Clean Sweep Project

Clean Sweep Project

A group of pupils took part in a clean sweep project on the roads around the school so that they could earn a ticket for the Everton vs Liverpool match at Goodison Park, on Monday night. 

Christmas Jumper Day

We are looking forward to our Christmas Jumper Day tomorrow, remember to wear school uniform with your jumper! 

Gallery Pages

Visit our gallery page to see recent uploads from the Feast Day Mass and Year 5 and 6s Christmas Performance!

Visit to Notre Dame Library

Year 5 had a great afternoon at Notre Dame library! We are all so excited to read the books that we have borrowed.

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Mathletics Numeracy Challenge

Well done for a fantastic effort to all students who took part in the national Mathletics Numeracy Challenge. We finished in the top half of all schools who entered the competition from across the country. Not only will you have had fun taking part in the competition, you will have also learnt many valuable maths skills as well as increasing your quick recall with number facts, playing the live games. Prizes and certificates will be on the way to the children who earned the most points in each class.

Make sure you keep logging on to your Mathletics account to continue to practice these essential skills. Well done again!

Boys Football vs. Faith Primary (W 2-1)

Congratulations to all the year 5 and 6 boys who represented our school in this week’s football match. Several players in each year were making their debut appearances for the school and handled the situation with wonderful professionalism.

After the frustration of previous matches being called off, the boys were delighted to be playing a game and their enthusiasm was wonderful to see. The match was played against Faith Primary.

Our boys got off to a tough start through conceding an unfortunate goal. However, their resilience was wonderful to see as they dominated possession for the rest of the first half; finally being rewarded through an excellent team goal scored by captain Kian Skinley.

The second half started at 1-1 and quickly became a close, defensive game. Both goalkeepers were in sublime form, with Kamil Skop pulling out some wonderful acrobatic saves when a goal looked certain. Faith’s keeper was also an excellent player, though our fantastic attacking trio of Kian, Bobby and Joe finally got through with minutes left as Kian scored a second goal from the edge of the area.

The match ended 2-1 shortly afterwards. An excellent match carried out with wonderful sportsmanship. Congratulations especially to our keeper Kamil, our tireless defenders, Sonny for working constantly in midfield and our wonderful attackers. Three points secured and we’re already looking forward to the next game!

MOTM: Bobby Mitchell, for excellent passing, movement and for excellent sportsmanship.

Advent Collection

We are launching our advent collection for Whitechapel Centre, your child has been given a day to bring an item into the school. We look forward to receiving your donations for this worthy cause!

Mathletics Numeracy Challenge – Update

There is one week left for the national Mathletics Numeracy Challenge, so make sure you log on to your Mathletics account and earn as many points as you can!
We are currently sitting in 186th place out of 452 schools. So let’s see if we can get into the top 100 schools by the end of the week. Good luck!

KS1 Dance Festival at Leamington Primary School

Well done to all of our KS1 pupils who took part in today’s dance festival! The children looked wonderful in their costumes and put on a splendid performance in front of lots of other schools.

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Santa Hat Junior Parkrun – Stanley Park

See below for a great opportunity for your child to get active in the local area!

Junior Parkrun Christmas Social 
On the 18th December junior parkrun will be hosting a special Christmas social after our run to say a big thank you to all our runners and volunteers for making 2016 so brilliant! Join us in Kemps Bistro for a free drink and festive snacks!
To keep up to date with junior parkrun and Stanley Park follow us on twitter @stanleypark_liv and like us on Facebook- Stanley Park, Liverpool.


Mathletics Numeracy Challenge!

Our school has registered to take part in the Mathletics Numeracy Challenge. This is a national competition where the children can log into their Mathletics account and gain points for each correct answer on Mathletics curriculum activities, tests and Live Mathletics.
The challenge runs for 2 weeks, from Monday 21st November until Sunday 4th December. The top 3 schools will receive a Mathletics voucher for which will fund next year’s subscription, as well as a trophy, wristbands, and certificates for the children.
So make sure you log on to Mathletics each day and earn as many points as you can! Good luck children!

Google Expeditions

Key Stage 2 children had lots of fun today, exploring places all around the world and beyond! Particular highlights included Brazil, Egypt, The Great Barrier Reef, Antarctica and even the moon! Liane from The Google Expeditions team brought a class set of smart phones and headsets for the children to have a virtual reality tour of these places. Eva from Year 5 loved the expeditions she went on and said, “I can hardly put into words how unbelievable it was. It was a once in a life time experience.”

Watch the video from today to see how much the children enjoyed the experience!

Girls’ Football Matches

Well done to all of the girls, who represented the school, playing in two football fixtures this week. For many, it was their first ever competitive game of football against opposition from another school and it was clear to see their confidence growing across the two days.

The first fixture was against Rice Lane, who had already played two matches this season. After going 1-0 down, the OLI girls rallied straight back with a goal from Macey Jacbos, after a great pass inside from Lavelle Lamb.

An amazing finger-tip saves from Yusra in goal, as well as great defensive displays from Mia, Erin and Leah, kept us in the game for long periods of time. A handball meant Yusra faced the daunting task of a penalty kick, but she made herself big and put lots of pressure on the Rice Lane player. Succumbing to this pressure, the kick hit the post and rolled out to safety. The final few minutes saw a flurry of goals from Rice Lane, leaving the final score at 5-1.

On to the next fixture vs. Florence Melly and the game was a much tighter and spread out game. Using the knowledge gained from the first game, the OLI girls worked hard as a team, fulfilling their formational roles exceptionally well. Our forward line, bolstered by the movement of Leah Dean and Macey Jacobs left the Florence Melly defence dazed and confused. Unfortunately the finish was all that was lacking. Spirited runs from Gabriella Bennett and Liv Roberts gave us more chances in the second half and Mia, Lavelle and Yusra, kept the Florence Melly attack at bay many times.

When the ball did get past them, Erin Dean stood strong in goal with vital clearances. On top o the game for the majority, we gave away 1 goal after a split second lack of concentration and the game ended 1-0. This result wasn’t fair on our girls, as they deserved at least a point, but they have learnt vital and harsh lessons in the world of football that will help them move forward in the new year.

Well done!

MOM: Macey (vs. Rice Lane)

MOM: Mia (vs. Florence Melly)

Anti Bullying Week 14-18 November

This week we have our annual anti bullying week. This year our stimulus is a book called . ‘We are all born free’.  All the wonderful work carried out this week will be available to view on the anti bullying page!

Year 5/6 Indoor Athletics at Everton Park/Notre Dame

Well done to everyone who competed in the athletics competition, yesterday! The children had lots of fun in an extremely competitive event, one of the biggest on the calendar! After track and field events, we placed 5th, with strong performances from lots of pupils. We hope to see many of these children sign up for running club again in the new year, to help us with our cross country events!

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ICT Monitors Club

Today was the first meeting of the ICT Monitors Club. We met in the Media Suite and laid out our weekly agendas to include our roles and responsibilities. We were each given an ICT Passport to add our achievements on in the form of visas and received our Monitors Badges. We decided we would minute the club meetings so that we could keep track of any jobs that we need to complete to keep our ICT world class.

Thank you from the ICT Monitors.

Veterans Visit

We were extremely lucky to have a visit from local war veterans this afternoon, who came to share stories and tales from the conflicts they were a part of. Children asked thought provoking questions, which really allowed the veterans to open up about their experiences and what they witnessed whilst serving the country overseas.

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Year 5 – Baking for Remembrance Day!

In preparation for Remembrance Sunday, Year 5 followed a set of instructions (their current literacy topic) to bake and decorate poppy biscuits. The children worked in small groups to follow the instructions and thoroughly enjoyed the activity.


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