Google Expeditions

Google Expeditions

Key Stage 2 children had lots of fun today, exploring places all around the world and beyond! Particular highlights included Brazil, Egypt, The Great Barrier Reef, Antarctica and even the moon! Liane from The Google Expeditions team brought a class set of smart phones and headsets for the children to have a virtual reality tour of these places. Eva from Year 5 loved the expeditions she went on and said, “I can hardly put into words how unbelievable it was. It was a once in a life time experience.”

Watch the video from today to see how much the children enjoyed the experience!

Girls’ Football Matches

Well done to all of the girls, who represented the school, playing in two football fixtures this week. For many, it was their first ever competitive game of football against opposition from another school and it was clear to see their confidence growing across the two days.

The first fixture was against Rice Lane, who had already played two matches this season. After going 1-0 down, the OLI girls rallied straight back with a goal from Macey Jacbos, after a great pass inside from Lavelle Lamb.

An amazing finger-tip saves from Yusra in goal, as well as great defensive displays from Mia, Erin and Leah, kept us in the game for long periods of time. A handball meant Yusra faced the daunting task of a penalty kick, but she made herself big and put lots of pressure on the Rice Lane player. Succumbing to this pressure, the kick hit the post and rolled out to safety. The final few minutes saw a flurry of goals from Rice Lane, leaving the final score at 5-1.

On to the next fixture vs. Florence Melly and the game was a much tighter and spread out game. Using the knowledge gained from the first game, the OLI girls worked hard as a team, fulfilling their formational roles exceptionally well. Our forward line, bolstered by the movement of Leah Dean and Macey Jacobs left the Florence Melly defence dazed and confused. Unfortunately the finish was all that was lacking. Spirited runs from Gabriella Bennett and Liv Roberts gave us more chances in the second half and Mia, Lavelle and Yusra, kept the Florence Melly attack at bay many times.

When the ball did get past them, Erin Dean stood strong in goal with vital clearances. On top o the game for the majority, we gave away 1 goal after a split second lack of concentration and the game ended 1-0. This result wasn’t fair on our girls, as they deserved at least a point, but they have learnt vital and harsh lessons in the world of football that will help them move forward in the new year.

Well done!

MOM: Macey (vs. Rice Lane)

MOM: Mia (vs. Florence Melly)

Anti Bullying Week 14-18 November

This week we have our annual anti bullying week. This year our stimulus is a book called . ‘We are all born free’.  All the wonderful work carried out this week will be available to view on the anti bullying page!

Year 5/6 Indoor Athletics at Everton Park/Notre Dame

Well done to everyone who competed in the athletics competition, yesterday! The children had lots of fun in an extremely competitive event, one of the biggest on the calendar! After track and field events, we placed 5th, with strong performances from lots of pupils. We hope to see many of these children sign up for running club again in the new year, to help us with our cross country events!

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ICT Monitors Club

Today was the first meeting of the ICT Monitors Club. We met in the Media Suite and laid out our weekly agendas to include our roles and responsibilities. We were each given an ICT Passport to add our achievements on in the form of visas and received our Monitors Badges. We decided we would minute the club meetings so that we could keep track of any jobs that we need to complete to keep our ICT world class.

Thank you from the ICT Monitors.

Veterans Visit

We were extremely lucky to have a visit from local war veterans this afternoon, who came to share stories and tales from the conflicts they were a part of. Children asked thought provoking questions, which really allowed the veterans to open up about their experiences and what they witnessed whilst serving the country overseas.

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Year 5 – Baking for Remembrance Day!

In preparation for Remembrance Sunday, Year 5 followed a set of instructions (their current literacy topic) to bake and decorate poppy biscuits. The children worked in small groups to follow the instructions and thoroughly enjoyed the activity.


Skype to America

Reading Recovery were unable to Skype America today due to the school in South Carolina concentrating on the American Election. We have rescheduled our Reading With America session to the same time next week. Wednesday 16th 1.30 pm (GMT).


Courses for parents

Click on the links below to find out about courses for parents being held locally

Yoga, face painting and cooking family meals

Nurturing the family


As part of Liverpool Football Club’s initiative for young local fans, 18 of our children were able to enjoy the thrills of two Premier league matches this week.

The first group went to watch Liverpool vs Manchester United and the second group watched Liverpool vs West Bromwich Albion. For lots of the children it was their first match day experience and what an experience it was!

Both games had a great atmosphere and the children had a fabulous time joining in lots of the familiar songs, it was great to hear all the fans and our children cheering the team on.

The new Main Stand is an incredible sight and those with 100% attendance will be in a draw to be able to experience match day all over again! As usual, our children were well mannered and their behavior was impeccable, it was a pleasure to enjoy the football alongside them.



Arrival at school

The children are on track to return from PGL at 3pm today. Mr Garth has just phoned school to let us know that the coach has left Winmarleigh Hall.

PGL Day 3 – Good Morning!

Good morning from PGL, where the children have been extremely busy before their activities have even begun!

Up at 7am, the children got dressed and feasted on a full English breakfast and cereal, before cleaning their rooms and packing in record time, ready for their first activities at 9am. We are very proud of how independent all the children have been and their behaviour has been outstanding!

Each group has just begun the walk to their activity and we will be breaking for lunch at 12:30pm. Once the coach arrives after lunch, we will board and set off back to Liverpool – ETA: 3:30pm. If there is any change school will be informed and a message will be sent out!

PGL Day 2!

Good evening from Winmarleigh Hall! The children have had a day jam-packed with activities and in a change to the original schedule, a disco and games night is currently taking place!

After tomorrow’s activities, we will be leaving here at approximately 2pm and will aim to be back at school before 3:30pm. Mr Garth will call the school on the way home to update on any time changes. Please keep checking the website for these messages or make sure you have downloaded our app.

See you tomorrow!


PGL Day 2 – Breakfast!

The children had a great night’s sleep last night and are currently getting ready for their morning activities. Breakfast consisted of bacon, tomatoes, spaghetti and toast, as well as a variety of cereals which the children took full advantage of!

The children have also shared something that they were proud of themselves for during yesterday’s activities and also praised someone else in their group for their support and encouragement. The staff here are extremely proud of how independent the children are and they are showing themselves to be very polite and well mannered – we hope you are proud of them too!

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PGL Day 1

What a wonderful day we have had in the sunshine here at Winmarleigh Hall. The children have enjoyed various activities, such as canoeing, climbing and Jacob’s ladder! After tea, the children took part in some wacky races and are now showered and in bed ready for lights out at 9:30am.

Breakfast is at 7:55am, so we will update again later on in the morning!


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Blue Run for Joseph Lappin

It was great to see so many pupils and families turn our for the annual Blue Run for Joseph Lappin in Everton Park. Our very own Ruben McNeil was the winner of the boys under 12 category with Poppy Spellman’s dad, Peter, winning the male over 18 category.

If you have any pictures you would be happy for the school to share on our website and social media, please email them to for the attention of Mr Garth.


Cross Country at Clarke Gardens – 13/10/16

Well done to our Cross Country team, who performed very well on a difficult course. The route was reversed from previous years, meaning the start and finish sections were both up hill.

Once again, James came through first for our boys (81st overall) and Katie followed up her impressive top 30 finish at Wavertree with a 25th placed finish yesterday.

Boys: James (81), Dylan (87), Ethan (89), Ruben (109), Joe (111) and Antony (112).

Girls: Katie (25) and Poppy (58).

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School Council and Ambassador Election Results

Well done to all of our children who were nominated for school council and ambassador positions. Pupils and staff voted for the school councillors yesterday, with 2 pupils from each year group being elected.

Two pupils from Year 6 were then chosen by their peers after a round of speeches and campaigning yesterday afternoon. Well done to Katie and James who were elected. We wish all the pupils the very best in their new roles.


Year 3/4 Quicksticks Hockey Competition

Well done to our Year 3/4 team, who were picked based on their sportsmanship, teamwork and determination in PE lessons from this half term.

They played in a number of matches against other schools from the north of the city!

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School Ambassador and School Council Elections

Today, our school ambassador hopefuls carried out their last minute changes to speeches and delivered them to children in Years 2 – 6, aiming to win over voters for tomorrow’s elections.

The school council elections will also take place tomorrow, with children from each class having put themselves forward last week.

Good luck to everyone involved!

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