Mindfulness in Schools Project

Mindfulness in Schools Project

We have been teaching mindfulness, across all year groups in our school for five years. Brianna Ghey’s mum wants to raise money and awareness so children in all schools across the UK are taught how to regulate themselves, to recognise when they are feeling ‘wobbly’, what to do when feeling anxious or stressed and how to be ‘present’.
We are very proud to be associated with the ‘Peace in Mind’ campaign (in memory of the murdered teenager) and look forward to continuing our work with Mrs Beattie our Mindfulness Coach and Esther Ghey.
Thank you to all our Year 2 parents who gave permission for their children to be filmed, due to time constraints (by the media and PR company) they were only able to film one session.
BBC Breakfast were also filming and the section is due to be aired some time this week.

Click here to read the article published in The Mirror. 


School is closed today 16.1.24

Due to the heavy snow fall and the dangerous road conditions around school this morning we have taken the decision to close the school today. We apologise for any inconvenience but this decision has been made with the safety of families and staff in mind.

Open Access Drop In Coffee Morning – YPAS Parenting Team

Happy New Year!

Our partnership YPAS parenting team are holding an open access coffee morning next Wednesday 17th January 10am-12pm in South hub. This coffee morning will provide information about YPAS services and anyone who would like to attend can drop in or sign up to attend via the below Eventbrite link. There will be a chance for attendees to have a hot drink and chat with a member of the parenting team who can discuss the range of services YPAS offers.


The parenting team run several parenting interventions that your families may find useful, so please do share this information with parents/carers ?


Open Access Drop In Coffee Morning Tickets, Wed 17 Jan 2024 at 10:00 | Eventbrite

Advent Prayers

Parents and carers are invited to take part in our advent prayers. During this short collective worship children will light the advent wreath, listen to a piece of scripture, reflect on the meaning and conclude with prayers and carols. We do hope you are able to join us in prayer at this special time of the year.  

Year 1 – Monday 18th December 3pm

Year 2 – Monday 18th December 9am

Year 3 – Monday 18th December 3pm

Year 4 – Tuesday 19th December 3pm

Year 5 – (Mrs Bird) – Monday 18th December 3pm

Year 5 – (Miss Clifford) – Tuesday 19th December 3pm

Year 6 – Monday 18th December 3pm 

ASD Drop In Sessions

Hello Everyone,

The Liverpool ASD Training Team are providing  1:1 consultations and group question and answer sessions over the Christmas period.

They are for parents/carers who have any questions or concerns about their child,  in regard to pre and post Autism diagnosis. It is also an opportunity to speak with an ASD trainer and other parents.

If parents would like to book on please ask them to contact the asdtrainingteam@liverpool.gov.uk

Take care

Margaret Kelly

ASD Trainer – ASD Training Team

Children in Need 2023

Thank you to our families who donated money for Children in Need, we raised a massive £381.31.

Technical Issues

We are currently experiencing technical issues with our website, this is affecting our Twitter (X) feed and a number of pages. Some of the information shown is out of date and a number of older pages are displayed. Our technical team are aware of this and are working hard to rectify this situation.
Please note that you will need to be logged in to Twitter (X) to view information about our school, to search for specific academic subjects use #olip(and the add curriculum area) eg. for images and information about our art curriculum use #olipart .
Thank you for your patience.

Please see attached flyer and below info:

Please see attached flyer and below info:

“We are a team of autistic and non-autistic researchers and young people, and parents of autistic young people who are passionate about mental health and wellbeing.


We are interested in finding out parents’ views and experiences of trying to access NHS Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) for their autistic child when they are experiencing mental health difficulties. We would also like to learn about the biggest challenges in current mental health services for autistic children, and the ways you think CAMHS can be improved moving forwards.


We welcome the views of all parents/carers of an autistic child of any age who has sought help for mental health difficulties via CAMHS in the last 5 years in the UK.


The online survey should take you about 15 minutes to complete, but you can provide as much or as little information as you would like.


The link to the survey is here: https://ljmu.questionpro.eu/AutismInCAMHS

Any questions please email: e.l.ashworth@ljmu.ac.uk

Change to menu

We are currently experiencing some difficulties with kitchen appliances,  Cook and the team are trying their best to produce the meals advertised on the weekly menus however some alterations will need to be made. This means that more sandwiches are on offer which seems to suit the children when the weather is so warm! Thank you for bearing with us. 

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