Our Lady Immaculate Catholic Primary School

Approved by the Governing Body: Autumn 2022
Date of next review: Autumn 2024
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(To be read in conjunction with our Anti-Bullying and Care and Control policies.)
This policy addresses both the promotion of positive behaviour, in accordance with our
school’s general aims and ethos, in relation to children’s personal, social and moral development,
and also our policy on rewards and recognition as well as consequences with regard to pupils’
behaviour. It also contains our policy on suspensions and permanent exclusions. Behaviour polices,
set high expectations for children and adults based on ethics which are rooted in gospel values and
the teaching of the Catholic Church. Our policies emphasise the importance of personal
responsibility and the need for justice whilst also facilitating healing and reconciliation. These
expectations are reflected in our shared values which are evident within the Whole School Code of
Conduct and the school mission statement “One family living and learning together in faith”. We are
informed by DFE guidance for governing bodies, July 2012 and “Behaviour and discipline in schools,
advice for head teachers and school staff” September 2022
The code of conduct and school mission statements are demonstrated around school through the
use of large photographs and children’s artwork.
At Our Lady Immaculate Primary school, we are one family living and
learning together in faith and so we…
• Respect ourselves, others and our school
• Work hard at everything we do
• Do our best and never give up
• Welcome others with a smile
• Recognise achievement and celebrate success
• Show we care by listening to each other
We regard it to be a highly important aspect of children’s education and development that
they learn to behave well towards others and towards the community in which they live. We
therefore promote conduct and behaviour rooted in gospel values and which uphold the dignity of
the human person. Good behaviour underpins effective learning, and children need good personal
and social skills in order to live fulfilling and rewarding lives as adults.
Behaviour which, in any way, disrupts learning, is unacceptable in our school, and, through
the constant promotion of positive behaviour, we seek to minimise, if not eliminate any such
behaviour. Through carefully kept notes and records we are able to effectively support pupils
through Behaviour Support Plans. See Appendices. Alongside this policy, we are an inclusive school
and endeavour to meet the needs of all children, including those with SEND and emotional and
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Approved by the Governing Body: Autumn 2022
Date of next review: Autumn 2024
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behavioural difficulties. We can offer additional support through positive individualised Positive
Behaviour Support Plans and interventions such as individualised behaviour support, Massage in
School (MISP) and Circle Time. We are also supported by external partners who provide specialisms
that the children can access e.g. Therapeutic Play, Seedlings, Paws B. Discrete curriculum links can
be seen through our “Super 7”.
Super 7
12 Key
Code of
Aims and objectives
It is a primary aim of our school that every member of the school community feels valued
and respected, and that each person is treated fairly and well. We are a caring community, the
values of which are built on mutual trust and respect for all. The school’s behaviour policy is
therefore intended to support all members of our school community in living and working together
in a mutually beneficial way. It aims to promote an environment in which everyone feels happy, safe
and secure.
The school has developed a code of conduct with staff, children and families, but our
behaviour policy is not primarily concerned with rule enforcement. It is a means of promoting good
relationships, so that people can work together with the common purpose of helping everyone to
The school expects every member of the school community to behave in a considerate way
towards others.
We aim to treat all children fairly and to apply this behaviour policy consistently.
This policy aims to help children grow in a safe and secure environment, and to become
positive, responsible and increasingly independent members of the school and the wider
The school aims to promote and reward good behaviour, as this will develop an ethos of
kindness and cooperation. This policy is designed to promote good behaviour, rather than merely
deter anti-social behaviour.
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Date of next review: Autumn 2024
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Rewards and Recognition. Reflect, Repair, Rebuild.
We praise, encourage and reward children for good and helpful behaviour in a variety of
▪ Teachers praise and recognise children for considerate, positive behaviour in such a way
as to underline its value to our school.
▪ Teachers award points, dojo’s or stickers for particularly good behaviour.
▪ Each week, we nominate a particular child from each class to be named in assembly. The
child receives a certificate and this is shared with the children and families through our
website and twitter.
▪ We award stickers to children, either for consistent good work or behaviour, or to
acknowledge outstanding effort or acts of kindness in school.
▪ All classes have an opportunity to take part in achievement assembly where they are
able to show examples not only of their best work, but of considerate behaviour
towards others.
The school acknowledges all the efforts and achievements of children, both in and out of
school. Early Years Learning Journeys contain information regarding children’s wider achievements
beyond school, thereby recognising personal endeavour and positive motivation.
The school uses the process of reflect, repair rebuild to implement the school code of
conduct, and to ensure a safe and positive learning environment. The safety of all of our children is
paramount. In order to support children with their behaviour we have developed 12 key strategies
to promote consistency across the school. These strategies are proactive, responsive, verbal and
State the
The Help Script
Choice Drivers
Partially Agree
(“Yes, and…”)
Reflect, Repair,
One Calm Voice
The Help
Lead into
Change of Face
Personal Space
The class teacher discusses the school code of conduct with each class. In addition to the
code of conduct, each class also has its own classroom code, which is agreed by the children and
displayed on the wall of the classroom. In this way, every child in the school knows the standard of
behaviour that we expect in our school. If there are incidents of inappropriate behaviour, the class
teacher discusses these with the whole class.
The school does not tolerate bullying of any kind. In 2018 the schools work in this area was
acknowledged with the Anti Bullying Quality Mark Silver Award. If we discover that an act of
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Date of next review: Autumn 2024
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bullying or intimidation has taken place, we act immediately to stop any further occurrences of such
behaviour. While it is very difficult to eradicate bullying, we do everything in our power to ensure
that all children attend school free from fear of any kind from others.
All members of staff are aware of the regulations regarding the use of force by teachers, as
set out in the document. DfE “The Use of Reasonable Force” July ’13. Teachers in our school do not
use any kind of physical force as punishment. They will only intervene physically to restrain children
in order to prevent injury to a child, or if a child is in danger of hurting him/herself. The restraining
actions that we take are in line with government guidelines on the restraint of children. See Care
and Control policy in Appendices.
The role of the class teacher
It is the responsibility of class teachers to ensure that the school code of conduct is in place
within their classes, and that their classes behave in a responsible manner during lesson time.
The class teachers in our school have high expectations of the children with regard to
behaviour, and they strive to ensure that all children achieve to the best of their ability.
The class teacher treats each child fairly, and enforces the classroom code consistently. The
teachers treat all children in their classes with respect and understanding
Consequences should be certain and predictable and should not be punitive. Consequences should
provide the opportunity to Reflect, Repair Rebuild.
If a serious incident occurs the process for reporting and recording will be followed and is
the responsibility of the class teacher to ensure chronology is maintained.
Where external support agencies are involved in meeting the needs of a particular child, the
class teacher liaises and works co-operatively with those agencies, as necessary, to support and
guide the progress of the child. The class teacher may, for example, in consultation with the school’s
Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) discuss the needs of a child with the education
social worker or the LA’s behaviour support service. Prior to the involvement of external agencies
the school will strive to meet the child’s individual needs through a range of school interventions -R
Time, Inclusion Hub, Circle time, Rainbows, 1-1 support, reading and maths intervention
programmes and SEN targeted intervention support.
The class teacher reports to parents and carers on the personal and social development of
each child in their class, in line with whole-school policy. The class teacher may also contact a parent
if there are concerns about the behaviour or welfare of a child.
The head teacher analysis the school’s data around incidents and reports back to governors
with an outline of next steps regarding staff CPD or support for vulnerable groups.
The role of support staff
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Date of next review: Autumn 2024
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We have a range of support staff at Our Lady Immaculate Catholic Primary School including Teaching
assistants, administration staff, Learning Mentor, Play Therapist, school gardener, caretaker and
premises staff. All of these people have a vital role to play in supporting and encouraging the
children to follow our code of conduct. Some teaching assistants have special responsibility for the
coordination and delivery of particular interventions e.g. Circle time, Lego therapy, Rainbows,
Sunbeams and individual support programmes. LSA’s also support children who are in receipt of Top
up Funding from the Local Authority. Support is primarily on a 1-1/small group basis and staff are
allocated to classes according to need of the child and expertise of the adult.
The expectation is for support staff to work closely with the class teacher/SMT to follow the school’s
process for reporting and recording incidents as well as the protocols for Reflect, Repair, Rebuild.
The role of the headteacher
It is the responsibility of the headteacher, to implement the school behaviour policy
consistently throughout the school, and to report to governors, when requested, on the
effectiveness of the policy. It is also the responsibility of the headteacher to ensure the health,
safety and welfare of all children in the school.
The headteacher supports the staff by implementing the policy, by setting the standards of
behaviour, and by supporting staff in their implementation of the policy.
The headteacher monitors records of all reported serious incidents of misbehaviour within
serious incident logs and individual behaviour files.
The headteacher has the responsibility for giving fixed-term exclusions to individual children
for serious acts of misbehaviour. For repeated or very serious acts of anti-social behaviour, the
headteacher may permanently exclude a child. These actions are taken only after the school
governors and local authority have been notified.
The role of parents and carers
Our school requests that parents and carers enter into a Home-School Agreement with the
school, agreeing to work in partnership with the school to promote the behaviours that we expect.
The school collaborates actively with parents and carers, so that children receive consistent
messages about how to behave at home and at school through conversations or meetings with
parents and their child, home school links, behaviour support planning and termly school reports
and parent’s progress meetings.
The code of conduct is available to parents on the school website (www.oliprimary.co.uk),
and we expect parents and carers to understand and support this.
We try to build a supportive dialogue between the home and the school, and we inform
parents and carers immediately if we have concerns about their child’s welfare or behaviour.
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Date of next review: Autumn 2024
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We work in partnership with parents and carers and we welcome conversations between
families and class teachers, senior leaders and the headteacher. More formal discussions can take
place where appropriate. If parents and carers wish to they can contact the chair of the governing
body, in accordance with the school’s complaints policy.
The role of governors
The governing body has the responsibility, for agreeing as policy, these general guidelines on
standards of behaviour, and of reviewing their effectiveness. The governors support the
headteacher in adhering to these guidelines.
The headteacher has the day-to-day authority to implement the school’s policy on behaviour
leadership, but governors may give advice to the headteacher about particular disciplinary issues
relating to exclusion. The headteacher must take this into account when making decisions about
matters of behaviour.
Suspensions and permanent exclusions
We are an inclusive school and do not wish to exclude any child, even when they exhibit
serious behavioural difficulties. We will take every reasonable step as part of our graduated
response in supporting children including Behaviour Support Plans and Positive Handling Plans plus
extra support through using SDQs and interventions such as 1-1 SEMH support, alternative learning
environment at the HUB all of which are to ensure that exclusions are avoided. We also request our
external partners to support pupils in school who are raising behavioural or SEMH concern.
However, in extreme cases, it may be necessary to exclude.
The school follows the statutory guidance, published by the DFE in 2022, School suspensions
and permanent exclusions from maintained school, Academies and pupil referral units in England”
and has regard to the standard national list of reasons for exclusion.
Only the headteacher (or an acting headteacher) has the power to suspend or permanently
exclude a child from school. The headteacher may suspend a child for one or more fixed periods, for
up to 45 days in anyone school year. In exceptional cases, usually where further evidence has come to
light, the headteacher may issue another suspension or a permanent exclusion to begin immediately
after the end of a suspension. In extreme and exceptional circumstances, the headteacher may
exclude a child permanently.
If the headteacher suspends or excludes a child, s/he informs the parents or carers
immediately, giving reasons for the suspension or exclusion. At the same time, the headteacher
makes it clear to the parents or carers that they can, if they wish, appeal against the decision to the
governing body. The school informs the parents or carers how to make any such appeal.
The headteacher informs the LA and the governing body about any permanent exclusion,
and about any fixed-term suspensions beyond five days in any one term.
The governing body itself cannot either suspend or exclude a child or extend the suspension
period made by the headteacher.
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Approved by the Governing Body: Autumn 2022
Date of next review: Autumn 2024
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The governing body has a discipline committee which is made up of between three and five
members. This committee considers any exclusion appeals on behalf of the governors.
When an appeals panel meets to consider a suspension or exclusion, they consider the
circumstances under which the child was suspended/ excluded, consider any representation by
parents/carers and the LA, and consider whether the child should be reinstated.
If the governors’ appeals panel decides that a child should be reinstated, the headteacher
must comply with this ruling.
Drug and alcohol related incidents
It is the policy of this school that no child should bring any drug, legal or illegal, to school. If a
child needs medication during the school day, the parent or guardian should notify the school and
ask permission for the medication to be brought. The school follows the policy and guidance on the
administering of medicines as set out by Liverpool Education Authority. Further details are available
at school and on the website.
The school will take very seriously misuse of any substances such as glue, other solvents, or
alcohol. The parents or guardians of any child involved will always be notified. Any child who
deliberately brings substances into school for the purpose of misuse will be excluded for a fixed
term. The child will not be readmitted to the school until a parent or guardian of the child has visited
the school and discussed the seriousness of the incident with the headteacher. If the incident is
repeated, the child will be permanently excluded, and the police and social services will be informed.
If any child is found to be suffering from the effects of alcohol or other substances,
arrangements will be made for that child to be taken home.
If a child is found to have deliberately brought illegal substances into school, and is found to
be distributing these to other pupils for money, the child will be permanently excluded from the
school. The police and social services will also be informed. We also pay due cognisance to DFE
guidance, Searching, Screening and Confiscation 2022.
10 Child-on-child sexual violence and sexual harassment
Sexual violence and sexual harassment are never acceptable, will not be tolerated. All staff
understand the importance of challenging all inappropriate language and behaviour between pupils
Following any report of child-on-child sexual violence or sexual harassment offline or online,
the school will follow the general safeguarding principles set out in Keeping children safe in
education (KCSIE). The designated safeguarding lead (or deputy) will be informed by staff through
CPOMS and DSL will advise on the school’s initial response. Each incident will be considered on a
case-by-case basis.
10.3 The schools PSHE and safeguarding curriculum
Banned Items
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Date of next review: Autumn 2024
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Prohibited items include:
• knives or weapons;
• alcohol;
• illegal drugs;
• stolen items;
• tobacco and cigarette papers;
• Chewing gum
• Mobile phones
• fireworks;
• pornographic images;
• any article that a member of staff reasonably suspects has been, or is likely to be, used to
commit an offence or injure a person or damage property; and
• any item specified as banned are able to be searched for in line with
to DFE guidance, Searching, Screening and Confiscation 2022.
Monitoring and review
The headteacher monitors the effectiveness of this policy on a regular basis. S/he also
reports to the governing body on the effectiveness of the policy and, if necessary, makes
recommendations for further improvements.
The school keeps a variety of records concerning serious incidents and these are monitored
on a regular basis by the schools safeguarding governor and school SIP.
The headteacher keeps a record of any child who is suspended for a fixed-term, or who is
permanently excluded.
It is the responsibility of the governing body to monitor the occurrence of both fixed-term
suspensions or permanent exclusions, and to ensure that the school policy is administered fairly and
consistently. The governing body will pay particular attention to matters of equality and
discrimination; it will seek to ensure that the school abides by the non-statutory guidance
Equality Act 2010: advice for schools 2014 and that no child is treated unfairly because of a
protected characteristic.
The governing body reviews this policy every 2 years. The governors may, however, review
the policy earlier than this if the government introduces new regulations, or if the governing body
receives recommendations on how the policy might be improved.
12 key strategies
Process for Reflect, Repair, Rebuild.
Proforma for behaviour support plan
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Date of next review: Autumn 2024
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Agreed Core Strategies
State the Obvious
The Help Script
Choice Drivers
One Calm Voice
Partially Agree
(“Yes, and…”)
Reflect, Repair,
The Help Protocol
Lead into Learning
Proximity Support
Personal Space
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Date of next review: Autumn 2024

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Appendix 2

Process for Post-Incident Debrief: Pupil

Date Incident Ref No

Staff Pupil/s

• Use of Story/Social Story/Drawing/Role-Play etc.
e.g. Used Velcro strip to create storyboard. Interactive “Feelings Game” on the laptop.

• Provide the opportunity to “fix things up”. “Do” sorry.
• Restore.
e.g. For child A and Child B to be given the opportunity to feed the animals together under close supervision. For the
opportunity to be given for Child A to share the bucket and brushes with Child B.

• Share strategies i.e. “What can we do differently next time.”
• Links to learning.
e.g. Carefully plan for Child A and Child B to share equipment/toys/games during social time.

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Date of next review: Autumn 2024

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Appendix 3





child can:



Teaching and Learning.

Our Lady Immaculate Catholic Primary School

Approved by the Governing Body: Autumn 2022
Date of next review: Autumn 2024

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