On the 22nd June we are reopening for Y6 children along with our key worker families.
We are currently contacting parents of Y1, Reception and Nursery children as we make plans to welcome back these year groups. More information will follow regarding this.
In order to ensure that we maintain social distancing with increased numbers of children on site we have reviewed the timings of the day. Each group of children will have a specific time to arrive and leave school in order to minimise contact with other groups. Siblings/families are able to arrive together and they will be taken to their year group bubbles by staff. Please check the timings that apply to your child/children.
Staggered school drop off times
8 am -8.15 am – Key worker children who have a pre-arranged early drop off at school
8.50-9.00 am – Key worker/Hub children
9.15 am- Year 6 children
Staggered end of day times
3 pm – Siblings/family groups
3.10 pm-EYFS children
3.15 pm – Key Stage 1 children
3.20 pm- Key Stage 2 children
3.30 pm – Year 6 children
Other information
To reduce infection children must not bring personal belongings into school and all children will receive a school dinner/school packed lunch.
For those families who do not receive Free School Meals can I remind you that the weekly cost of a school lunch is £7.50. The cost of this has been greatly subsidised by the school.
In order to reduce the risk of infection we have been advised that we are unable to accept cash in school.
Last year we introduced SIMSPAY (previously known as AGORA) as our online payment system.If you have previously used SIMSPAY please use this method to pay for your child’s school dinners .
If you need help logging on to SIMSPAY please email Miss Chute on admin@oliprimaryschool.co.uk or ring school on 0151 260 8957 and we will support you with this process.