Stay Active Over Summer!

Stay Active Over Summer!

There are a number of ways to keep your children active and entertained over the summer.

Download the Liverpool Parents Change 4 Life activity leaflet, to find out where activities are on offer for you and your child during the holidays.

Families can also sign up online or via a sign-up leaflet for a 10 Minute Shake Up Pack to be delivered through the post. One pack will be available per child, up to a maximum of three packs per household. The pack contains a team wristband with timer, 10 Minute Shake Up activities, stickers and a team poster.

Active kids are happy kids! They like to move and have fun. 10 Minute Shake Ups are the perfect way to help them get their recommended daily 60 minutes of physical activity – and they’re totally FREE!

Why not sign up for a Change 4 Life ’10 minute Shake Up’ pack for your child to use over the summer holidays? Click the link below to get yours!

Don’t forget to use your free lifestyles membership card too! If your child does not have one, fill out a form at your local lifestyles centre and a card will be made for your child.

A lovely message!

Before we broke up for the summer Key Stage One were studying plants and as part of this topic one of our parent’s came in to talk to the children about his job as a botanist. He also spoke to us about how to grow healthy plants and judged our sunflower competition, Miss Kennedy’s class won!

‘I wanted to write to thank you (and in particular Miss Kennedy and the other Y1 & Y2 staff), for the opportunity to come into school and talk to Y1 and Y2 about my work. I really enjoyed it and was inspired by the kids thirst for knowledge, and by how much they already knew! You are doing a great job. I enjoyed the questions that the pupils asked, some of them were really quite tough! I’m looking forward to coming in again to do some more outreach in the next academic year.’ Raj Whitlock

Party Day!

The children have really enjoyed this morning. They have danced, played games and eaten lots of party food! Thank you all for your continuous support and generosity throughout the year, we really do appreciate it, as do the children!

We hope that you enjoy your Summer and we will see you all in September!

Year Two Graduation!

Congratulations to Year Two who graduated this morning! The graduation assembly was wonderful and both parents and staff were so proud of you all!

Prize Giving

Prize Giving Timetable for Wednesday 15th July

Foundation Stage and Morning Nursery – 9.15am
Year One and Two – 10.15am
Year Three and Four – 11.30am
Year Five and Six – 1.30pm
Key Stage Two Prizes – 2.30pm

Thursday 16th July

Afternoon Nursery (In Nursery Area) – 2.30pm

The children will be performing throughout the day, sharing with parents all they have learnt in their music lessons with Mrs Naylor!

Summer Sport Opportunities

There are a number of opportunities for our pupils to get involved in sport over the summer.

Waterloo Rugby club are holding a registration day at their club on Sunday 30th August, from 10am – 12noon. This will allow the girls to see the setup of the club and register for the team in their age group and begin training and playing for the club.

If your child is interested and would like to attend the registration day, please contact Ale Lewis on 07715997641, or email, with information of which session they will be attending:

Under 6/7/8’s – at the Club (L23 8TW)

Under 9- 16’s – at Hall Road (L23 8TY – just off Spinney Crescent)

The FA Skills Team are running a FREE Football Camp during the Summer Holidays for boys and girls aged 5-11years at Walton Hall Sports Centre.

Wednesday 26th August

10am – 12pm – 5 to 8yrs old

1pm – 3pm – 9 to 11yrs old

Walton Sports Centre 3g, Walton Hall Avenue, Liverpool, L4 9XP

The FA Skills programme is a nationwide initiative, employing over 100 full time specialist coaches and is funded by The FA and Sport England.  As part of their work they deliver fun, progressive, adaptable and challenging football coaching sessions. At the session all participants will be given information on where they can continue playing girls football within their local community. The Camp will cater for a maximum of 48 participants in each age group.

To register your son/daughter please complete the attached registration form and return to the address detailed or contact the LCFA Football Development Team on 0151 523 4488. Registration Form – FA Skills Summer Camp – Walton 3G – Wednesday 26th August

“Best trip ever !”

As the title suggests , our trip today was descried by our children as “The best trip ever !” Well, the sun shone on us today and as usual the children made us proud . Some of our year four children met the Lord Mayor of Wirral and a teacher from another school commented that the behaviour of our children was exemplary. We met tarantulas , racoons , lizards and a huge snake. (Don’t worry though they were with a handler so we were perfectly safe !)

We are used to playing in front of a spectacular view but if you look at the photographs , the view at Wirral country park was amazing too ! If you look carefully at some of the other photographs you will notice some bulging pockets at the beach , we have enjoyed learning about the stone age so much we couldn’t help but collect some more stones !

After a busy day learning , playing , exploring , digging, walking, climbing , travelling , discovering and sight-seeing it’s no wonder we thoroughly enjoyed it !

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If you would like to see some more photographs , please look at our key stage page- Under the ‘Children’ tab , go to ‘Key Stages’ , then’ Lower key stage two’ and ‘Our Summer News’.

Meeting the Lord Mayor

Our Year 3 and 4 children have met the Lord Mayor of the Wirral today on their trip out to the beach!


Travel Information

Travel information for children on the Autistic Spectrum who are travelling from Manchester Airport this summer is available on our SEND page

Sainsbury’s School Games Mark – Silver

Today, we have been awarded a Silver Games Mark for KS1 and KS2, as a reward for our schools’ provision of PE, School Sport and Competition.

The award takes into account the time dedicated to curriculum PE, the amount of competitions we have entered, the extra-curricular opportunities available and the use of pupils as leaders of sports and games activities.

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Ankoma Outreach Donations

Thank you to all the children and families, who donated unwanted football shirts to our partner school in Ankoma. I have just received an email telling me that they were used last week for a Football Gala, set up for the community of Ankoma. Here are some pictures of the kits being used.

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Next year is Sport Relief and we may call on other unwanted sporting items to be donated in February/March. Your support during these fundraising efforts are greatly appreciated, here and in Ghana.

Thank you, Mr Garth.

The wildflowers are here!


The wildflowers that some of our children planted during the Spring Term have started to blossom in Everton Park! The children who are going on the attendance trip next Wednesday will be able to enjoy the flowers which have helped to add colour to the park. Year 6 have been busy exploring the importance of wildflowers for our community and environment through an art workshop – you can see pictures in our gallery on the Upper Key Stage two summer news  ! There will be a free family fun day held at the park on Saturday 18th July, see details on flyers in our school office .

A fun Week in Foundation Stage!

This week we have had a visit from Paddington Bear, Tinkerbell’s fairy friends and a ‘Shark in the Dark’! Check out our Foundation Stage Summer News page for more details and the Gallery for more photos.

Paddington Visits Liverpool!

Further Cricket Success!

Another fantastic day of cricket, this time for our Year 5 team. Some pupils from our Y5/6 team represented us once again with new additions from our Monday after school club.

The team, managed by Mr. Southworth, performed brilliantly, topping their group after beating Leamington (281), Windsor (275) and Holy Family. Into the knock out rounds and the team posted their highest score to date, beating All Saints (310) to face Lister in the quarter-finals.

Lister were beaten (279) to set up a semi-final clash vs. Childwall C of E. A relatively low score of 239 was enough to win, pitting us against St Vincent de Paul in the day’s final.

Unfortunately, the team ran out of steam, narrowly missing out on a place in the County Finals, held in Preston, next week.

A fantastic effort from the whole team made Mr. Southworth, and the rest of the school, extremely proud. With the success of the Year 6 and Year 5 teams this year, hopefully this will inspire many more of our pupils to take up cricket with a local club.

KS2 Sports Day

Well done to all the children in Years 3, 4 and 5 who took part in sports day today. Under very warm conditions, the children performed brilliantly, not giving anything less than 100%.

1 = Green 371

2 = Red 364

3 = Yellow 337

4 = Blue 280

Thank you to all the parents who came to support the children, everyone had a fantastic morning!

Play Day at The Lighthouse

Year four got the unique opportunity to perform with lots of other children from across the City at The Lighthouse today. A rock band to accompany them gave them the ideal chance to show what they have learnt with Mr Storey over the past year.

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James and Free the Children

James from ‘Free the Children ‘ came to school today to tell us about the organisation he works for. He told us the story of how it was set up in 1995 by some twelve year olds who knew they could make a difference to the world .He showed us a couple of films and inspired us to all make a difference.


Key Stage One Sports Day!

Today was such a lovely morning and the children really enjoyed themselves! Thank you to all parents who were able to make it!

The winning team today was the red team! Well done to all the children for taking part, you were all great sports!

EYFS Sports Day Fun!

Nursery and Reception did a fantastic job racing today – well done! We had such a fun day with races including: superhero, running, teddy bear, jumping and egg and spoon. Thank you for all the support shown by mums, dads, nans, grandads and other family members who were able to make it. Photographs to follow in our EYFS summer gallery tomorrow and videos will be uploaded onto the vault.

KS1 Virtual Sports Competition

All pupils in KS1 have been taking part in a sports competition this month. First, they are competing against each other (Level 1 competition) to see who is the best at balancing, bouncing, catching, launching, pitching, striking and skipping. Each child receives a total scores for all of the above skills combined.

These scores are then sent off to the Liverpool School Sports Partnership, who takes in results from all participating schools across Liverpool (Level 2 competition). Then, individual and school winners will be announced.

We have four individual winners from each of our KS1 classes:

Mrs Bowcock’s class: Aaliyah = 117

Mrs McCarty’s class: Luke = 82

Miss Hughes’ class: Evie = 102

Miss Kennedy’s class: Tope = 104

Click the link below to see the full results.

LSSP KS1 Virtual Competition Results OLI

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