Primary Geography Quality Mark – Bronze

Primary Geography Quality Mark – Bronze

We are delighted to announce that the school has been awarded the Primary Geography Quality Mark at the bronze level. It has been an ongoing objective of the school to raise the profile of geography and ensure that our pupils gain outstanding geographical skills and knowledge.

The bronze award ensures ‘lively and effective geographical learning in primary schools’. In these schools teachers ensure policies impact on pupil learning and are not afraid to take risks, and innovate and challenge to achieve progress in geography. Key threads through the curriculum are inter-cultural understanding, local fieldwork, environmental issues and dilemmas connected with sustainability. These are explored in a variety of places across the world from local to global. These schools use creative approaches to stimulate learning and place a high value on using real life issues to promote understanding.

The Primary Geography Quality Mark is seen as a key strategy for raising the quality of geography in primary schools and has been driving school improvement in geography since 2006. This year a total of 66 primary schools have achieved the Geographical Association’s Primary Geography Quality Mark (PGQM) at either Gold, Silver or Bronze Level.

In the next few years, we will be looking at improving our geography offer and collecting a range of evidence to support an application at a higher level. If you know of any opportunities which we can access as a school, please speak to Miss Gilchrist or your child’s class teacher.


School Opening Times

We are excited to welcome our pupils back to school tomorrow! School opens at 8.55am, with Breakfast Club open from 8am.

All of the staff can’t wait to see you looking smart and ready for learning!

Key Stage One News

To parents and carers we would like to thank you for your continued support throughout the whole year. By us working together as a family we are scaffolding your child’s learning and providing them with the best opportunities possible.

Have a great summer and see you all in September.

Key Stage One Team.

Year 5 and 6 Try-athlon!

A lucky group of Year 5 and 6 pupils got to take part in a Triathlon event at Wavertree Sports Park, this morning. Swimming, cycling and running make up the event, with the children being able to use their skills from across the curriculum to achieve their goal of completing the tough challenge!

Well done the team – hopefully we will get another chance to compete next year and our Year 6s continue seeking Triathlon opportunities at their secondary schools.

If you would like your child to take part in Triathlon events over the summer, then there is an opportunity below:

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Extreme Reading Competition Winners!

We had lots of fabulous entries to our extreme reading competition, with entrants from Hollywood, film sets, a farm, up a tree and in a kayak! All of the winners received a book prize from their teachers at today’s golden assembly!

Well done to all pupils and safe reading!!

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English Speaking Board Examinations

A group of our pupils took part in English Speaking Board Examinations today. The children were all extremely well prepared; showing themselves to be effective, confident oral communicators.

Well done everyone, you should be very proud of yourselves today!



Special visitor in Key Stage One!

Key Stage One were lucky enough to have a visit from one of our very own parents who works as a Botanist. He came into Key Stage One to talk to us all about his job and a typical day that he would have.

He spoke to us about how he became a Scientist and where his job takes him across the world, exploring and experimenting.

We loved this opportunity and we were even given time to ask him any questions that we had about his role.

He will be visiting our school again soon to bring in some moth traps for us to explore them and find out how many different types of moths we can find in our school grounds, how exciting!


Year 6 Refugee Awareness Workshops

Mr Garth’s and Miss Topping’s class have taken part in refugee awareness workshops with Carmel, from the British Red Cross. The children have discussed the difference between asylum seekers, refugees and migrants as well as learning about the push and pulls of leaving your home country.

Pupils talked about what would make them leave home and what is happening in other countries to make them find a different place to live.

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New ‘Thinkuknow’ parents and carers campaign launches today!

Today is Day 1 of this three month campaign, and we are excited to introduce our first new resource entitled “The world changes. Children don’t”. 

So why not log onto the website and read more the parents section of the Thinkuknow website provides information to support parents and carers to understand and respond to the risks their children may face as they grow. It covers a broad range of online safety issues from nude selfies to what to do if you think your child is being groomed online. Find it at:

Research tells us that having a supportive parent or carer can make all the difference in helping a young person learn to stay safe. We hope this campaign will raise awareness of the breadth of advice and support Thinkuknow offers, and its accessibility to anyone whether they would like more information about keeping their child safe, or is worried about a young person in their care.

Year 6 Top-Up Swimming

Year 6 pupils who have been identified for extra swimming lessons, must bring their letter and swimming kits in tomorrow (Thursday 7th July) as stated on the letter given out last week. Lessons will run on the following dates:

Thursday 7th July, Monday 11th July, Tuesday 12th July, Wednesday 13th July, Thursday 14th July and Friday 15th July.

These lessons are to ensure that your child has reached the expected standard of being able to swim at least 25m unaided.

Key Stage One Trip to the Beach

What a fantastic day that the children had! They were given the opportunity to have a sandcastle competition, play games in the style of the Olympic games, visit the park and even feed the ducks! To end the day the children each had an ice-cream and played some fun circle games.

Please see the ‘Key Stage One Summer 2016’ page for photographs of todays trip.

Early Years Sports Day!

A big well done to all the children across EYFS on a fantastic sports day! You did yourselves and your parents proud. Take a look at the pictures below, more on our Early Years page!

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Year 5 and 6 trip to the Welsh Mountain Zoo

Our pupils had a wonderful day at the Welsh Mountain Zoo, today, looking around the enclosures and learning lots about the different animals through talks from the experts. All the children were very well behaved and were a credit to their parents once again.

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Mr Garth’s Class Assembly

The pupils in Mr Garth’s class put on a lovely assembly for parents, families and Year 3, sharing their dreams and aspirations for the future. Each child created a sketch for the audience to guess their dream job, with the answers revealed on a video created with Mr Mills.

We hope that everyone enjoyed the assembly as much as the children enjoyed putting it on! Follow us on Twitter to see videos of the sketches!


Year 1 to the Nature Trail!

Miss Hughes and Mrs Bowcock’s class enjoyed a wonderful trip to the nature trail at BNENC today, hosted by Regenda Homes’ Community Apprentices. Once again, the staff were extremely knowledgeable and looked after the pupils brilliantly.

The children enjoyed navigating the trail and finding all the different plants and flowers on their quiz sheets!

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Triathlon Summer Camps

Children between 7-12 can try a new sport this summer at British Triathlon camps in Liverpool. Triathlon is a combination of swimming, cycling and running, a great sport for children who love to mix it up!

Kids Summer Camps

Key Stage One trip to the Beach

Just to remind all of the Key Stage One parents that all children from across the Key Stage will be going on their Summer trip to the Crosby Marina on Tuesday 5th July 2016.

The children will leave school at 9.30am and return in time for home time. Children will all be provided with a packed lunch and will also receive an ice cream.

Please remember to put sun cream on your child and ensure they are dressed in their school uniform.

Thank you for being so prompt on returning your permission slips. If you have not yet retuned your slip then please do so as soon as possible.


i Sing at the Philharmonic- Key Stage One

Children from across Key Stage One were asked to take part in a  concert in the Philharmonic Hall. They were given the opportunity to learn lots of modern songs in class and then perform them with schools from across the  City. What a wonderful experience this was for the children, please see the Key Stage One Summer page for Pictures from the day.

Year 5/6 Sports Day

Year 5 and 6 had their sports day, this morning, celebrating all things Africa! Each class represented a different country from the continent, with each country performing a dance for the opening ceremony!

After sprint races, javelin, lap races and the triple jump, Egypt came out on top with 136 points! In second place was DR Congo (132), followed by Cameroon (112) and South Africa (109). Well done to all pupils and thank you to parents and family members for coming to support.

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