Upper Key Stage Two Home Learning Page

Welcome to our Key Stage Two Home Learning page, below you will find links to tasks and topics which children can access in the event of whole class isolation or lockdown. These activities will supplement work set by the teacher and be provided in conjunction with telephone contact and email support.

Staff will be available for support and can be contacted on Year5@oliprimaryschool.co.uk  or Year6@oliprimaryschool.co.uk

Please remember that when teachers make contact via telephone it will display as ‘no caller ID’.

Please send any questions, work or photographs of activities to the above email.

Thank you.

Mr Cotton, Miss Gallagher, Miss Topping and Mrs Coulson

Year 5 

Isolation 7th July 2021

Home Learning Overview

Fluent in Five Year 5 Week 36

Handwriting Poem 2

Handwriting Poem

Year 6 

Isolation 1st July 2021

Home Learning Overview

Please find your planning overview for the period of isolation. We are setting most of the work through Seesaw https://web.seesaw.me/

All the children have been given a copy of their passwords but please email us if you need another copy. 

Week beginning 8th March 2021

Home learning Overview

Andy-Warhol-Patterns ideas

Come and See

Fluent in Five – Year 6 – Week 9


Mental Maths Pack 



Year 6 Spring 2 Week 1 Dictations



Thursday and Friday

Week beginning 1st March 2021

Miss Gallagher’s and Mr Cotton’s welcome to your home learning weekly message:



Home Learning Overview Year 6

Boy week 4 English activities

Converting Units problem solving

The Masked Reader

Alarm bells- cyberpower


Come and See week 2

Fluent in Five – Year 6 – Week 8

Geography reading comp -ODDIZZI

Grammar- Colon


OLI book hunt

Show what you know -Mountains Quiz

Sorting ough words


Roald Dahl Challenge Cards UKS2 

Year 6 – Arithmetic – Spring 2019

Year 6 – Mark Scheme- Arithmetic

Additionally, year 6 children have access to SATs Companion to support their Maths and English learning.

Year 5

Week beginning 1st March 2021

Mrs Coulson & Miss Topping’s weekly welcome to your home learning message.


Home Learning Overview Year 5

A Place for Plastic PPT

The Masked Reader

Fluent in Five – Year 5 – Week 16

Formal and Informal Language PPT

Formal-Informal activity

Friday mystery challenge

Monday comprehension

Monday name that story


PSHE Writing Activity


Science assessment

Tuesday scavenger hunt



Previous Weeks Learning

year 6

Week beginning 22nd February 2021

Home Learning Overview Year 6

Y6 Boy-Tales of a Childhood week 4

problem solving



Come and See explore


Fluent in Five year 6

Week beginning 8th February 2021

Home Learning Overview Year 6

Y6 Boy-Tales of a Childhood week 3

Collective worship -Sir Captain Tom

Spelling worksheet

Grammar worksheet

Resource_sheet PSHE






Fluent in Five – Year 6 – Week 5

Week beginning 1st February 2021

Home Learning Overview Year 6

Fluent in Five – Year 6


Reading comprehension

You Are Unique Lesson Presentation

Celebrating Me

You Are Unique Scenario Cards

mindfulness colouring

I am amazing

Exercise Diary

PE stations

Y6 Boy-Tales of a Childhood week 2


Week beginning 25th January 2021

Home Learning Overview Year 6

Y6 Boy-Tales of a Childhood

Year 6 Light lesson- Seeing shiny and matt objects

Week beginning 18th January 2021

Home Learning Overview Year 6

battleships game

Coordinates maths Oak National Academy 18th Jan

examples of work on ‘Light’

Fluent in Five week beginning 18th January

Is the internet good or bad.pptx

Picasso types of mountains

World’s Weirdest Places 18th January 2021

Week beginning 11th January 2021

Home Learning Overview Year 6

Relaxation activities

Year 6 Home Learning Music

What is a mountain

Week beginning 4th January 2021

Task 1. Week 1- Game Changers Year 6

Task 2.Week 1 and 2 Maths Miss Gallagher

Task3. Fluent in Five week 1 Y6

Year 5

Week beginning 22nd February 2021 

Home Learning Overview Year 5

Comparing Life Cycles PPT

English activities(1)

Expanded Noun Phrases Activity Sheets

Expanded Noun Phrases PPT

Fluent in Five – Year 5 – Week 15

Life cycle comparison




Yr5 Area and Perimeter Assessment

Yr5 Statistics Assessment

Time assessment 

History assessment

Week beginning 8th February 2021

Home Learning Overview Year 5

Chinese New Year crossword

Chinese New Year PPT

Classifying animals

English activities

Fluent in Five – Year 5 – Week 14

Friday Maths Game

Frog lifecycle template

How to make a paper lantern

Lifecycles PPT



Week beginning 1st February 2021

Home Learning Overview Year 5

Fluent in Five – Year 5 – Week 13

Week 5 Be The Best You Year 5


You Are Unique Lesson Presentation

Week beginning 25th January 2021

Home Learning Overview Year 5


Fluent in Five


PSHE worksheet

Tchaikovsky PPT


RE Week 4

Plant life cycle images

Week beginning 18th January 2021

Home Learning Overview Year 5

Coronavirus and Spanish Flu

Fake News Activity Sheet

Fl in 5 home learning wk3


RE activity 1 (wk3)

Week 3 English

Fake News Powerpoint

Week beginning 11th January 2021

Home Learning Overview Year 5

Fluent in 5

PSHE Week 1

Year 5 Home Learning Music

Connect.Collins login instructions

Year 5 Spring Spellings group 1

Year 5 Spring Spellings group 2

Week beginning 4th January 2021

Task 1. Maths for week 1 and 2 of isolation year 5

Task 2. Week 1 Home learning yr5

Task 4. Fluent in Five week 1 Y5

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