
Y6 – return to school update

Following the advice from Steve Reddy, Director of Children’s Services and his team our school will be open to Y6 pupils on 22nd June 2020. (See below)

Children should arrive at school at 9.15 am in their uniform. They will not be able to bring in any personal items from home and all children will receive a school hot dinner or a school packed lunch. For those families who are not in receipt of free school meals can I remind you that school dinners cost £7.50 per week.   The children can be collected from school at 3.30pm so that we can ensure social distancing.

We look forward to seeing the children back in school on Monday.


As of 11th June, almost all schools are open to children of key workers and vulnerable
children. The return of Year 6 children was initially planned for 15th June but this was
paused until 22nd June.
Having consulted with Cheshire and Merseyside Directors of Public Health 1, they now feel able to support schools to progress their plans for a phased return of Year 6, if deemed safe to do so on 22nd June.
 This will be based upon the individual context of each school and will be dependent upon the size and layout of the building, circulation around the site and availability of staff. Places will be allocated until a school reaches its capacity as determined by its individual risk assessment. Once again, the stage at which
schools are able to open for these pupils will vary from school to school.

Liverpool City Council
Cunard Building, Water Street, Liverpool, L3 1AH.

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