support 

Mrs Sergeant

ADHD Foundation – Free support for parents

Click here to view the ADHD parent support flier 

Understanding and supporting your child’s early development
Where?: Online live webinar
Date/Time?: Tuesday 15th February or Thursday 17th February 10am –2:30pm

Topics covered:
10am – 11am – Understanding early brain development and
neurodiversity – some discussion of Autism and ADHD.
11:15am – 12:15pm – Sensory sensitivities.
1:15pm – 2:30pm – Developing skills in emotional self-regulation.

Please register on the link below or contact for
further information:

15th Feb:
17th Feb:

Happy New Year

School opens as normal tomorrow the 5th January 2022 with breakfast club from 8am.
If your child has any COVID19 symptoms please do a LFT test before attending school to ensure that they are negative.
Enjoy the last day of the holiday and we are looking forward to seeing everyone back in school tomorrow morning.

EU settlement scheme

EU Settlement Scheme Letter to Schools

Please click on the link above if you are a citizens of the EU, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Switzerland who wishes to continue living and working in the UK.

You will find information on how to apply to the EU Settlement Scheme (EUSS) for settled or pre-settled status. The deadline to do this is 30 June 2021.

Happy Easter

The staff and governors would like to wish all of our families a very happy Easter holiday.

We return to school on Monday 12th April and look forward to seeing all of the children in school .

All of the organisation that is in place in school to keep the children safe will continue after the holiday. The schools Covid 19 Risk Assessment is available for parents by clicking here 

Please click on this  link  to read a letter from The Local Authority and Public Health  

Information for parents – School reopening Monday 8th March 2021

We are really looking forward to seeing all the children back in school on Monday and we have worked hard to make sure that everything is in place to ensure the safe return of all of the children .

We have collected information below for parents regarding the new arrangements for the staggering of the start and end of the school day , PE times for this term and swimming information for year 6. 

Have a lovely weekend and see you all next week 

Mrs Sergeant

Reopening of School 08.03.2021

Ways to keep safe in school- Updated March 2021

PE information from 8.3.2021

Swimming Spring Term 2021

Clarification from Public Health and LA regarding places in school during lockdown

This week we have had an  increased number of calls from families requesting  places for key worker children. As always  we are doing our best to support our families but  we are running very close to full capacity whilst maintaining all health and safety Covid-19 guidelines. . It is important that we keep the numbers attending school as low as possible so that we can maintain  the safety of the staff and children in school at the moment.

I have attached below a link to a letter to parents from the local authority and public health . In the letter Steve Reddy  and Matt Ashton remind families that  children and young people, should stay at home unless absolutely necessary.  Children should only be sent into school if there is no way they can safely stay at home and learn remotely.

If there is an adult working at home or able to take leave from their non-critical job, they are asking parents to please think twice before sending your child to school.
This will allow those who really need to be in school to have access to a place. We don’t want to be in a position where we are unable to support safely the number of children wanting to

The safety of our school community is foremost in our minds and would ask that families consider all options for childcare before approaching school for places during lockdown.

The staff and I understand how hard it is for families working at home and we are doing all we can to offer support with home learning. We still have a number of  IT devices available to support home learning and if you feel that this would support you and your child please contact school. We also have free WIFI Sim cards available if  you need help with internet access.

29.01.2021 letter for parents SR and MA

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