Our Lady Immaculate Catholic Primary School

Approved by the Governing Body: Spring 2022
Date of the next review: Spring 2024
Our Lady Immaculate Catholic Primary School is an inclusive school where we focus on the well- being
and progress of every child and where all members of our school community are of equal worth.
We believe that the Equality Act 2010 provides a framework to support our commitment to valuing
diversity, tackling discrimination and promoting equality and fairness.
We recognise that these duties reflect international human rights standards such as the UN Convention
on the rights of the Child.
School Context Summary
 Large Primary school with increasing numbers. NOR 369
 Ages 2-11
 Nursery – 26 FTE , 2 year olds 8 FTE
 Extended schools services including Wrap Around Care, Breakfast Club and After School Club
 FSM nearly Double the national average
 Deprivation indicator well above national average
 Ethnic minority groups in line with national.
 EAL group in line with national average
 SEND well above national
 Pupil stability is weaker than National
Our vision and Aims for Equality and Diversity
We are a voluntary aided Catholic parish school. Our mission is to be
“One family living and learning together in faith”.
At Our Lady Immaculate Catholic Primary School, we are committed to ensuring equality of education
and opportunity for all pupils, staff, parents and carers and other stakeholders irrespective of race,
disability, gender, sexuality, religion or belief or socio economic background. We aim to develop a culture
of inclusion and diversity, in which all stakeholders connected to our school feel proud of their identity
and are able to participate fully in school life.
The achievement of pupils will be monitored by race, gender and disability and we will use this data to
support pupils, raise standards and ensure inclusive teaching. We will tackle discrimination by the
positive promotion of equality, challenging bullying and stereotypes and creating an environment which
champions diversity and respect for all.
At Our Lady Immaculate Catholic Primary School, we respect difference, value diversity and embrace
equality and fairness for all.
Legal Requirements
Our Lady Immaculate Catholic Primary School we recognise that the Equality Act 2010 introduced the
Public Sector Equality Duty(PSED) which applies to all public bodies including all schools. The PSED has
two parts; the General and the Specific. Within the General Duty we recognise that we are required to
have ‘due regard ‘to the need to:
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Approved by the Governing Body: Spring 2022
Date of the next review: Spring 2024
Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and any other conduct prohibited by the
Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those that do
Foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.
Having ‘due regard’ means we must consciously think about the three main elements of the general duty
as part of decision making, developing and reviewing our policies and on how we deliver our services.
With regards to the Specific Duty our school recognises that we are required to:
Publish information annually to demonstrate compliance with the PSED
Publish equality objectives every 4 years.
We are mindful that all information will be made accessible to the public both electronically and in paper
Guiding Principles regarding Equality/Good Practice
In working towards fulfilling our legal obligations under the Equality Act 2010 and integrating equality
within our school ethos we are striving to adopt a whole school approach. We have consulted, involved
and listened to a range of opinions from people from broad and diverse backgrounds which reflect the
protected characteristics as outlined under the Equality Act.
From this activity; which continues to be ongoing, we have developed the following seven key principles
to our approach to equality.
All learners are of equal value. Whether or not they are disabled, whatever their ethnicity, race
or culture, whatever their gender or gender identity, whatever their sexual orientation or whatever their
religious or faith background.
We recognise, respect and value difference and understand and promote that diversity is a
positive. We take into account difference and strive to remove barriers and disadvantages which people
may face, in relation to race, disability, gender, religion and belief and sexual orientation. We believe that
diversity is a strength, which should be respected and celebrated by all those who learn, teach and visit at
our school.
We foster positive attitudes and relationships. We actively promote positive attitudes and
mutual respect between groups and communities different from each other
We foster a shared sense of cohesion and belonging. We want all members of our school
community to feel a sense of belonging within the school and the wider community and to feel that they
are respected and able to participate and contribute fully in school life.
We observe good equalities practice for our staff. We ensure that policies and procedures
benefit all employees and potential employees in all aspects of our work, including recruitment and
promotion and in continuing professional development.
We have the highest expectations of all our children. We expect that all pupils can make good
progress and achieve to their highest potential.
We work to raise standards for all pupils, but especially for the most vulnerable. We believe that
improving the quality of education for the most vulnerable groups of children raises standards across the
whole school.
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Approved by the Governing Body: Spring 2022
Date of the next review: Spring 2024
Arrangements, Roles and Responsibilities within our School.
The guiding principles and equality objectives for our school will be referenced in the School
Development Plan. They will be reviewed annually and refreshed on a four year cycle.
Curriculum information will also be evaluated by looking specifically at equality groups in addition to the
standard analysis conducted by the school and adjustments made as appropriate to ensure that those
pupils within protected characteristic groups are supported positively.
All other data relating to whole school monitoring will encompass scrutiny of equality information so that
those groups are supported positively.
When reviewed each curriculum subject or area will ensure that teaching and learning will reflect our
guiding principles as set out in this document.
School Governors are responsible for:
Making sure the school complies with all current equality legislation
Making sure this policy and the PSED are properly implemented
Making sure related procedures are followed
Assigning a named governor to take an equality lead
The Head Teacher is responsible for:
Making sure the policy is readily available and that all school stakeholders are aware of it
Making sure its procedures are followed
Producing regular information for staff and governors about the policy and how it is working. Provide
training for them on the policy
Making sure all staff know their roles and responsibilities
Taking appropriate action in cases of harassment and discrimination
All School Staff are responsible for:
Promoting an inclusive and collaborative ethos in the classroom
Modelling good practice, dealing with discriminatory incidents and being able to recognise and tackle bias
and stereotyping
Promoting equality and avoiding discrimination against anyone
Taking up equality training and learning opportunities
Pupils are responsible for:
Supporting the schools equality ethos
Sharing concerns or issues with a member of staff
Keeping equality and diversity issues on the school council agenda- helping to review and develop good
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Approved by the Governing Body: Spring 2022
Date of the next review: Spring 2024
Parents/Carers are responsible for:
Supporting the schools equality ethos
Challenging inappropriate language /behaviour
Sharing concerns or issues with senior staff
Visitors and contractors are responsible for:
Following our expectations regarding equality and diversity
Responsibility for overseeing all equality practices in the school:
Will lie with Rebecca Hughes (Equality and diversity leader) and Nicky Williams (Governor) and will report
directly to the Head teacher.
Responsibilities include-
Co-ordinating and monitoring work on equality issues
Dealing with and monitoring reports of harassment (including from protected characteristic groups)
Monitoring the progress and attainment of potentially vulnerable groups.
Monitoring, Reviewing and Assessing Impact:
The equality policy links with the school development plan and includes targets/objectives determined by
all school stakeholders for promoting equality. The policy will be regularly monitored and reviewed by
staff and governors to ensure it is effective in eliminating discrimination, promoting access and
participation, equality and good relations between different groups, and that it does not disadvantage
particular sections of the community. Any patterns of inequality found as a result of impact assessment
will be used to inform future planning and decision making. The named member of staff and governor
responsible for equality will monitor specific outcomes.
All reports will be given to governors and the Head Teacher will provide monitoring reports for the
governing body via the Head Teacher’s report, preferably termly but at least once a year.
This policy links to other policies and in general the principals of equality will apply to all other school
Concerns and Complaints
In the first instance, any concerns or complaints about the implementation of the Equality policy should
be addressed by following the guidance set out in the school’s complaints policy. Monitoring complaints
is also another way of gathering information to see whether we are meeting our equality duties. We will
report on complaints annually and on action taken.
Disability Access Plan
Our Lady Immaculate Catholic Primary School has a disability access plan (attached as appendix 1).
The key objective of this plan is to improve the physical environment of the school, improving access for
disabled pupils to the school curriculum and to improve the delivery of information to disabled pupils,
their parents/carers or to other school stakeholders.
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Approved by the Governing Body: Spring 2022
Date of the next review: Spring 2024
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This plan will be reviewed bi-annually by the governing body after consultation with staff, parents and
Publishing Equality Information.
We recognise our duty under the Equality Act 2010 to publish equality information that demonstrates we
have due regard for the need to:
Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment, victimisation and any other conduct prohibited by the
Equality Act 2010.
Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those people
who do not share it.
Foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those people who do not
share it.
Information about our employees.
We have less than 150 employees, therefore, under the Act; we are not required to publish equality
information about our employees.

Information about our pupil population.
As of September 2016, the total number of pupils on roll is 352
The breakdown is shown in the grid below, in addition to pupils with a protected characteristic, we have
provided information on other vulnerable groups of pupils, (denoted by *)
Protected Characteristic Number of Pupils % school Population


Wheelchair User
Hearing Impaired
Visually Impaired
Autism Spectrum


White British
Other ethnicities


No information
No information
Non Religion
Other religion


Approved by the Governing Body: Spring 2022
Date of the next review: Spring 2024
Compliance with the Equality Act 2010 Duty.
At Our Lady Immaculate Catholic Primary School, we are working to ensure all school stakeholders are
aware of their responsibilities in complying to both the General Duty and the Specific Duty of the Act.
The information below is a summary of how we are aware of these requirements and how we respond to
Our Governing Body has training planned spring term 2017 on the key concepts of the Equality Act 2010.
All staff have received training on the key concepts of the Equality Act 2010.
We have a named Governor and staff member to act as Equality Champions to ensure equality and
diversity remains on the respective agendas at all times.
We promote an ethos that champions and supports respect, dignity and difference.
We have appropriate policies that deal promptly and effectively with incidents and complaints of bullying
and harassment. These include prejudice based bullying related to a protected characteristic. Staff have
appropriate training in challenging and dealing with bullying and harassment.
We record all racist, homophobic or other prejudice based inappropriate behaviour or inappropriate
language. We analyse our data to ensure we act upon any concerns in relation to these protected groups
by identifying and patterns or trends with regards to these issues.
Our Disability Access Plan increases the extent to which all pupils can participate in the curriculum
improve the physical environment of the school and increases the availability of accessible information to
disabled pupils and parents/carers.
We review our accessibility plan every year with the Governing Body.
We have a curriculum that is highly positive, offering memorable experiences that contribute to pupils’
spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.
Through a broad range of study within our Citizenship and PHSE education, we work hard to promote
respect, inclusivity and an appreciation of difference.
Pupils are encouraged to broaden their understanding of other beliefs, cultures and faiths.
We have a vibrant and well balanced school council that ensures pupils have a direct voice to discuss
matters that relate to their concerns and overall well-being in school and within the immediate
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Approved by the Governing Body: Spring 2022
Date of the next review: Spring 2024
community. The school council is strong and articulate, contributing to whole school decision-making
where appropriate.
We have strategies for engaging with parent/carers; including those who may traditionally find working
with school difficult.
We are a healthy school and we recognise and cater for a culturally diverse community and ensures all
pupils receive a healthy meal each day. Our plan reflects our commitment to a healthy lifestyle,
regardless of socio- economic background.
We recognise and understand that attendance plays an integral part in a pupil’s achievement at school.
Thus, through our Attendance and Punctuality protocol, we investigate any discrepancies that may occur
and address any inequalities appropriately. We strive to ensure our pupils maintain a high level of
attendance and punctuality with many attendance incentives.
How we are performing in relation the three main aims of the General
Duty of the Equality Act 2010.
We recognise our responsibility under the General Duty of the Equality Act to have ‘Due Regard’ for
‘eliminating unlawful discrimination’, ‘advancing equality of opportunity between protected groups and
those who are not’ and to ‘foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic
and those who do not’.
We believe that whilst each protected characteristic may require differing approaches to advancing
equality of opportunity and to fostering good relations, eliminating unlawful discrimination is an
overarching principal to effective promotion of equality and diversity. Eliminating unlawful
discrimination, harassment and victimisation is fundamentally at the core of our process to embed
equality and diversity into our school culture and ethos.
Below are some examples of how we both advance equality of opportunity and to foster good relations.
These shall be reviewed annually.
How we advance equality of opportunity
 We monitor attainment and progress of pupils by gender.
 We ensure equal opportunities for school council members and school ambassadors.
 We invite and encourage speakers to the school from both genders.
 After school activities are for both genders.
 The curriculum provision is reviewed continually to ensure both gender’s interests are ensued.
 We provide good quality training for all our staff on dealing with our challenges and needs of
disabled pupils.
 We provide external support for pupils who need specialist support.
 We provide specialist equipment to participate fully in the curriculum.
 School support plans are reviewed regularly with all stakeholders involved.
 We provide good quality training for all our staff and governors on a range of equality and
diversity issues.
 We had a nominated staff member (Rebecca Hughes) and named governor (Nicky Williams) to
ensure equal opportunities throughout school life.
 We identify and address any barriers the children may encounter.
 We celebrate other religions through our come and see curriculum but also on celebration days
throughout the year.
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Approved by the Governing Body: Spring 2022
Date of the next review: Spring 2024
 We record any use of derogative language and have a zero tolerance of the use of it.
 We provide a course for parents who are new to English through EMTAS.
Religion, faith and beliefs
 We promote inclusion for all our faith groups in all aspects of the curriculum.
 We invite outside speakers to visit school to educate us in different faiths and religions.
 We are committed to ensure that pupils and staff members are protected from discrimination or
harassment through training and the promotion of respect and acceptance.
 All staff and governors receive training on the use of language and promotion in line with our
school code of conduct.
How we foster good relations
 Whole school events are thoroughly planned to include and attract all stakeholders of the
community in order to enrich and contribute to the pupil’s learning.
 We ensure that our visitors are not gender stereotypical for example- women footballers.
 We have regular parent/ teacher meetings throughout the year to review school support
plans and target setting reports.
 We involve other agencies where possible to ensure the curriculum is well balanced.
 We celebrate other religions through come and see and the pshe curriculum to respect
different cultures and beliefs.
 We have a curriculum that supports pupils to understand, respect and value difference and
Equality Objectives
In line with our responsibility under the Specific Duty of the Equality Act, Our Lady Immaculate Catholic
Primary School has after consultation with all school stakeholders established our equality objectives. The
following objectives will be reviewed each year.
Equality Objective#1
Narrow the gaps in attainment between boys and girls (EYFS and KS1)
From scrutinising the data from the phonics screening test and year 2 writing
data it is evident that there is a difference in attainment where the girls are
out performing the boys.
Through the boy’s writing project we aim to interest the boys in different
forms of writing and collecting evidence of their writing in different ways. Use
of outdoor areas, interest led writing and focuses on boy’s interest.
The percentage of boys achieving age related expectations to be improved.
Levels of interest with the boys to be improved.
Equality Objective #2
To ensure derogatory language is not used or accepted within our school
community. (KS2)
At time children are using hurtful language on the school yard. They are
unaware of the impact this has on themselves and others.
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Approved by the Governing Body: Spring 2022
Date of the next review: Spring 2024
Themed weeks within the school year, circle time focusses.
Focus on positive language and behaviour
Zero tolerance of the language used
Address misconceptions of the words used.
Children to have a greater awareness of how it impacts others and a zero
tolerance of the derogatory language.
Equality Objective #3
Improve better understanding and appreciation of diversity and difference
in relation between different faith groups and children with disabilities.
To broaden the knowledge and understanding of different faith groups
within our ever changing community.
To raise awareness of different disabilities and the impact it has on
Through RE, circle time.
Guest speakers
Disability days throughout the year.
For everyone to appreciate and welcome difference.
To have a greater awareness of different faith groups and different
Reviewing Equality Objectives.
The review of the progress on our equality objectives will take place annually and will help inform how
our school sets new priorities. This information will be published and made available across all platforms.
All equality policies will be published on our website and will be made available both electronically and in
a hard copy format.
Our Lady Immaculate Catholic Primary School adopt a whole school approach to equality and diversity
and consider it important for pupils to learn about equality and human rights. We adhere to the Equality
and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) statement:
‘To reap the full benefits of equality and human rights education, it is essential to teach topics in an
environment which respects the rights and differences of both students and teachers. Without an equality
and human rights culture within the classroom and school as a whole , learning about these topics can at
best appear irrelevant, and at worst, hypocritical. The respect and tolerance it teaches will help staff and
pupils create a healthier, happier, fairer school culture and could lead to reductions in bullying and other
negative behaviour and improvements in attainment and aspirations’