Anti Bullying Quality Mark

Anti Bullying Quality Mark

We are very pleased to announce that we have been awarded with the Silver Anti Bullying Quality Mark! Our assessment day was a day of celebration, where the assessor spoke to children, parents and staff. He was delighted to see how much we had progressed from our bronze award in 2015. We are very proud of this achievement!

Odd Sock Day!

We are looking forward to wearing our odd socks on Friday to celebrate and show our support for individuality!

GANGs programme for year 6

Our Year 6 children have started their programme on GetAwayNGetSafe (Gangs safety programme). This has been a really successful programme in our school in the past and we are looking forward to seeing the impact on our current year 6 children.

Anti bullying week

We have started our ‘Anti Bullying Week’ with a brilliant and informative assembly on being cyber safe, this was presented by our digital leaders. The message was very clear. Well Done! I am looking forward to see what else this important week brings.

PGL update

We are disco ready and can’t wait to show our dance moves! 

A great start to our Year 3 PGL Residential trip

We have had a brilliant start to our residential trip. So far we have completed the climbing wall and even built our own rafts to sail on the lake! It’s a good job we have packed lots of spare clothes!

Macmillan Coffee Afternoon

Thank you so much for all of your support on Friday, we made a massive £250 for the charity. Your generosity is greatly appreciated! We will be selling the remaining cakes on the Key Stage Two yard at home time on Tuesday!

Thank you again!

Macmillan Coffee Afternoon Tea

Just a reminder to say we are really looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow afternoon from 2.30pm onwards in the school canteen. Come along and support this worthy charity by making a small donation for a drink and some delicious cakes!


Miss Hughes’ class assembly

Just a reminder that Miss Hughes’ class (Year 3/4) have their assembly on Friday 26th January at 9.10 in the media suite! We are looking forward to seeing you there!

A massive ‘Thank you’ for all donations!

Thank you for all of your generous contributions for our Advent collection this year! ‘Fans Supporting Food Banks’ charity were amazed and very grateful. They will be used for vulnerable families in Liverpool.

Anti Bullying Week 13-17 November

The theme for this year’s anti bullying week was ‘All different, All Equal’, the children have celebrated this in a variety of ways and we finished our celebration by wearing odd socks to show our individuality and that we are all different and equal. Also our glee club had their debut performance of their song ‘Rise up’ to kick start our celebration assemblies this week!

Check out the anti bullying page to see the variety of activities the children have focussed on!


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