Children’s University

Children’s University

Please find below information about Children’s University for parents and carers.  We will be rolling this scheme out over the next few months with school clubs as well as sending more information about how your child can gain credits for clubs and activities outside of school, too.

Parent Letter

Police Help Nursery to Solve a Crime!

Today, Police Officers were called to Nursery to help us find our missing Paw Patrol pups who were last seen in the lookout the night before. The Police officers spoke to us about how they help people in the community and we asked them lots of questions to find out more about their job. The Police re-enacted a real crime scene, showing the children how they solve cases. 

Christmas at Chester Zoo

Wow! What an amazing day Foundation Stage had at Chester Zoo. We learnt so much about wild animals, which we can use back in school during our current ‘Wild and Wonderful’ topic. You can imagine our excitement when Father Christmas surprised us and read us a lovely story around the fire. Visit our Foundation Stage page to see some of the photographs from today. More will be added shortly!

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Foundation Stage Stay and Play!

Thank you to all the parents and grandparents who were able to attend our monthly stay and play session. We loved sharing the way in which we plan using the children’s ideas and interests through a story focus. The plans will be copied and sent home to share together and to add your family’s ideas. Please see our Early Years autumn page for the photographs!

Foundation Stage Stay and Play Campfire

Thank you to all the parents, carers and grandparents who were able to make our monthly stay and play session today. Lots of photographs were taken and will be uploaded to the Early Years Autumn News page ASAP! We hope this session gave some insight into how children learn through quality activities and interactions with adults in both the indoor and outdoor environment. We are very aware that it is difficult for many parents to attend these sessions and therefore we will plan each monthly stay and play session on a different weekday to accommodate as many parents as possible.

Reminder: Foundation Stage Parent/Carer Welcome Meeting

Please join the Foundation Stage Team tomorrow in the school gym at 2.45pm  – 3.10pm for a coffee and chat about your child’s journey through Nursery and Reception. Find out information about how your child learns through play as well as how to support his/her early reading and mathematical development.

Fun on the Farm!

Nursery and Reception children had a fantastic day at Acorn Farm. Check out our Early Years page for more information and photogrpahs!


A fun Week in Foundation Stage!

This week we have had a visit from Paddington Bear, Tinkerbell’s fairy friends and a ‘Shark in the Dark’! Check out our Foundation Stage Summer News page for more details and the Gallery for more photos.

Paddington Visits Liverpool!

EYFS Sports Day Fun!

Nursery and Reception did a fantastic job racing today – well done! We had such a fun day with races including: superhero, running, teddy bear, jumping and egg and spoon. Thank you for all the support shown by mums, dads, nans, grandads and other family members who were able to make it. Photographs to follow in our EYFS summer gallery tomorrow and videos will be uploaded onto the vault.

Fun at the Beach!

Our Nursery and Reception children visited Crosby beach and marina today. We had so much fun searching for treasure, visiting the iron men, playing football, exploring the adventure park and enjoying a picnic in the park. The sun even made an appearance for us! Here are some photographs from today but please visit our Foundation Stage summer page to see more.

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