Marvellously Muddy!

Marvellously Muddy!

Washing machines will be busy on Friday night after a muddy morning and afternoon at Winmarleigh Hall! Children are having a great time but are starting to flag after such a jam packed day. Tonights disco is the hot topic of conversation with the girls struggling to decide what to wear, no doubt our children will look amazing, slightly grubby but amazing!

Good Morning from PGL

Good morning from Winmarleigh Hall! A good night’s sleep was had by all and the children enjoyed their full English breakfasts. Year 3 have been split into groups and are currently experiencing survival skills, low ropes and the challenge course.
Photographs are on the gallery page however the signal is weak so images are taking a long time to upload. We will add more as the day goes on.
All the children are happy and well and busy every minute of the day.
The children have asked that we pass on lots of kisses to all their families.


PGL news!

This evening the children had a choice of gammon or fish fingers for tea. Salad, peas and sweetcorn were available but most children went for tomato sauce as their side order! This evening there was a fire drill and, as expected, all the children responded well and lined up without any fuss.

Children have just come back from their final activity of the night and are having a  quick shower before settling down for the night.


Year 3 have arrived at PGL where the sun is shining! The children are just having dinner before beginning their first activity.

PGL Updates

Mr Garth and the staff will be keeping you up to date with all the latest news from PGL using our NEW app and our website. We will post photographs of the different activities and these can be viewed on our gallery page.

Download our app from the App Store, search for Our Lady Immaculate Catholic Primary School.

Cross Country at Stanley Park

Cross Country at Stanley Park – 19th October 2015

After the weekend’s success, at the Blue Run in Everton Park, our cross country team headed to Stanley Park for the re-arranged event from last month.

A difficult course, with some deceptively steep inclines made it tough for all competitors, but our team came through strongly with some personal best finishes in both the boys and girls teams.

The success of the the cross country team, shows how much hard work and dedication they have to the sport, as well as showing how important it is to stay fit and healthy throughout the year. Our daily mile event at school is proving ever more popular and is proof that results are easy to come by, when you put some hard work in yourself.

Well done to all the team who raced as we look forward to a well earned winter rest, with the final two events being held in February and March.


Eryk: 16th

Joel: 25th

Sean: 42nd

Lucas: 63rd

Callum 68th


Alexis: 44th

Eve: 45th

Holly Sp.: 52nd

Akasha: 56th

Paige: 57th


Blue Run for Joseph – 1km team event winners

A number of pupils, staff and parents turned out at Everton Park this morning, to take part in the Blue Run for Joseph 1km and 3km events. The run was a fantastic community event, bringing all parts of Everton together for a great cause.

There were some excellent performances from our pupils, with most of our children making up the top 20 places. This led to Our Lady Immaculate being crowned winners of the 1km team event award. Thank you to all the parents who came to support the children.

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Year 3/4 Girls Tag-Rugby

A group of very enthusiastic Year 3 and 4 girls have just completed a half term programme of tag-rugby coaching, with Ale, linked with Waterloo Rugby Club. The pupils have developed their skills and have also shown an excellent understanding of the game. It is hoped that some girls will move across to Waterloo Rugby Club’s junior section at the weekends, to further develop their existing rugby talent.

This tag-rugby project is aimed at girls becoming more involved in competitive sport with next half term’s programme for Year 5 and 6 girls. Our Lady Immaculate is supporting ‘This Girl Can’, a national campaign developed by Sport England and a wide range of partnership organisations. It’s a celebration of active women up and down the country who are doing their thing no matter how well they do it, how they look or even how red their face gets.

Well done to all of our girls who have taken part so far!

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Junior Lord Mayor Elections

Our school ambassadors, Callum and Eve, were invited to the Town Hall today to take part in the Junior Lord Mayor elections for 2015-16. Callum was nominated by the school to stand as our candidate for Junior Lord Mayor, preparing a wonderful speech which was professionally delivered to other members of Liverpool Schools’ Parliament.

Assisted by Eve, Callum’s speech consisted of reasons why he should become one of Liverpool’s 11 Junior Lord Mayors, linking back to his roles within school, such as School Ambassador and Eco-Councillor. He talked about how the qualities he displays in school, would support improvements in other schools around the city, through the Schools’ Parliament.

The school would like to wish Callum the best of luck for the elections, with the winners being announced on Friday.

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Click here to see Callum’s speech.

Year 3/4 Quicksticks

Our quicksticks team have been training hard during their PE lessons, with Devon, and that truly paid off today, with a second placed finish in the tournament at Archbishop Beck Tennis Centre.

Special mention must go to Dylan who, although everyone performed brilliantly throughout the tournament, kept the whole team going and provided the team with many goals.


OLI vs. Sacred Heart: 1-1

OLI vs. Whitefield: 1-1

OLI vs. St. Vincent de Paul: 0-0

OLI vs. St. Pauls ‘A’: 11-1

OLI vs. Lister Juniors ‘A’: 1-1

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News from Ankoma!

We have just received some lovely letters through the post from our friends in Ankoma! The last time Year 6 wrote to them, they told them about sports day and how they were looking forward to going to Colomendy.

The children in Ankoma told us that it hasn’t rained there for 2 months and that they need it to rain desperately so the crops grow, for them to eat and sell. The money they then get will allow them to go to school.

They were also extremely happy with the gift of school pens and pin badges, with one child using the OLI pen to write us a letter. We will be writing our letters in reply very soon.

To have a look at some of the letters and pictures sent to us, see our Upper Key Stage Two page.

If you feel like you may be able to help the children in Ankoma in any way, please see their website. We will be looking at doing some more fundraising for them during Sport Relief next year, after successful donations of football kits last year.

Blue Run for Joseph

On Sunday 18th October, West Everton Community Council, will be hosting a ‘Blue Run for Joseph’ in memory of Joseph Lappin, in Everton Park. The event consists of a 1km and a 3km race, with medals and t-shirts awarded to all runners.

It is hoped that the local primary schools get behind the event to show their support for a great local park and a local cause. We hope to see you there!

Blue Run 1km

Blue Run 3km

Extra-curricular clubs

Have a look at our extra-curricular clubs timetable to see which clubs are running over the autumn term.

Last week was the final cross-country club session and next Friday (16/10/15) will be the final tag rugby session for the Year 3 and 4 girls. On Monday 19th October, the Year 1 and 2 gymnastics club are putting on a performance for their parents and families to come and watch (4pm in the school hall).

It is great to see so many children take part in our after school clubs and we hope to provide more clubs in the future. If you have any sports or activities you would like to take part in, that isn’t currently on offer, please see Mr. Garth, and he will try to make sure there is an opportunity during the year.


Cross Country – Clarke’s Gardens 8th October 2015

Another fantastic evening for cross country came with splendid performances from all of the team. Each week at training, improvements from every pupil can be seen and it is definitely showing in the cross country league performances. Well done to everyone who took part this week, as half of the cross country calendar is now complete.


Eryk – 12th

Joel – 33rd

Lucas – 39th

Sean – 65th

Callum – 86th

Michee – 94th


Eve – 51st

Alexis – 57th

Holly – 60th

Akasha – 70th


Key Stage One reminder!

Please remember to keep up to date with everything we have been up to throughout  the week by checking out our ‘Autumn News’.

You can find this page by going to the top of the home page to the tab  ‘Children’. Then go to Key Stages,  next go to Key stage One and click on  Autumn News.


Key Stage One Team

PGL Meeting – 7th October 2015 at 3:30pm

There will be a meeting in the school hall for parents of Year 3 children who are going to PGL. The meeting will take place on Wednesday 7th October 2015, at 3:30pm. At the meeting you will be given information regarding activities, packing lists, medication and money. Your child will be coming home with a leaflet, informing you of this meeting.

I look forward to seeing you there.

Mr. Garth

Reminder: Foundation Stage Parent/Carer Welcome Meeting

Please join the Foundation Stage Team tomorrow in the school gym at 2.45pm  – 3.10pm for a coffee and chat about your child’s journey through Nursery and Reception. Find out information about how your child learns through play as well as how to support his/her early reading and mathematical development.

Fun on the Farm!

Nursery and Reception children had a fantastic day at Acorn Farm. Check out our Early Years page for more information and photogrpahs!



This afternoon we are having coffee and cakes in the hall in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support, parents are invited to come along from 2.30pm!

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