Information on how we will keep safe in school – summer 2020

School Reopening Update 26.5.2020

Week beginning 1st JuneKEY WORKER FAMILIES ONLY

We are currently on our 2-week half term holiday however staff from school have kindly volunteered their time so that we can continue to support our key worker families.

I have been in touch with key worker families who accessed the OLI Hub to plan for their childcare needs however if you think that your child comes under the key worker category and you require childcare for the week beginning 1st June 2020 please email will need to provide details of your employment and shift patterns so that we can ensure that we don’t exceed staff- pupil ratios. The full list of key workers according to the Government can be found at this link


If your child falls  into the vulnerable category set out by government they will also be able to attend school from the 8th June 2020 . If your child has already attended a childcare hub we have planned for these children however if you have not attended a childcare hub and you feel that your child comes under either category please email outlining your childcare needs. A member of staff will be in touch.

Check out our home schooling pages

Please click on the “extended schools” tab on the top navigation bar to find our new “School closure-home learning” pages .

You will find lots of advice and support on this page for you and your children . We have also set up age appropriate work on your child’s key stage home schooling pages which you will find on the side tabs below the “school closure-home learning” page . 

Remember to email your teachers with photographs of your work they would love to see it.If you need help or advice you can also use the key stage emails and a teacher will respond to you between 9am and 4pm .

We are a school hub

Around 50 hubs to look after primary age children of key workers in Liverpool will open on Monday 23 March.

It follows the Government’s decision to close schools later today until further notice, as part of the response to coronavirus.

The strategically located school sites are only for primary age pupils whose parents are key workers and have no other safe childcare available to them, and will initially be open from 9am until 4pm.

Parents of primary school children who are eligible are asked to take their child to the nearest site which is convenient for them on Monday, where there will be staff available to receive them.

There will be no provision for secondary school pupils, but secondary schools are identifying vulnerable children and will be proactively contacting those parents directly to see if they need any support.

The city’s five nursery schools – Abercromby Nursery School, Chatham Place Nursery School, East Prescot Road Nursery, Ellergreen Nursery School and Everton Nursery School – are remaining open and will accept children of key workers who have no other available childcare.

Some specials will be open – Palmerston School, Princes Primary School, Hope School, Sandfield Park School, Woolton High School, Redbridge, Milstead, Abbotts Lea and Bank View – and will be in touch with parents regarding their capacity to support children.

Who is eligible?

The list of key workers is:

  • Social workers, care workers, health and social care staff and those required to maintain the sector
  • Teachers, specialist education professionals and nursery staff
  • Staff essential to the operation of the justice system
  • Staff involved in the management of the deceased
  • Administrative staff in local government essential to the delivery of the COVID-19 response
  • Staff delivering essential public services such as payment of benefits
  • Staff involved in the distribution of food or other key goods
  • Police and police support staff
  • Fire and rescue staff and support staff
  • Transport workers
  • Utilities workers
  • Probation staff
  • IT staff necessary to support COVID-19 response
  • Payment providers
  • Waste disposal service presumably including refuse collection

In addition, other workers described include:

  • Armed forces personnel
  • MoD civilian staff and contractors
  • National Crime Agency
  • Border security
  • National security staff
  • Religions and charity staff
  • Journalists and broadcasters

Parents working in these sectors may be asked to provide proof from their employer that they are eligible.

Support for families who have chosen to self isolate

Thank you to all families who have kept us informed if they and their family have chosen to self isolate.

In order to support the children’s education at this time we are currently gathering together electronic resources that you will be able to access on any electronic device at home. We will also be putting downloadable children’s resources onto our school website . Using the school App and the school website we will send a letter to parents in the next few days with all of the information that you will need in order to support your child’s learning at home.

For those families whose children are in school at the moment can I assure you that we are strictly following all of the hygiene recommendations in order to keep everyone safe and well.

Mrs Catherine Sergeant

Updated message from the director of children’s services 17.3.20

Message from Steve Reddy, Director of Children and Young People’s Services

Dear children, young people, parents/carers and families,

Following my letter yesterday the government has now announced a number of additional measures.It is important that we all continue to follow the guidance set out by the Government and DfE and make the necessary changes.

Whilst schools remain open some planned activities will inevitably be cancelled. 

Schools may well restrict all but essential visitors on to the site.

We will be speaking to Public Health England to consider the implications for children and staff with significant health needs.

Anyone who has high temperature/fever and/or new persistent cough will be required to self-isolate at home for 14 days along with anyone in their household.

We are very grateful for the continued support of all school staff, children, young people and families as we manage these difficult times.

It is important that we continue to work together and support one another.

Best wishes,
Steve Reddy
Director of Children and Young People’s Services.

Digital Parenting Information

Please click on the link below for an online magazine for parents which gives lots of advice for keeping your children safe in a digital world.

The magazine is easy to read and covers lots of issues including -Is your smartphone secure? Setting family rules around technology and phones, online security and lots more.

  Vodafone Digital Parenting Magazine  January 2020


Congratulations Bishop Tom

We all really enjoyed Bishop Tom’s visit to our school today. He shared with the children his wonderful news that he is to receive the city’s highest civic honour of freedom of the City of Liverpool.

This is to mark his many years of work serving the parishioners and wider faith communities of our city. He was also recognised for the key role he played in making sure that “Project Jennifer” overcame its many hurdles and ensured the successful redevelopment of the Great Homer Street area.

Click here to see photos of Bishop Tom’s visit


Bishop Tom to visit school

We are all looking forward to Bishop Tom’s visit to school on Thursday. He will start the day with a school mass for the children and staff and then he will be visiting every class to chat to the children . We will post lots of pictures on our website so that parents and families can share the day.

Bishop Tom has played a part in many family, school and parish celebrations over the years. If you have any photographs with Bishop Tom why not send them in to school so that we can share them with the children too. 

St George’s Pantry opens tomorrow

Thank you to the parents who came to the information meeting last week . We are pleased to announce that Pantry Sessions will be on Fridays 9-11 am in St George’s Church, starting this Friday.

Members (including yourselves if you wish) can sign up as a member online using the link below or in person at their first visit. For both online and in person applications members will need to bring with them to their first visit- £3.50 and proof of address or connection to either the Beacon or Our Lady Immaculate schools e.g. a school letter.

More details can also be found in the attached flier. Please feel free to pass this on to people that you know who meet the membership criteria and might benefit from becoming a Pantry member. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Kind regards,
St George’s Pantry!

Click here for the St George’s Pantry website

Christmas Events 2019

In order to help parents plan and organise we have listed the Christmas events that will take place in school this year. 

Father Christmas is so busy this year that we are still trying to confirm a time when he can come to visit the children in school.  I will keep you all updated on this important event.

Please click on the link below for details 

Christmas Events 2019

PGL Return delayed

Miss Gallagher has just rang school to say that they have left PGL . The journey will take about 1 hour and so we now expect them home at about 3.30pm

Good morning from PGL

Miss Gallagher has just messaged school to say that the children slept like angels, there were no problems and everyone was asleep last night by10.30pm. The children are up and dressed and are having their cooked breakfast, Today’s activities are zip wire,climbing,challenge course, survival and finally the disco.

Return to school- Tuesday 3rd September 2019

We will be welcoming the children back to school on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 at 8.50am .

Breakfast club will be open from 8am for families as usual. 

Reception and Nursery children will be welcomed through the foundation stage entrance as usual . 

KS1 (Y1and Y2) will assemble in the hall where their teachers will be waiting to receive them .

KS2 children (Y3-Y6) will line up on the KS2 yard and staff will welcome them back to school and then take them into their new classes.

We look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday.

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