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EYFS take advantage of the weather.
KS2 Boccia Competition – Friday 3rd February 2017
Well done to our KS2 Boccia teams who both progressed to the city finals after some impressive performances at Notre Dame, yesterday.
Each team was part of a mini-league, with the winners of each league moving on to the semi-finals, as well as qualifying for the city finals in two weeks time.
After winning their respective groups, OLI A faced OLI B for a place in the final. OLI B came out on top to play Whitefield in the final. OLI A had to settle for the 3rd/4th place playoff against Gwladys Street A. Both teams won their games, finishing 1st and 3rd in the competition!
Year 5 and 6 Fun Run – Stanley Park – 1st February 2017
Well done to all of our Year 5 and 6 pupils who took part in the fun run at Stanley Park this week. The 2km run was run using the Stanley Park junior parkrun route, which you can find more details about below. Each child is in Year 5 and 6 is now registered for parkrun and received a barcode, which they will need to take each time they attend a parkrun event. You can access your child’s result below. If you have any questions regarding junior parkrun, the barcodes and how your child can be involved, please see Mr Garth.
OLI Year 5/6 Park Run Results 2017
What is Stanley Park junior parkrun?
It is a 2k run for juniors (4-14 year olds).
When is it?
It is held every Sunday at 9:00am.
Where is it?
The event takes place in Stanley Park, Anfield Road, Liverpool, L4 0TD. We meet on the Formal Terraces just past the Isla Gladstone glasshouse.
What does it cost to join in?
Nothing – it’s free! but please register before your first run. Only ever register with parkrun once. Don’t forget to bring a printed copy of your barcode (request a reminder). Register at: www.parkrun.org.uk/register/form/
How fast do I have to be?
The aim is to have fun. Please come along and join in whatever your pace!
Boys Football vs St Anne (Stanley) – 2nd February 2017
Congratulations to all the year 5 and 6 boys who represented our school in this week’s football match. Our team was fairly young, with many year 5s in the team and some making their school debut.
The match was very tight from the beginning, with neither defence giving anything away. Our strike force was dangerous, with Billy Smith and Joe McFarlane-Wells ducking in and out of defenders to set up chances for striker Zac Abbou. Eventually, this was rewarded with a 1st half goal from skipper Sonny Geraghty, with a clinical finish inside the area.
The 1st half ended 1-0 to OLI and, after 2 substitutions, the match became even tighter, with both teams coming extremely close to scoring several times. St. Anne Stanley hit the post and were denied by a goal-line clearance twice! There were some amazing saves from Kamil Skop and defender Aiden Burns was a brick wall at the back. Eventually, after excellent defending from both teams, the final whistle blew and OLI took the 3 points, 1-0. Congratulations to the boys who are looking ahead to our next game on Thursday 9th February!
MOTM: Aiden Burns, for playing a solid defensive game that ensured a clean sheet.
KS1 Learn how to code using scratch
Luciana Berger Visit
As well as the school council, the ICT Club & E Cadets met with the MP for Wavertree Luciana Berger, on Friday. We held a question time in the Media Suite and asked a variety of questions :
Luke asked : “What technology does Parliament have?”
Oliver asked: “How does technology help you with your work?”
Carrar asked: “How does the development of technology support our health?”
Thank you so much to Luciana for visiting us we really enjoyed learning all about British Modern Values.
ICT Monitors working with Raspberry Pi
Year 5 Writing – Class Award!
Key Stage One workshop
Just a reminder that we have a spelling and phonics workshop at school tomorrow (Thursday 26th) at 2.30pm. We look forward to seeing you there!
Important Information for Parents – Musical.ly app
We have received advice from the Liverpool Cyber Safety Team that the app ‘Musical.ly’ is increasingly being used by those wishing to groom children, due to the age of most of its users. We advise parents to check their child’s profile on the app to make sure they’re not revealing any personal information about themselves.
If you have any queries or questions, please see Mrs Bowcock (ICT Subject Leader) or your child’s class teacher.
Girls Football Opportunity
Professor Fluffy Trip – Year 5
The children firstly met 6 students on arrival at Liverpool University who shared some information about themselves including what they were studying. One of the students went through a PowerPoint presentation which explained a lot about the university and student life. The children saw a map of the campus, met professor fluffy, what courses were available and what facilities were on site.
The children then took part in an engineering activity were the children had to make a boat using tim foil. The teams then put their boat into a bucket of water and added marbles one by one. The team with the winning boat held 52 marbles – The Monkey Team (Evie, Shannon and Olivia). In Miss Gilchrist’s class the winning boat held an amazing 150 marbles!! This boat was constructed by Bobby, Dylan and Oliver – the boat was named SS Annihilator.
The children then participated in a construction activity where they had to build a tower out of newspaper and cell tape. The tallest, standing tower would be the winning tower. The children worked extremely well in teams of 6. The winning team was Tilly, Reece L, Ruben, Evie, Antony, Paige and Emily. In Miss Gilchrist’s class the winning team was Bobby, Georgie, Scott, Joel, Liam and Dylan.
The children then selected key parts of the campus to view. We looked around the sports centre, the student guild and the engineering building. The children were fascinated looking at the simulators, 3D printer and the formula 1 cars the Liverpool University students designed.
Pupil comments…
Daniel – my favourite part of the day was when we went on a tour of the sports centre. I liked looking at the swimming pool and I learnt a very interesting fact; that Team GB swam in that pool when training.
Harrison – I enjoyed today because I really liked taking part in the boat experiment, it was nice practicing and thinking for myself as well as working as a team.
Holly – I thought it was really fun when we got to build a boat out of tin foil. I managed to get 5 marbles in my boat but it was really fun!
Ella – looking around the sports centre was really interesting because we got to see all of the facilities they have to offer.
Yusra – I really enjoyed this trip because it’s proved to me how hard I need to work to get into a good University and it’s inspired me to work even harder.
FA Girls Football Sessions – February Half Term
Please see below a fantastic offer for girls to take part in football activities during February half term. Follow use the following link for the letter and application form. If you have any questions or require a paper copy, please see Mr Garth at the end of a school day by the upper key stage two door.
FA Girls 3x Feb Half Term Sessions – Liverpool – Application Form
Dear Parent,
The FA Skills Team are running a 3 FREE Girls Only Football Session during February Half Term for girls aged 5-11 years and we would like to invite your daughter to participate. The sessions will be on:
Wednesday 22nd February, 1pm – 3pm
Broadgreen International School, Queens Dr, Liverpool L13 5UQ
Thursday 23rd February, 1pm – 3pm
Calderstones School, Harthill Road, Allerton, L18 3HS
Friday 24th February, 2pm – 4pm
Anfield Sports & Community Centre, Breckside Park/Lower Breck Rd, Liverpool L6 0AG
The FA Skills programme is a nationwide initiative, employing over 100 full time specialist coaches and is funded by The FA and Sport England. As part of their work they deliver fun, progressive, adaptable and challenging football coaching sessions.
We will cater for a maximum of 40 participants in each session; with them all taking place indoors. At the session all participants will be given information on where they can continue playing girls football within their local community.
To register your daughter(s) please complete the attached registration form and highlight which session(s) you wish to attend and return to the address detailed or contact:
Anna Farrell – Football Development Officer – 0151 523 4488 Ext 112 / anna.farrell@liverpoolfa.com
Should you have any questions regarding the session or female football in Merseyside please contact the Anna Farrell on the details provided above.
We look forward to seeing you!
FA Skills Team & Liverpool County FA
Year 3 and 4 Swimming
From this week, all children in Year 3 and 4 will be swimming every Thursday, at Everton Park Sports Centre till the Easter holidays. Swimming lessons are a compulsory part of the National Curriculum and all children must attend each week. They will need to bring the following kit to school with them each week:
Girls: 1 piece costume, swimming cap and towel.
Boys: tight fitting shorts and towel.
Swimming googles are allowed but jewellery must not be worn. If you have any questions, please speak to your child’s class teacher.
Year 6 SATs Booster Sessions
To help the Year 6 pupils prepare for the forthcoming SATs we will be holding weekly booster sessions for all children in Year 6. The sessions will be every Wednesday, from 3:30pm until 4:30pm, beginning on Wednesday 11th January 2017.
This is a fantastic opportunity for the children to work with a teacher, in small groups, revising key skills in a supportive atmosphere. School will be providing a snack and a drink for each pupil at the end of the school day.