Our Lady Immaculate Catholic Primary School

Approved by the Governing body:
Date of Next review:
We are a Catholic school and our mission is to develop a Christ centered community, which recognises
Christ’s love in every person and reflects the gospel values in the life and development of each child in
our school.
As a Catholic school everything we do is underpinned by Gospel Values. Our School Mission Statement is:
One Family Living and Learning Together in Faith.
Statement of Intent
Our Lady Immaculate Catholic Primary School believes that all pupils are entitled to an education that
enables them to achieve their best, become confident individuals living fulfilling lives, and make a successful
transition into adulthood.
This policy outlines the framework the school will use in meeting its duties, obligations and principal equality
values in providing an appropriate high-quality education for pupils with SEND.
Through successful implementation of this policy, the school aims to eliminate discrimination and promote
equal opportunities.
The school will work with the LA, or equivalent, in ensuring that the following principles underpin this policy:
• The involvement of pupils and their parents in decision-making.
• The early identification of pupils’ needs and early intervention to support them.
• A focus on inclusive practice and removing barriers to learning.
• Collaboration between education, health and social care services to provide support.
• High-quality provision to meet the needs of pupils with SEND.
• Greater choice and control for pupils and their parents over their support.
• Successful preparation for transitioning to the next stage learning.
Under the Equality Act 2010, a disability is a physical or mental impairment which has a long-term and
substantial adverse effect on a person’s ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities. For the purposes of
this policy, a pupil is defined as having SEND if they have:
• A significantly greater difficulty in learning than most others of the same age.
• A disability or health condition that prevents or hinders them from making use of educational
facilities used by peers of the same age in mainstream settings.
• Special educational provision that is additional to or different from that made generally for other
children or young people of the same age by mainstream settings.
1. Legal framework
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This policy has due regard to all relevant legislation including, but not limited to, the following:
• Local Government Act 1974
• Disabled Persons (Services, Consultation and Representation) Act 1986
• Children Act 1989
• Education Act 1996
• Education Act 2002
• Mental Capacity Act 2005
• Equality Act 2010
• The Equality Act 2010 (Disability) Regulations 2010
• Children and Families Act 2014
• The Special Educational Needs (Personal Budgets) Regulations 2014
• The Special Educational Needs and Disability (Amendment) Regulations 2015
• The Special Educational Needs and Disability (Detained Persons) Regulations 2015
• The UK General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
• Data Protection Act 2018
• Health and Care Act 2022
This policy has due regard to statutory and non-statutory guidance, including, but not limited to, the
• DfE (2015) ‘Special educational needs and disability code of practice: 0 to 25 years’
• DfE (2015) ‘Supporting pupils at school with medical conditions’
• DfE (2018) ‘Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018’
• DfE (2018) ‘Mental health and wellbeing provision in schools’
• DfE (2021) ‘School Admissions Code’
• DfE (2022) ‘Keeping children safe in education 2022’
• Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) (2015) ‘Reasonable adjustments for disabled pupils’
This policy operates in conjunction with the following school policies:
• Admissions Policy
• Pupil Equality, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Policy
• Data Protection Policy
• Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy
• Behaviour Policy
• Complaints Procedures Policy
• Accessibility Policy
Approved by the Governing body:
Date of Next review:
2. Objectives
Our Lady Immaculate will identify and address the SEND of the pupils that they support. Through the
implementation of this policy, the school will:
• Use their best endeavours to make sure that pupils with SEND get the support they need to access
the school’s broad and balanced curriculum.
• Ensure that pupils with SEND engage in the activities of the school alongside pupils who do not have
• Ensure there is high-quality provision to meet the needs of pupils with SEND, with specific focus on
inclusive practice and removing barriers to learning.
• Fulfil its statutory duties towards pupils with SEND in light of the SEND Code of Practice.
• Promote disability equality and equality of opportunity, fulfilling its duties under the Equality Act
2010 towards individual disabled pupils.
• Make reasonable adjustments, including the provision of auxiliary aids and services, to ensure that
disabled pupils are not at a substantial disadvantage compared with their peers.
• Designate a teacher to be responsible for coordinating SEND provision, Mrs Christine Bowcock
• Inform parents when they are making special educational provision for their child.
• Review, prepare and publish important information about the school and its implementation of
relevant SEND policies, including: – Accessibility plans setting out how they plan to increase access to the curriculum and the physical
environment for pupils with SEND. – Information about the admission arrangements for pupils with SEND and the steps taken to
prevent them being treated less favourably than others. – A SEN information report about the implementation of the school’s policy for pupils with SEND.
4. Roles and responsibilities
The governing board will be responsible for:
• Ensuring this policy is implemented fairly and consistently across the school.
• Ensuring the school meets its duties in relation to supporting pupils with SEND.
• Ensuring that there is a qualified teacher designated as SENCO for the school.
The headteacher is responsible for ensuring the school offers a broad and balanced curriculum, with high
quality teaching and a positive and enriching educational experience of for all pupils, including pupils with
In enacting this policy, the headteacher will:
• Ensure the school holds ambitious expectations for all pupils with SEND.
• Establish and sustain culture and practices that enable pupils with SEND to access the curriculum and
learn effectively.
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• Ensure the school works effectively in partnership with parents, carers and professionals, to identify
the additional needs and SEND of pupils, providing support and adaptation where appropriate.
• Ensure the school fulfils its statutory duties with regard to the SEND code of practice.
• Work with the governing board to ensure that there is a qualified teacher designated as SENCO for
the school.
• Ensure the SENCO has sufficient time and resources to carry out their functions.
• Provide the SENCO with sufficient administrative support and time away from teaching to enable
them to fulfil their responsibilities.
• Regularly and carefully reviewing the quality of teaching for pupils at risk of underachievement, as a
core part of the school’s performance management arrangements.
• Ensure that procedures and policies for the day-to-day running of the school do not directly or
indirectly discriminate against pupils with SEND.
The SENCO will be responsible for:
• Collaborating with the governing board and headteacher, as part of the SLT, to determine the
strategic development of the SEND policy and provision in the school.
• The day-to-day responsibility for the operation of SEND policy.
• The coordination of specific provision made to support individual pupils with SEND.
• Liaising with the relevant designated teacher for LAC with SEND.
• Advising on a graduated approach to providing SEND support.
• Advising on the deployment of the school’s delegated budget and other resources to meet pupils’
needs effectively.
• Liaising with the parents of pupils with SEND.
• Liaising with early years providers, other schools, educational psychologists, health and social care
professionals, and independent or voluntary bodies, as required.
• Being a key point of contact for external agencies, especially the LA and LA support services.
• Liaising with the potential future providers of education to ensure that pupils and their parents are
informed about the options, and a smooth transition is planned.
• Working with the relevant governors and the headteacher to ensure that the school meets its
responsibilities under the Equality Act 2010, regarding reasonable adjustments and access
• Ensuring that the school keeps the records of all pupils with SEND up-to-date, in line with the school’s
Data Protection Policy.
• Providing professional guidance to colleagues, and working closely with staff, parents and other
• Advising on a graduated approach to providing SEND support.
• Being familiar with the provision in the Local Offer and being able to work with professionals who are
providing a supporting role to the family.
Teachers will be responsible for:
• Planning and reviewing support for pupils with SEND on a graduated basis, in collaboration with
parents, the SENCO and, where appropriate, the pupils themselves.
Approved by the Governing body:
Date of Next review:
• Setting high expectations for every pupil and aiming to teach them the full curriculum, whatever their
prior attainment.
• Planning lessons to address potential areas of difficulty to ensure that there are no barriers to every
pupil achieving.
• Ensuring every pupil with SEND is able to study the full national curriculum.
• Being accountable for the progress and development of the pupils in their class.
• Being aware of the needs, outcomes sought, and support provided to any pupils with SEND they are
working with.
• Understanding and implementing strategies to identify and support vulnerable pupils with the
support of the SENCO.
• Keeping the relevant figures of authority up-to-date with any changes in behaviour, academic
developments and causes of concern. The relevant figures of authority include the headteacher.
4. Identifying SEND
Our Lady Immaculate recognises that early identification and effective provision improves long-term
outcomes for pupils. As part of the overall approach to monitoring the progress and development of all
pupils, it has a clear approach to identifying and responding to SEND as outlined in the school’s SEN
Information Report.
With the support of the SLT, classroom teachers will conduct regular progress assessments for all pupils,
with the aim of identifying pupils who are making less than expected progress given their age and individual
‘Less than expected progress’ will be characterised by progress which:
• Is significantly slower than that of their peers starting from the same baseline.
• Does not match or better the pupil’s previous rate of progress.
• Fails to close the attainment gap between them and their peers.
• Widens the attainment gap.
The school plans, manages and reviews SEND provision across the following four broad areas of need:
• Communication and interaction
• Cognition and learning
• Social, emotional and mental health difficulties
• Sensory and/or physical needs
5 Safeguarding
Our Lady Immaculate recognises that evidence shows pupils with SEND are at a greater risk of abuse and
maltreatment, so will ensure that staff are aware that pupils with SEND:
• Have the potential to be disproportionately impacted by behaviours such as bullying.
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• May face additional risks online, e.g. from online bullying, grooming and radicalisation.
• Are at greater risk of abuse, including child-on-child abuse, neglect, and sexual violence and
Our Lady Immaculate recognises that there are additional barriers to recognising abuse and neglect in this
group of pupils. These barriers include, but are not limited to:
• Assumptions that indicators of possible abuse such as behaviour, mood and injury relate to the
pupil’s condition without further exploration.
• These pupils being more prone to peer group isolation or bullying (including prejudice-based bullying)
than other pupils.
• The potential for pupils with SEND or certain medical conditions being disproportionally impacted by
behaviours such as bullying, without outwardly showing any signs.
• Communication barriers and difficulties in managing or reporting these challenges.
The headteacher and governing body will ensure that the school’s Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy
reflects the fact that these additional barriers can exist when identifying abuse.
Care will be taken by all staff, particularly those who work closely with pupils with SEND, to notice any
changes in behaviour or mood, or any injuries, and these indicators will be investigated by the DSL in
collaboration with the SENCO.
6. SEND support
Our Lady Immaculate is aware of its statutory duty to provide a broad and balanced curriculum and
recognise that high quality teaching, which is adapted for individual pupils, is the first step in responding to
pupils who have or may have SEND.
Teachers at the school will:
• Set high expectations for every pupil.
• Plan stretching work for pupils whose attainment is significantly above the expected standard.
• Plan lessons for pupils who have low levels of prior attainment or come from disadvantaged
• Use appropriate assessment to set targets which are deliberately ambitious.
• Plan lessons to ensure that there are no barriers to every pupil achieving.
• Be responsible and accountable for the progress and development of the pupils in their class,
including where pupils access support from teaching assistants or specialist staff.
Decisions on whether to make special educational provision for pupils will be based upon:
• Discussions between the teacher and SENCO.
• Analysis of the pupil’s progress – using internal formative and summative assessments, alongside
national data and expectations of progress.
• Discussion with the pupil and their parent.
Approved by the Governing body:
Date of Next review:
Once a pupil has been identified with SEND, the school will employ a graduated approach to meeting the
pupil’s needs. This will be through the adoption of a four-part cycle – assess, plan, do, review – whereby
earlier decisions and actions are revisited, refined and revised with a growing understanding of the pupil’s
needs and of what supports the pupil in making good progress and securing good outcomes. The process is
as follows:
• Assess: establishing a clear assessment of the pupil’s needs
• Plan: agreeing the adjustments, interventions and support to be put in place, as well as the expected
impact on progress, development or behaviour, along with a clear date for review
• Do: implementing the agreed interventions and support
• Review: analysing the effectiveness of the interventions and their impact on the pupil’s progress in
line with the agreed review date.
Where higher levels of need are identified, the school will access specialised assessments from external
agencies and professionals.
Where, despite the school having taken relevant and purposeful action to identify, assess and meet the SEN
of a pupil, they have not made expected progress, the school, in consultation with parents, will consider
requesting an Education, Health and Care needs assessment.
The school is aware that there may be pupils at the school for whom English is not their first language and
appreciates that having EAL is not equated to having learning difficulties. At the same time, when pupils with
EAL make slow progress, it will not be assumed that their language status is the only reason; they may have
The school will consider the pupil within the context of their home, culture and community and look
carefully at all aspects of a pupil’s performance in different subjects to establish whether the problems
they have in the classroom are due to limitations in their command of English or arise from SEND.
7. Early years pupils with SEND
Our Lady Immaculate early years provision have arrangements in place to identify and support children with
SEND and to promote equality of opportunity for children in their care. These requirements are set out in
the EYFS framework.
The school will ensure all staff who work with young children are alert to emerging difficulties and respond
Our Lady Immaculate will:
• Ensure that staff listen and understand when parents express concerns about their child’s
development, as well as listening to any concerns raised by children themselves.
• Monitor and review the progress and development of all children throughout the early years.
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• Use its best endeavours to make sure that a child with SEND gets the support they need.
• Ensure that children with SEND engage in the activities of school alongside children who do not have
• Designate a teacher to be the SENCO. Miss Emma Davin.
• Provide information for parents on how it supports children with SEND.
• Prepare a report on the: – Implementation of SEND policy and procedures. – Arrangements for the admission of children with SEND. – Steps being taken to prevent children with SEND from being treated less favourably than others. – Facilities provided to enable access to the school for children with SEND. – Accessibility plan showing how it plans to improve access over time.
• Inform parents when the school makes special educational provision for their child.
• Follow a graduated approach to assessing, planning, implementing, and reviewing provision and
progress – the ‘assess, plan, do, review’ cycle.
8. Admissions
Our Lady Immaculate will ensure it meets its duties set under the DfE’s ‘School Admissions Code’ by:
• Not refusing admission for a child thought to be potentially disruptive, or likely to exhibit challenging
behaviour, on the grounds that the child is first to be assessed for SEND.
• Not refusing admission for a child that has named the school in their EHC plan.
• Considering applications from parents of children who have SEND but do not have an EHC plan.
• Not refusing admission for a child who does not have an EHC plan.
• Not discriminating against or disadvantaging applicants with SEND.
• Ensuring policies relating to school uniform and trips do not discourage parents of pupils with SEND
from applying for a place.
• Adopting fair practices and arrangements in accordance with the ‘School Admissions Code’ for the
admission of children without an EHC plan.
• Ensuring the school’s oversubscription arrangements will not disadvantage children with SEND.
Arrangements for the fair admissions of pupils with SEND are outlined in the Admissions Policy and will be
published on the school website.
9. Transition
Our Lady Immaculate is aware of the importance of planning and preparing for the transitions between
phases of education and preparation for adult life.
Where pupils have EHC plans, these will be reviewed and amended in sufficient time prior to a pupil moving
between key phases of education, to allow for planning for and, where necessary, commissioning of support
and provision at the new setting.
Involving pupils and parents in decision-making
Approved by the Governing body:
Date of Next review:
Our Lady Immaculate is committed to working in partnership with all parents in the best interests of their
child and will provide a report for all parents on their child’s progress through the School Support Plan.
Where a pupil is receiving SEND support, the school will regularly liaise with parents in setting outcomes and
reviewing progress. The class teacher, supported by the SENCO, will meet with the parents three times each
The planning that the school implements will help parents and pupils with SEND express their needs, wishes
and goals, and will:
• Focus on the pupil as an individual, not allowing their SEND to become a label.
• Be easy for pupils and their parents to understand by using clear, ordinary language and images,
rather than professional jargon.
• Highlight the pupil’s strengths and capabilities.
• Enable the pupil, and those who know them best, to say what they have done, what they are
interested in and what outcomes they are seeking in the future.
• Tailor support to the needs of the individual.
• Organise assessments to minimise demands on parents.
• Bring together relevant professionals to discuss and agree together the overall approach.
Where the LA provides a pupil with an EHC plan, the school will involve the parents and the pupil in
discussions surrounding how the school can best implement the plan’s provisions to help the pupil thrive in
their education, and will discern the expected impact of the provision on the pupil’s progress.
Funding for SEND support
Where additional pupil needs are identified the school will use its delegated funding allowance to provide
early intervention support for the benefit of pupils identified with SEND.
Where pupils with SEND have been receiving early intervention support but are still not making sufficient
progress, the school will consider accessing high needs top-up funding from the LA to provide additional
specialist support.
EHC needs assessments and plans
Our Lady Immaculate recognises that, despite having taken relevant and purposeful action to identify, assess
and meet the SEND of a pupil, some pupils may not make expected levels of progress. In these cases, the
school will consult with parents and consider requesting an EHC needs assessment.
The purpose of an EHC plan is to make special educational provision to meet the SEND of the pupil, to secure
the best possible outcomes for them across education, health and social care and prepare them for
As part of the EHC needs assessment, the school will meet its duty by:
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• Responding to any request for information as part of the EHC needs assessment process within six
weeks from the date of the request, unless special exemptions apply as outlined in the SEND code of
• Providing the LA with any school-specific information and evidence about the pupil’s profile and
educational progress.
• Gathering any advice received from relevant professionals regarding their education, health and care
needs, desired outcomes, and any special education, health and care provision that may be required
to meet their identified needs and achieve desired outcomes.
If, following the assessment, the LA decides not to issue an EHC plan, the school will be provided with written
feedback collected during the EHC needs. It will use this information to contribute to the graduated approach
and inform how the outcomes sought for the pupil can be achieved through further special educational
provision made by the school and its partners.
Where the LA decides to issue an EHC plan, it must consult the prospective school by sending a copy of the
draft plan and consider their comments before deciding whether to name it in the pupil’s EHC plan. The
school will meet its duty to provide views on a draft EHC plan within 15 days.
The school will admit any pupil that names the school in an EHC plan and will ensure that all those teaching
or working with a pupil named in an EHC plan are aware of the pupil’s needs and that arrangements are in
place to meet them.
Reviewing EHC plans
Our Lady Immaculate will ensure that teachers monitor and review the pupil’s progress during the year and
conduct a formal review of the EHC plan at least annually.
The school will:
• Cooperate with the LA and relevant individuals to ensure an annual review meeting takes place,
including convening the meeting on behalf of the LA if requested.
• Seek advice and information about the pupil prior to the annual review meeting from all parties
invited, and send any information gathered to all those invited, at least two weeks in advance of the
• Ensure that sufficient arrangements are put in place at the school to host the annual review meeting.
• Contribute any relevant information and recommendations about the EHC plan to the LA, keeping
parents involved at all times.
• Lead the review of the EHC plan to create the greatest confidence amongst pupils and their parents.
• Prepare and send a report of the meeting to everyone invited within two weeks of the meeting,
setting out any recommendations and amendments to the EHC plan.
• Clarify to the parents and pupil that they have the right to appeal the decisions made regarding the
EHC plan.
• Where possible for LAC, combine the annual review with one of the reviews in their care plan, in
particular the personal education plan (PEP) element.
Approved by the Governing body:
Date of Next review:
• Review each pupil’s EHC plan to ensure that it includes the statutory sections outlined in the ‘Special
educational needs and disability code of practice: 0 to 25 years’, labelled separately from one
If a pupil’s needs significantly change, the school will request a re-assessment of an EHC plan at least six
months after an initial assessment. Thereafter, the governing body or headteacher will request the LA to
conduct a re-assessment of a pupil whenever they feel it is necessary.
Our Lady Immaculate will:
• Seek to understand the interests, strengths and motivations of pupils and use this as a basis for
planning support around them.
• Support pupils so that they are included in social groups and develop friendships.
• Ensure that pupils with SEND engage in the activities of the school together with those who do not
have SEND, and are encouraged to participate fully in the life of the school and in any wider
community activity.
• Engage with secondary schools, as necessary, to help plan for any transitions.
Managing complaints
Our Lady Immaculate will publish the Complaints Procedure Policy on the school website.
Parents will be made aware that Ofsted can consider complaints relating to whole-school SEND early years
provision if the problem has not been resolved informally.
The school will meet any request to attend a SEND tribunal and explain any departure from its duties and
obligations under the ‘Special educational needs and disability code of practice: 0 to 25 years’.
Staff training and improving practice
Our Lady Immaculate is committed to the learning and development of all its staff members and training
opportunities will be provided and delivered in line with the school’s CPD and Training Policy.
The school SENCO will assess staff competencies and ensure that CPD provision allows staff to develop
their awareness, skills, and practices in identifying, educating, and assessing pupils with SEND.
Use of data and record keeping
All information about pupils will be kept in accordance with the school’s Records Management Policy and
Data Protection Policy.
The school’s records will:
• Record details of additional or different provision made under SEND support, with accurate
information to evidence the SEND support that has been provided over the pupil’s time in the school,
as well as its impact, e.g. through the use of provision maps.
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• Include details of SEND, outcomes, action, agreed support, teaching strategies and the involvement
of specialists, as part of its standard management information system to monitor the progress,
behaviour and development of all pupils.
• Maintain an accurate and up-to-date register of the provision made for pupils with SEND.
• Be kept securely so that unauthorised persons do not have access to it, so far as reasonably
The school keeps data on the levels and types of need within the school and makes this available to the LA
and Ofsted.
The school will not disclose any EHC plan without the consent of the pupil’s parents, except for specified
purposes or in the interests of the pupil, such as disclosure:
• To a SEND tribunal when parents appeal, and to the Secretary of State under the Education Act 1996.
• On the order of any court for any criminal proceedings.
• For the purposes of investigations of maladministration under the Local Government Act 1974.
• To enable any authority to perform duties arising from the Disabled Persons (Services, Consultation
and Representation) Act 1986, or from the Children Act 1989 relating to safeguarding and promoting
the welfare of children.
• To Ofsted inspection teams as part of their inspections of schools and LAs.
• To any person in connection with the pupil’s application for students with disabilities allowance in
advance of taking up a place in another setting.
• To the headteacher (or equivalent position) of the setting at which the pupil is intending to start their
next phase of education.
The school will adhere to the Pupil Confidentiality Policy at all times.
Publishing information
Our Lady Immaculate publish information on the school website about the implementation of this policy.
The information published will be updated annually and any changes to the information occurring during
the year will be updated as soon as possible.
The SEN Information Report will be prepared by the SENCO and will be published on the school website. It
will include all the information outlined in paragraphs 6.79 and 6.83 of the ‘Special educational needs and
disabilities code of practice: 0 to 25 years’.
Joint commissioning, planning and delivery
The school will work closely with local education, health and social care services to ensure pupils get the
right support.
Our Lady Immaculate will assist the LA in carrying out their statutory duties under the Children and Families
Act 2014, by ensuring that services work together where this promotes children and young people’s
Approved by the Governing body:
Date of Next review:
wellbeing or improves the quality of special educational provision (Section 25 of the Children and Families
Act 2014).
The school will draw on the wide range of local data sets about the likely educational needs of pupils with
SEND to forecast future needs, including:
• Population and demographic data.
• Prevalence data for different kinds of SEND among children at the national level.
• Numbers of local children with EHC plans and their main needs.
• The numbers and types of settings locally that work with or educate pupils with SEND.
• An analysis of local challenges or sources of health inequalities.
Our Lady Immaculate will plan, deliver and monitor services against how well outcomes have been met,
including, but not limited to:
• Improved educational progress and outcomes for pupils with SEND.
• Increasing the identification of pupils with SEND prior to school entry.
Where pupils with SEND also have a medical condition, their provision will be planned and delivered in
coordination with the EHC plan.
SEND support will be adapted and/or replaced depending on its effectiveness in achieving the agreed
Local Offer
The school’s governing body will collaborate with and support the LA in developing and reviewing the Local
Offer, where necessary and appropriate, to ensure that it is:
• Collaborative: Where appropriate, the school will work with LAs, parents and pupils in developing
and reviewing the Local Offer. The school will also cooperate with those providing services.
• Accessible: The school will collaborate with the LA during development and review to ensure that
the LA’s Local Offer is easy to understand, factual and jargon-free; is structured in a way that relates
to pupils’ and parents’ needs, e.g. by broad age group or type of special educational provision; and
is well-signposted and well-publicised.
• Comprehensive: The school will help to ensure that parents and pupils understand what support can
be expected to be available across education, health and social care from age 0 to 25 and how to
access it. The school will assist the LA in ensuring that the Local Offer includes eligibility criteria for
services, where relevant, and makes it clear where to go for information, advice and support, as well
as how to make complaints about provision or appeal against decisions.
• Up-to-date: The school will work with the LA to review the Local Offer to ensure that, when parents
and pupils access the Local Offer, the information is up-to-date.
Our Lady Immaculate will provide the LA with information about their existing SEND provision and
capabilities to support pupils with SEND to aid in the drafting of the Local Offer, where required.
Monitoring and review
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The policy is reviewed on an biannual basis by the headteacher in conjunction with the governing body; any
changes made to this policy will be uploaded to the school website for general reading.
All members of staff are required to familiarise themselves with this policy as part of their induction