
Primary Geography Quality Mark – Bronze

We are delighted to announce that the school has been awarded the Primary Geography Quality Mark at the bronze level. It has been an ongoing objective of the school to raise the profile of geography and ensure that our pupils gain outstanding geographical skills and knowledge.

The bronze award ensures ‘lively and effective geographical learning in primary schools’. In these schools teachers ensure policies impact on pupil learning and are not afraid to take risks, and innovate and challenge to achieve progress in geography. Key threads through the curriculum are inter-cultural understanding, local fieldwork, environmental issues and dilemmas connected with sustainability. These are explored in a variety of places across the world from local to global. These schools use creative approaches to stimulate learning and place a high value on using real life issues to promote understanding.

The Primary Geography Quality Mark is seen as a key strategy for raising the quality of geography in primary schools and has been driving school improvement in geography since 2006. This year a total of 66 primary schools have achieved the Geographical Association’s Primary Geography Quality Mark (PGQM) at either Gold, Silver or Bronze Level.

In the next few years, we will be looking at improving our geography offer and collecting a range of evidence to support an application at a higher level. If you know of any opportunities which we can access as a school, please speak to Miss Gilchrist or your child’s class teacher.


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