Our Lady Immaculate Catholic Primary School

Our Lady Immaculate Catholic Primary School
Safeguarding advice for visitors
Our school is committed to safeguarding children and promoting children’s welfare and expects all
staff, governors, volunteers and visitors to share this commitment and maintain a vigilant and safe
environment. It is our willingness to work in a safe manner and challenge inappropriate behaviour
that underpins this commitment. By signing in and out of the visitors’ book/e-portal you are agreeing
to follow the advice within this leaflet. All visitors must wear the visitor’s badge provided by reception.
An adult without a badge will be accompanied to the school’s reception to confirm they have signed
Visitors must be accompanied at all times by a member of the school staff.
Unsupervised visitors: If your visit involves unsupervised contact with young people you will be asked
to show the photographic ID badge provided by your employer and written confirmation that you have
an Enhanced DBS Certificate including a Barred List Check. You may be required by the school to
present your Enhanced DBS Certificate. We will not make a copy of your certificate. We will simply
note the level of the check undertaken. You will also need to read and understand the school’s Code
of Conduct for Adults and Part 1 of the DfE’s Guidance, ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’. The
school’s Child Protection Policy is available on the school’s website.
If you have ANY concerns about a child’s welfare or well-being or have a concern about the
behaviour of any adult within the school towards a child:
• Discuss your concerns without delay with the Designated Safeguarding Lead or the
Headteacher or a member of the safeguarding team.
• Remember it is important to share your concerns even if you are unsure.
• Anyone (in emergencies or if they need to) can make a referral directly to Children’s Services.
• The Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) for managing allegations against staff and
volunteers can be contacted via Children’s Services.
• The school office can provide you with a copy of the school’s procedures for managing
allegations against staff and volunteers.
If a child makes a disclosure to you:
• Do not investigate but report them immediately to the Designated Safeguarding Lead, Deputy
Designated Safeguarding Lead or another member of the senior staff at the school
• Avoid being shocked or embarrassed.
• Listen to the child without interrupting them.
• Do not promise to keep a secret.
• Do not ask the child any leading questions.
• Reassure them that ‘it is not their fault and they have done the right thing to tell you’.
• Immediately following the disclosure report your concerns to the Designated Safeguarding Lead
(see above) and write down what the child said using the child’s own words and phrases. Sign
and date this document and hand it to the Designated Safeguarding Lead.
• Consider how best to manage your own feelings
• Following reporting your concerns remember that the disclosure and the child’s identity should
remain confidential
The school can provide additional national guidance in respect of safer working practices for all adults
working with young people, including advice regarding ‘on-line safety’.
• provide a positive role model to young people
• dress appropriately, ensuring your clothing is not likely to be viewed as offensive or
• treat all members of the school’s community with respect and tolerance
• work with children so that you are visible by a member of the school staff
• respect a child’s privacy and dignity
• always be able to justify any physical contact you have with a young person
• always report any situations that arise that you may feel may give rise to a complaint or
misunderstanding in respect of your own actions
• There should be no delay in ringing 999 and requesting fire, police or an ambulance.
• Photograph a child without the school’s permission
• Never use your personal mobile phone in areas used by young people
• Ignore inappropriate behaviours towards children either by other children or adults
• Share personal details with a child
• Meet or contact the child out of school including by text, email, Facebook or other social
media or give a child a lift home
• Discuss the school, children or adults working within the school on social media
• Make inappropriate comments to a child including racist, homophobic, sexist or sexualised
• Give gifts to a young person (unless part of the school’s agreed rewards policy or with the
agreement of your line manager) or show them preferential treatment
Key staff or governors:
Headteacher: Mrs C Sergeant
Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs C Sergeant
Those trained to deputise for the Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs D Finnigan, Mrs L Partington,
Mrs J Brown
Chair of Governors: Bishop T A Williams
Safeguarding Governor: Mr K Peers
Names of First Aiders:
In the case of a fire follow the following procedures
At first sound of the fire bell, each class should leave the classroom/area by the nearest exit walking quietly
and in an orderly manner following the evacuation plan.
The children should walk to their designated assembly point and stand quietly.
Teachers should guide children to nearest fire assembly point and take their IPAD and walkie talkie
with them to complete registration and the all-clear process
Screen doors and classroom doors must be closed on exiting.
Children in the hall should leave the hall by the fire doors and walk round the school to their
designated assembly point.
Children, who are not in their class base, should evacuate the building with the attending teacher as
per the evacuation plan and should be instructed to rejoin their own class at the assembly points.
▪ The administration assistant or the member of staff on reception duty will bring the children’s
and visitors log to the canopy outside of the main entrance.
▪ The headteacher/SLT will use the walkie talkie to contact each year group to ensure all
children and adults are accounted for.
▪ One member of staff from each area should be nominated to give information to HT/SLT via
the radio.
Radio silence is required at this time in order to gather information quickly. Only respond
when requested too.
▪ The administration staff will check the visitors log corresponds to the assembled visitors.
The support staff, including the Caretaker, will act as fire marshals to check that the building is clear
of children. Fire marshals and their designated areas are listed below:
All corridors, offices and assembly halls
Nursery and Foundation Stage
Ian Stephenson/Stewart Davies
Jill Naylor, Rachel Spellman, Rhianna Burke, Paulette
Farrell, Holly Molloy, Emily Campbell, Courtney
Key Stage One
Bernadette O’Leary, Leanne Mercer, Holly Starns,
Kathryn Barnes
Lower Key Stage Two
Charlene Thomas, Trish Daly, Laura Stinson, Carolina
Vera Torres, Abbie Hughes
Upper Key Stage Two
Catherine Gallagher, Nicola Leyland, Lisa Graves
The Headteacher will wait in the Red Parasol (top yard) and use the radio to contact staff who will
report any person not accounted for.
The Administration Officer will phone the fire brigade. In her absence this will be done by the Headteacher.