UKS2 Home Learning Page

Welcome to Upper Key Stage 2 Home Learning!

Please email us at:  to share any work that you have completed or send us photographs of all your hard work as the teachers would love to see how you are getting on.

Summer term 2020

Each week your teachers will be setting you some work linked to books from Rising Stars website

Teachers have provided your child with their usernames and passwords and you will need our centre ID is 6008942 to log in. 

To submit your child’s work, email your child’s year group year5@oliprimaryschool and


Week beginning 29th June Year 6

Week beginning 29th June Maths year 6

Week beginning 22nd June Be The Best You Year 6

Week beginning 22nd June Maths year 6


Week beginning 29th June year 5

Week beginning 22nd June 2020 Year 5


Week beginning 15th June Game Changers Year 6

Week beginning 15th June Under a Parrot Sky Year 5

Click on the link to direct you to videos from your teachers who are missing you all very much and have a message for you.

Each week you will see lots of exciting new learning opportunities to take part in at home. Your teachers are logging onto their TT Rockstars, Reading Stars and Purple Mash class accounts to see all the excellent progress that is being made each day.

     Purple Mash        Upper Key Stage Two -week beginning 8th June 2020

Welcome to the start of a new week.

Lots of activities this week are based around ‘World Oceans Day’ on Monday 8th June

Activities include a poster about saving the Great Barrier Reef and how animals adapt to life under the sea.

We will be continuing the story of ‘A Horde of Ravens’ .

This week, we explore what happens when Queen Boudica comes to the village.

As a link to the story , can you design a character profile about Conan , write a poem about Boudica’s troops and write a book review when the story ends (If you have missed any of the chapters so far you can read them as a 2Do ) .

Maths this week focuses on place value activities such as ;

  • Estimation
  • Rounding to the nearest 100.
  • Identifying missing numbers in a sequence
  • Roman numerals
  • Placing numbers onto a negative number line

Geography centres around keeping our skills sharp by naming some UK cities and music lessons are based around Busy Beats .

Spelling : Quiz 1 : Exploring words with the ‘cious’ suffix

Quiz 2 : Exploring words  containing  ‘ancy’ .

Grammar : Revisiting fronted adverbials


At OLI, we have a real love and passion for reading. Continue this at home by taking part in the Year 5/6 reading challenge! How many can you complete?

reading challenge y5-6 

Are you looking for ways to build your child’s mathematical reasoning skills at home? Try these rapid reasoning packs designed by Third Space Learning.


Rapid Reasoning – Year 5 – Week 1

Rapid Reasoning – Year 5 – Week 2

Rapid Reasoning – Year 5 – Week 3

Rapid Reasoning – Year 5 – Week 4

Rapid Reasoning – Year 5 – Week 5

Rapid Reasoning – Year 5 – Week 6

Your Guide to Rapid Reasoning


Rapid_Reasoning_Year 6_Week 1

Rapid_Reasoning_Year 6_Week 2

Rapid_Reasoning_Year 6_Week 3

Rapid_Reasoning_Year 6_Week 4

Rapid_Reasoning_Year 6_Week 5

Rapid_Reasoning_Year 6_Week 6

Your Guide to Rapid Reasoning

Week beginning the 11th May should have been the start of SATs week for year 6. A chance to showcase all their hard work and dedication to their learning. So to mark this event we have uploaded a reading paper based on a story that you will enjoy.



As you are probably aware from the media, on Monday 20th April, the BBC is launching a service to support home learning. The service will include programmes available on iPlayer or the red button on the TV. There will also be activities on the BBC Bitesize website where you can sign in a personalise your BBC Bitesize experience.

Classroom Secrets have created a pack aimed at Year 5/6 pupils to support them learning at home. The pack contains: maths, reading, GPS and practical ideas.

School Closure Parents Letter_Year 5

School Closure Parents Letter_Year 6

Year 5 Home Learning Pack

Year 5 Home Learning Pack Guidance and Answers

Year 5 Practical Ideas

Year 6 Home Learning Pack Guidance and Answers

Year 6 Home Learning Pack

Year 6 Practical Ideas

English Mastery have also developed a bespoke selection of resources to ensure you child will receive a similar style of routine, structure and learning. This first pack contains 4 weeks worth of activities. Some packs contain QR codes at the back which you will need to scan in order to read the books linked to the pack. A QR code can be downloaded for free onto your mobile phone.



Fluent in 5 maths resource

Fluent in Five – Year 5 – Week 1

Fluent in Five – Year 5 – Week 2

Fluent in Five – Year 5 – Week 3

Fluent in Five – Year 5 – Week 4

Fluent in Five – Year 5 – Week 5

Fluent in Five – Year 5 – Week 6

Fluent in Five – Year 5 – Week 7

Fluent in Five – Year 5 – Week 8

Fluent in Five – Year 6 – Week 1

Fluent in Five – Year 6 – Week 2

Fluent in Five – Year 6 – Week 3

Fluent in Five – Year 6 – Week 4

Fluent in Five Year 6 – Week 5

Fluent in Five – Year 6 – Week 6

Fluent in Five – Year 6 – Week 7

Fluent in Five – Year 6 – Week 8

Third Space Learning have also produced some maths games and activity packs along with a parent maths dictionary to help support your child’s learning at home

Y5 Maths Games And Activities Pack

Y6 Maths Games And Activities Pack


Continue to improve your child’s times table knowledge and recall of facts by using the packs below. There is a parent guide to support you.

Times Tables Pack Parent Guide



Hamilton trust have made some ‘learning at home’ pack for both english and maths. For new weekly packs, click on the link which will take you directly to the.

Year 6

Year 6 Day 1 Harry Potter English

Year 6 Day 2 Harry Potter English

Year 6 Day 3 Harry Potter English

Year 6 Day 4 Harry Potter English

Year 6 Day 5 Harry Potter English

Year 6 Wk1_Day 1_Add whole numbers-Mental & Written strategies_NB

Year 6 Wk1_Day 2_Subtract whole numbers-Mental & Written strategies_NB

Year 6 Wk1_Day 3_Understanding Decimals_NB

Year 6 Wk1_Day 4_Adding Decimals_NB

Year 6 Wk1_Day 5_Finding a difference-decimals and change_NB

Year 5 

Year 5 Day 1 English

Year 5 Day 2 English

Year 5 Day 3 English

Year 5 Day 4 English

Year 5 Day 5 English

Year 5 Wk1_Day1_Mental addition and subtraction strategies

Year 5 Wk1_Day2_Written (vertical) subtraction-decomposition

Year 5 Wk1_Day3_Counting up to subtract-solve subtraction problems

Year 5 Wk1_Day4_Column addition of decimals

Year 5 Wk1_Day5_Counting up to find change and money differences This is a new resource for year 6 only. It gives the children online teaching and then SAT style questions. The videos offer support for both maths and english. The programme works best using the search engines Google Chrome or Firefox and all children have been given their usernames and passwords. They have also created a new pack to support year 6 home learning. 

Sats companion home study pack Keep your spelling work sharp whilst at home with this fun interactive website. You don’t need any login details for this site.

Try Google’s 3D animals as a stimulus to write – type in the name of the animal eg  ‘Panda’ and scroll down to where it says ‘View in 3D’ click on it and this will project that animal into your living room! There are some great facts there all about the animal so why don’t you make a report about it on purple mash ?

Explore the world with ODDIZZI.

Oddizzi- exploring place KS2

Oddizzi- Exploring Weather and climate KS2

Oddizzi-Exploring Physical features KS2

Oddizzi- Explorers Country KS2

Oddizzi-Explorers Food and farming- KS2

Oddizzi- Explorers Places KS2

Oddizzi- Explorers Global Knowledge KS2

Literacy Shed have produced some great resource packs to support visual literacy. Have a go at watching the short video and then complete the activity pack which is packed full of fun, engaging resources.

The Lighthouse KS2 Activity Pack – KS2 Activity Pack

Scholastic have carefully created a range of home learning resources to help parents continue to support their child’s learning at home. Click on the links below to open the documents.

10 Min SATs Reading Practice Test

Reading Comprehension Worksheets

Roman Numerals Quiz

The Hundred Club Worksheet

Upper KS2 Book Report Template

Enjoy learning some incredible poetry by heart using this website. We would love for you to record your child reciting so poems and email them to us.

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