Colomendy Photographs

Colomendy Photographs

Many parents have been asking about photographs from the recent visit to Colomendy by Yr 6. We have shared a number of photos on our Gallery page, more photographs will be added in the coming days. Enjoy!

Home soon

Woke to a beautiful crisp, early autumn morning here in North Wales. Had to almost drag the children out of bed but they’ve been well fed and are ready for another day of activities including caving and the infamous 3G Swing! 

We expect to be home approximately 2.30pm. 

Disco Divas and Dudes!

Mrs Sergeant is heading back from Colomendy after spending a fun evening with the children and staff.  All the children have enjoyed a very busy day which ended with the legendary Colomendy disco. Mrs Sergeant said all the children were fine but exhausted and an early night is on the cards. 

Busy Afternoon

After a busy, but fun day, children (and teachers) are flagging now. Hot dogs were popular at lunch time and tonight’s Disco is the topic of conversation! Will Mr Cotton have the energy to ‘floss’ the night away? Keep posted to find out!

Text from Mr Cotton

“Children slept very well, except for a couple of boys who tried to go for breakfast at 4am! Full English to start the day, weather is beautiful; perfect for a day of adventure”. 

All asleep by 11pm!

News from Colomendy; Mr Cotton has just phoned with this morning’s update. All children are fine, they were asleep by 11pm last night and were up and out for breakfast by 7.30am. A full day of activities are planned, we will keep you posted as we receive more news.

Colomendy Nightwalk Underway

Miss Topping has just sent a message to say that they are all having lots of fun on the Colomendy night-walk . Everyone will be back in the dorms for 9pm.  

Safe arrival at Colomendy

Everyone has arrived safely at Colomendy. Mr Cotton said that the children have settled into their rooms and have enjoyed their activities before tea. 

Degree Excitement!

Wishing Miss Logan, Miss Stinson, Miss Farrell, Miss Gallagher and Mrs Garrity the very best of luck as they begin their Foundation Degree. The Governors have kindly agreed for our LSAs to access this amazing opportunity to study child development while working full time. Our staff are accessing higher education through Pen Green Research and the University of Hertfordshire in conjunction with  North Liverpool Teaching School. All the staff back in OLI would like to wish them well and congratulate them on taking this brave and exciting step back in to education. You are truly inspirational!! 


Today we are making a fuss of our Learning Support Assistants in celebration of National Teaching Assistant Day on Sunday. These valuable members of staff work tirelessly to support our children in so many ways, they are more than assistants to teachers they are educators, carers, ‘nurses’, friends, confidants, entertainers and so much more. On behalf of the staff, governors and parents THANK YOU for all you do! 


Congratulations to all our children from year 1 to Year 6, who took an English Speaking Board examination in the Summer!

All of the children passed with flying colours and received their award at Toxteth Annexe during the EMTAS Awards on Monday evening with their families.

We are all very proud of your achievements!

Adoremus – National Eucharistic Pilgrimage & Conference

Are you going to Adoremus – the Eucharistic Congress and Pilgrimage – in Liverpool from 7 – 9 September 2018? Liverpool is hosting a weekend of prayer, reflection and pilgrimage which will see visitors from across the nation gather to celebrate the Eucharist.

You can still secure your place at the events on Saturday and Sunday.…/product/liverpool-ticket 

For a full timetable of events taking place in our community  please follow the link below. 

Adoremus 2018



Our term has started and we would like to welcome new children and staff to our school family. Reception and Nursery children have settled well and have enjoyed exploring their new environment. Our newly designed Two year old room was a hive of activity yesterday as the children investigated this exciting space. Across the school a number of new children have joined us, I’m sure you will welcome them to our school and the community.
After two INSET days our new staff were keen to meet their classes and get ‘stuck in’ to teaching. All have received a warm welcome from the school community and are enjoying these first few days of getting to know our wonderful children and families.
Thank you for your patience and co-operation as building works continue on the gym, we hope to be up and running as usual in the near future.
Remember to you can keep up to date by using our school APP and following us on Twitter @OliPrimary .

Arrangements for the First Day Back in School

Return to School Wednesday 5th September 2018

We all look forward to seeing the children back in school tomorrow at 8.55am after the summer holiday.  Breakfast club will be open for children as usual from 8.00am.

Due to an ongoing window replacement project in the hall, all children will go straight into their new classes.  Staff will b available to direct parents as pats of the pathways near to the gym are out of bounds.

Early years children go straight into classes from their entrance.

Children in Years 1 and 2 will line up on the KS1 playground and staff will take them into class from there.  

Children in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 will line up o the KS2 playground and staff will take them into class as usual.

I’m sure the children will have lots of news to share and we are excited to see them all back in school ready for the new year.

Mrs Sergeant

Welcome back to school -Wednesday 5th September

We all look forward to seeing the children back in school tomorrow at 8.50 am after the summer holiday. Breakfast club will be open for children as usual from 8 am.

Due to an ongoing window replacement project in the hall all children will go straight into their new classes. Staff will be available to direct parents as parts of the pathways near to the gym are out of bounds.

Early years children go straight into classes from their entrance

Children in years 1 and 2 will line up on the KS1 playground and staff will take them into class from there.

Children in years 3,4,5 and 6 will line up on the KS2 playground and staff will take them into class as usual.

I’m sure the children will have lots of news to share and we are excited to see them all back in school ready for the new year. 

Liverpool Libraries Summer Reading Challenge 2018

Summer Reading Challenge- all Liverpool Libraries

The Summer Reading Challenge encourages pupils to visit their local library and read 6 books over the Summer break. Children read six or more books of their choice: fiction, non-fiction, joke books, picture books; any books they like as long as they are borrowed from the library. They talk about them in the library with a member of
staff  and receive rewards along the way and a certificate when they complete the Challenge.

This year’s Summer Reading Challenge is called Mischief Makers, inspired by the much-loved iconic children’s title Beano, which celebrates its 80th anniversary.  Children will explore a map of Beanotown to find the mysterious buried treasure and become ultimate mischief makers.  Parents/carers can sign children (4-11) up for the Summer Reading Challenge by asking at the desk at all Liverpool Council Libraries for the challenge pack.

Free Family Events at Central Library

Throughout the Summer holidays, Liverpool Central Library has a programme of fun and free activities for families with something on each weekday (except Bank Holiday Monday).  The sessions include magicians, poets, storytellers, drama and craft activities!

library summer activitieslibrary summer activities2

Everton Kids Club -Summer Holidays 2018

Do you need childcare over the summer holidays ?

Everton Kids club is open  from 8am – 6pm daily. From Monday 23 rd July until Friday 31st August 2018 , and at just £16.50 per full day that works out as little as £1.65 per hour!!!! We also offer a half – day session at just £10.00, we provide breakfast and an afternoon snack but a packed lunch must be provided which must not include fizzy drinks.

During summer holiday club we have arranged a couple of day trips , there will be an additional costs for some of these and they will be payable up front as places will be very limited on trip days.

Click on the link below for more information about the fun activities that have been planned for the children.

Everton Kids Club Ltd Summer Holidays 2018

You can ring Laura on 07799062730 to make your booking

Prize Day Summer 2018

Prize Giving Timetable – Monday 16th July (in the Gym)

Year Five and Six: – 9:15am

Foundation Stage/ Morning Nursery – 10:15am

Year Three and Four- 11:30am

Year One and Two – 1:15pm

School Prizes: 2:15pm

Wednesday 18th July 2018 Afternoon Nursery (In Nursery Area) – 2:30pm

Parents are welcome to attend

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