Match Report: Boys’ Friendly Match: OLI 1-4 Rice Lane

Match Report: Boys’ Friendly Match: OLI 1-4 Rice Lane

Boys’ Friendly Match: OLI 1-4 Rice Lane

Tonight our boys’ team played Rice Lane in a friendly match in which children in year 6 who don’t play for our league team, as well as some younger children, got their chance to shine! The boys were very excited at the prospect of playing as the game kicked off…

Early passing and tackling was good, with midfielders Kieran and Luca linking up well with our more attacking players. Disaster struck early on for OLI as a trip in the area saw the referee (a very disloyal Mr. Fairclough) award a penalty kick to Rice Lane. The spot kick was converted and Rice Lane took an early 1-0 lead.

The boys showed excellent resilience and bounced straight back, creating chances of their own. A corner kick from Lucas was met with the arm of a Rice Lane defender and the boys had a penalty of their own! Year 4 Oliver was brave enough to step forward… and he slotted the ball to the keeper’s right corner and in! A debut goal for a young and promising player! The half ended 1-1.

The second half began with substitutes Austin and Rayyane linking up brilliantly and altering the way the game was played. Captain Kane Garvey kept things solid at the back, with Jamie and Jaden supporting him as wing backs. Rice Lane took a lead with a long range looping effort that was unstoppable. The boys could have really let their heads drop but they maintained focus, with debut goalkeeper Luke making some excellent saves, including bravely diving in to a one-on-one chance and stopping what would have been a certain goal.

With minutes left, OLI had to push players up in an attempt to equalise, which unfortunately meant they were vulnerable at the back. This resulted in two late, counter-attacking goals for Rice Lane that saw them run out deserved winners at 4-1. The boys’ sense of sportsmanship was excellent, which handshakes and congratulations given out in good taste. We’ll be returning during the Summer term and will attempt to get a win! Many thanks to the big crowd for their support and to Mr. Cooney and Rice Lane for their commitment to getting games played throughout the year.

Wear Blue for Bobby – Wednesday 13th March 2019

School will be taking part in the ” Wear Blue for Bobby Day”.  We are asking children to come to school wearing something blue for a donation of £1.  For more information regarding the charity and what its for, you can follow the link below.


Momo challenge: Police advise over ‘freaky game’

Momo may be creepy, but police believe it is clear it is being used by hackers to harvest information.

Officers in Northern Ireland moved to reassure parents about the doll figure with bulging eyes and a creepy grin.

Momo targets young children on social media.

The doll encourages them to add a contact on messaging service WhatsApp, then hounds them with violent images and dares.

It encourages them to self-harm and the ultimate post tells them to take their own lives.

If adults are concerned or have any questions on how to approach the subject with their children, they can contact the NSPCC Helpline on 0808 800 5000 or visit the NSPCC website.

Children who are worried about their activity on apps or online games can contact Childline 24 hours a day, online and over the phone on 0800 1111.

Asda presents us with a generous donation.

Today Liz from Asda Breck Road Community Department presented us with a generous cheque. We hope to use this money towards creating our Nurture Room. For photos and further details please read our Parents and Community Involvement Page.

World Book Day 2019

On Thursday 7th march , our school will be taking part in a range of activities for World Book Day. This is a celebration of books and reading and we hope the children enjoy the activities we have planned for them .

On this day , we are inviting the children (and staff) to come to school dressed as a character from a book or in their pyjamas . For some inspiration, please look at the ‘dressing up gallery’ on ‘’ .

The children will also receive a world book day token . This token can be used for one of the World Book Day books or to get £1 off any full priced book instead. The token is valid from Monday 25th February to Sunday 31st March .

If you would like to get involved during the day and feel that you could contribute in anyway , please get in touch with your child’s class teacher . 

Oli Boys’ League Football Match: OLI 4-3 Faith

Our boys’ football team played their 3rd KMC Sports league game of the season today against local friends/rivals Faith Primary School. The boys had won both their first 2 games and knew that a win would put them in a strong league position, but they also knew that teams from Faith are always loaded with talent.

The match began with a bang; the boys were passing the ball in midfield very well with captain Dan Smith linking brilliantly with Jack Traynor and Gradi Nkongolo. The breakthrough goal came after 10 minutes when Gradi broke free in the box and attempted a Wijnaldum-esque chip! The ball soared over the keeper, looked headed for the top corner… when striker Luke Buckley slammed it in to the top corner from extreme close range to make sure of the goal! VAR was consulted (in the form of Mr. Cotton) and the goal was given as Luke’s!

Faith equalised soon after with a one-on-one finish but OLI didn’t get down-hearted. What followed was a goal of the season contender. Jack, Gradi and league debutante Lucas Parkinson linked up with stunning passing before Jack slotted in a goal with his weaker foot to send the fans into raptures! OLI used this momentum to score a 3rd when Lucas rifled a shot into the roof of the net from the edge of the area. Lucas became the first year 4 child to score a goal in a league match this year! The half ended 3-1. In spite of keeper Ayman falling over the ball as he attempted to clear it, spirits were high!

Faith began the second half with renewed energy and scored very early into it. At 3-2, the match was on a knife-edge when Gradi produced a moment of magic. He turned a defender and curled his effort into the top corner from 25 yards out! A crucial goal against his old school!

At 4-2, the game became even more tense at Faith scored again! At 4-3, Dan, Lennon, Jonny and JP showed why their defensive skills make them keystones of the team. Tackling was excellent, with Oscar Kwasny sliding in repeatedly to save keeper Ayman from difficult situations. With one last attacking run from regular striker Tom Farrell, the final whistle blew and OLI ran out very tight winners. Big thanks to KMC sports for the organisation as well as to Faith for producing a great game.

MOTM: Oscar Kwasny – Excellent tackling and passing, showing a huge improvement over the last 12 months.

Internet Safety Week

Safer Internet Day is celebrated globally in February each year to promote the safe and positive use of digital technology for children and young people and inspire a national conversation.

Coordinated in the UK by the UK Safer Internet Centre the celebration sees hundreds of organisations get involved to help promote the safe, responsible and positive use of digital technology for children and young people.

Globally, Safer Internet Day is celebrated in over a hundred countries, coordinated by the joint Insafe/INHOPE network, with the support of the European Commission, and national Safer Internet Centres across Europe.

The day offers the opportunity to highlight positive uses of technology and to explore the role we all play in helping to create a better and safer online community. It calls upon young people, parents, carers, teachers, social workers, law enforcement, companies, policymakers, and wider, to join together in helping to create a better internet. Get involved to play your part!

We launched our own Poster competition based on respect and consent. Look out for future posts to visit the winning entries.

This week is National Story Telling Week !

It’s National Storytelling Week and we love nothing more than a good story and a celebration of sharing great tales, classic stories and a love of reading.

We will be sharing some of our favourite engaging stories that are guaranteed to inspire a love of storytelling in every child in our school.

To join in at home , why not create a special time each day to tell stories. Retell favourite stories (without the text if you’re feeling brave!) and ask your child to tell you a story they have been told  !

Welcome back!

Today we welcomed faces old and new, lovely to see so many children back and ready to learn and truly delighted to welcome new children in to our school family. The Spring term is always a busy one so daily attendance is essential, lets aim for 100%! 

Welcome back to 2019

We look forward to welcoming you all back to school tomorrow morning at 8.50am (Monday 7th January 2019). Breakfast club will be open as normal from 8am. 

Happy Christmas


The governors, staff  and children would like to wish all of our families and friends a happy and peaceful Christmas.We look forward to seeing you all again in the new year.

The children return to school on Monday 7th January and breakfast club will be open as usual from 8am.


Christmas Dinner day

Christmas dinner day is Friday 14th December. All children can have a Christmas dinner if they would like one.

Remember your child can wear either a Christmas jumper or a favourite jumper over their uniform along with a donation of one of the following: A packet of biscuits, chocolate, a small Christmas pudding or  fruit cake cake. All items donated will be part of the Christmas hampers that are going to needy families in our city.  

Christmas Jumper day

Don’t forget its Christmas jumper day on Friday plus Christmas dinner day too! Cook has begun to decorate the canteen and the kitchen staff have their festive pinnies washed and ironed! #thebestday

History Quality Mark – Silver Level

Congratulations to Miss Topping and all of the staff and children on being awarded the sliver level of the History Quality Mark. This is a great achievement for the school and is well deserved.

The Historical Association Quality Mark is an award that recognises the excellence of history provision and teaching in school. 

Well done everyone !


Happy Feast Day!

Today we celebrated our feast day (slightly early), Fr Richard said mass for pupils, staff and parishioners. The children sang hymns to Our Lady as we remembered the feast of the Immaculate Conception and how Mary, our mother, is an example to us all. We would like to wish all the members of our school community a very happy feast day! 

Match Report.

Today our girls football team played their third league match of the season against Our Lady’s Bishop Eton. The girls had won their first 2 games and were very excited to be playing. The match took place at Heron Eccles, the first match we’ve played on the new astroturf pitches there!

We could tell from the beginning that the game would be tough, OLBE were a very strong team with an exceptional number 7 who scored a long range effort very early on. The girls put up a brave defense but weren’t having many shots themselves. A penalty from Shelby was saved onto the post and the half ended 2-0!

OLBE’s number 7 continued to dictate the match, but that helped our keeper Paige to shine. She pulled off some stunning saves and even continued to play through injury. Another highlight of the game was the bravery in tackling shown especially by Mayar and Maria. Aaliyah hit the post in the second half and Sophie had an excellent long-range effort, but OLBE maintained their clean sheet. Their winger added a 3rd and 4th goal before assisting a 5th late on. The game ended 0-5.

The girls rallied together in defeat and didn’t sulk, looking forward instead to their cup game in 3 weeks time. Congratulations to OLBE for an excellent display and again thanks to KMC sports for arranging.

POTM: Paige Taylor. Bravery, commitment and playing in spite of fogetting her football boots!

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