We are looking forward to seeing the children tomorrow.
Breakfast club will be open as usual from 8am and the cost is £1.50 per day.
To reduce congestion please use the gates suggested for your child’s year group. Their teachers will be waiting to receive them on their playground from 8.45am.
Families can enter together for convenience.
Hapton Street Nursery Gate – Children new to Reception classes , nursery and 2 year olds
Main Gate – Years 3-6
Park gate-Years 1 and 2
The school office will be open for those families who wish to buy ties, reading folders etc.
Can I also remind families from years 3 -6 who do not receive free school meals that the cost of a school hot or cold meal is £1.50 per day?
Reception children and Nursery children who are NOT new to school will return on Wednesday 7th September . This is to allow our new reception and nursery children settle quickly into our school .