Parenting Newsletter for Autumn Term
Letter to parents from Mrs Sergeant regarding our Inspection by the Catholic Schools Inspectorate
July 5, 2016
Key Stage One Trip to the Beach
July 4, 2016
Early Years Sports Day!
July 4, 2016
Year 5 and 6 trip to the Welsh Mountain Zoo
July 3, 2016
Mr Garth’s Class Assembly
July 1, 2016
Year 1 to the Nature Trail!
June 30, 2016
Triathlon Summer Camps
June 29, 2016
Art across the school
June 29, 2016
Key Stage One trip to the Beach
June 29, 2016
i Sing at the Philharmonic- Key Stage One
June 28, 2016
Year 5/6 Sports Day
June 28, 2016
Science in Notre Dame
June 27, 2016
Healthy Schools Week
June 27, 2016
Key Stage One Sports Day
June 24, 2016
Year 5 E-Safety Assembly
June 23, 2016
EU Referendum
June 22, 2016
Year 5 and 6 Refugee Awareness Workshops
June 22, 2016
The Queen visits Liverpool!
June 21, 2016
Cricket City Finals
June 17, 2016
Year 2 Fathers Day match
June 16, 2016