Our Eco Council comprises of like-minded children from across Key Stage 2 who are interested in ecological and environment issues. They volunteer to undertake this role and are most proactive in caring for our school environment e.g. litter picking.
With the support of Ian our gardener, they take care in developing and improving and helping to maintain our school grounds. They always take great care and pride in their work.
Our School Environment
From our very youngest children to our eldest; we all help to make our school environment tidy, colourful and bright!
Our Lady Immaculate Eco-Council
Our new Eco-Councillors met for the first time last week. We introduced ourselves to each other and talked about the importance of the group. We made an action plan of the jobs we wanted to do throughout the year and set ourselves targets for the year ahead. We will meet regularly and share our learning and findings with the school community. Thank you.
Mrs Rimmer
Looking after our school grounds
The Eco-Group are helping to improve the school grounds. this week they have been improving our Sensory Garden which is used by our youngest children.
Thank You!
Wildflower Sowing at Everton Park
May means wildflower sowing in Everton Park!
A group of children from across the school were each given a bag of seed to sow wildflowers when they arrived bright and early at Everton Park. It was a beautiful warm and sunny morning for sowing wildflowers. The children had a fantastic time and can’t wait until they see the results of their hard work!
Woodland Trust Trees
Before Christmas we applied for a hedgrerow pack from the Woodland Trust. Mrs Brown has been e-mailed to let us know that they will be arriving this next week. Watch this space for more information!
We’ve been busy this week!
During March we were busy preparing our raised beds in the allotment so that we could plant our vegetables.
There has been plenty of rain recently so we thought today would be a good day for planting during our lunchtime.
We just need some April sunshine to help the plants get on their way!
We all took turns digging and planting under the close scrutiny of our school
Eco-Council Trip to Veolia
The Eco-Council visited Veolia Recycling Centre at Gilmoss.
Below are a selection of photographs taken at The Discovery Centre.
Everyone had a great time!
Looking After The Prayer Garden
Looking after our Prayer Garden is a year round job! This week the children have been helping to weed, cutting back and splitting the plants, ready to be placed somewhere else around school. Once the weather warms out it will be used again by the children for class times and Collective Worship.
Taking care of our environment
Groups of children from across school work with Ian to make sure that our outdoor environment is kept bright and tidy!
We are never too young to learn!
Keeping our local community tidy with a litter pick!
Creating our Prayer Garden
Our school Chaplaincy Group launched a whole school project; to design a Prayer Garden. The children organised a whole school competition and many plans and designs for a quiet outdoor space were created.
The Chaplaincy Group and The Eco-Council took lots of ideas and planned a possible quiet space which would be suitable for prayer, collective worships and quiet times.
Below is a series of photographs showing our journey. More photographs can be found in The Gallery.
Many a lunchtime and playtime was spent planting!
The day the trees came we had torrential rain for three hours! we got very wet!
But what a fantastic result!
Thank you to everyone who helped to create our peaceful place- The Prayer Garden!