Inclusion Quality Mark (I.Q.M.) outcome 8th April 2024
Following an I.Q.M. assessment in March 2024, we have been awarded the Inclusive School Award with Centre of Excellence status.
This is a fantastic achievement!
Thank you to all who helped in gaining this award, especially our pupil voice! You can find out more information on our Latest News Page,
March 2024
The School Council have been working with Miss Davies and Mr Fairclough, to enhance our playtime provision.
Some of us have also worked with our School Cook to reintroduce grab-bags for lunchtimes in the Summer term. They will let you know when it is your year group!
Inclusion Quality Mark Spring 2024
We are applying for the Inclusion Quality Mark this term. Thank you to The School Council and The Chaplaincy Group, who have been working on the Inclusion document too!
“An inclusive school gives all pupils regardless of their age, gender, ethnicity, achievements or background the equal opportunities to succeed.” IQM Award
Element 1 Inclusion Values
Element 2 Leadership, Management and Accountability
Element 3 Curriculum
Element 4 Teaching And Learning
Element 5: Assessment
Element 6 Behaviour, Attitiides to Learning and Personal Development
Element 7 Parents, Carers and Guardians
Element 8 Links with Local, Wider and Global Community
Pupil Voice:
Pupil Voice – Element 1: Inclusion Values
We include everyone in our school, every race, religion or ability.
The teachers encourage us to do our very best and celebrate with us our achievements and successes.
Our school is a fun place to be, where we feel safe, well educated and encouraged to do our best.
We are happy!
“Respect ourselves, others and our school.”
Pupil Voice – Element 2: Leadership, Management and Accountability
In our school, the teachers expect us to do our very best.
They encourage, support and challenge us.
We are always supported by our teachers and our friends in school; especially when we ask for help.
“We do our best and never give up!”
Pupil Voice – Element 3: Curriculum
We are a Catholic School and have children of different religions and cultures learning alongside us.
It is fun to learn from one another.
In our school we learn lots of different subjects and are encouraged to
read at home every night.
We enjoy investigating in Science and learning fun facts in Geography and History.
In Year 4 we learn to play a string instrument and in Year 6 we can learn how to play the Ukulele.
” Work hard at everything we do.”
Pupil Voice – Element 4: Teaching and Learning
We have a good attitude to learning because our lessons are interesting and fun. When we need help the teachers are there to support and encourage us.
We help eachother and work well as a team.
When we need help, it is there for us.
We enjoy our playtimes and quiet times for prayer and reflection in The Oratory.
“We show we care by listening to eachother.”
Pupil Voice – Element 5: Assessment
In our lessons, we are given verbal feedback, stickers and recognition through Star of the Week certificates.
The teachers always tell us how well we are doing in our work.
We enjoy going on trips out and going on residentials at PGL and Colomendy.
This year we are going to Robin Wood.
“ Recognise achievement and celebrate success.”
Pupil Voice – Element 6: Behaviour, Attitiides to Learning and Personal Development
In our school, we are all expected to have excellent attendance and punctuality.
Our teachers expect good behaviour for learning at all times, so we can be challenged, and pushed to achieve our potential.
Everyone can access clubs in our school e.g. reading, multi sports and maths and board game club…and we enjoy representing our school in competitions.
At Our Lady Immaculate, we become resilient learners – we never give up! We try and try again until we get there!
“Recognise achievement and do our best.”
Pupil Voice – Element 7: Parents, Carers and Guardians
Parents like coming to our school. This year they have been invited for Christmas performances, e-safety week, Mother’s day, parent’s evening…Our parents like to meet our teachers and see what we are learning and celebrate our achievements. They also like to meet other parents and some have joined our toddler group.
We have a translation button on our website so that parents who speak different languages can access our website.
Our school website and parent app, tells parents what they need to know.
“Show we care by listening to each other.”
Pupil Voice – Element 8: Links with Local, Wider and Global Community
We like being part of our school community. We often go to Everton Nature garden and complete environmental projects.
We fundraise for local charities e.g. White Chapel Project, Micah and national charities such as CAFOD and Children in Need, throughout the year.
We enjoyed Mother Language Day parents and pupils came to our classes and spoke about their culture; and some brought home made food for us to try e.g. Thai Noodles and Portuguese bread! We found out about different countries and the different languages spoken in our school which we would not have known about before.
“Respect ourselves, others and our school.”
Thank you! December 2023
The Whitechapel Centre is open 365 days a year providing services to rough sleepers, people living in temporary accommodation and those at risk of becoming homeless. Last year, they worked with over 4,400 people to end or prevent their homelessness.
The School Council decided that they wanted to help this fantastic local charity during Advent this year, and have been busy collecting food, toiletries and Christmas treats. They will be delivered to the Centre on Thursday morning.
Together we can make a difference!
Below are a selection of photographs of our charity collections.
Thank you – October 2023
I would like to say a huge thank you to the school council for their hard work and commitment during the academic year 2022-23. The children should be so proud of all they have achieved and the changes made which have had impact on (literally) hundreds of children. You have been a credit to our school and to your families.
Mrs Brown will now be working with the new school council, who were elected just before half term.
I wish Mrs Brown and her new council the very best of luck and look forward to hearing about the exciting plans you have to make our school even better.
Mrs Partington
Our trip to London – July ’23
We had the most amazing time when we went to London and visited the Houses of Parliament, we learnt so much about democracy and about how decisions are made for our country. We met our local MP Dan Carden and our ex-parent governor Ian Byrne MP. We also managed to get a little sightseeing done before getting the train home. A long but wonderful day!
Our Play Curriculum – June ’23
We have been developing our play curriculum, please watch this video to find out more about our journey.
School Council Safeguarding Walk – March ’23
Today our school councillors completed a safeguarding walk with Mrs Partington and Mrs Finnigan. As they walked around our school and grounds they took photographs of areas where they don’t always feel safe. On Monday the children will be meeting with Mrs Sergeant, Miss Chute and Mr Davies to discuss their observations.
Lenten Giving – February ’23
As a school council we have decided that we will be collecting money for the emergency appeal for Turkey and Syria, each class will be doing a sponsored event to raise as much money as possible for those affected by the recent earthquakes.
A visit to Whitefield Primary School – February ’23
Mrs Sergeant and Mrs Partington joined us in visiting Whitefield Primary School, we went to view their ‘trauma friendly’ classrooms and look at their outdoor playtime provision. It’s safe to say we had the most AMAZING time. We joined in with the children’s playtime and explored all the various activities available! The school council will be working with the leadership team to develop the outdoor play provision and classrooms which are comfortable places for all children to learn.
Meeting our local councillor – February ’23
We invited our local councillor (and past pupil) in to school to have lunch, meet with the senior leaders and discuss what is happening in our community. Cllr Byrne told us about her journey in to politics and relayed her passion for our city and community.
In January we made a video to share with our school community all about attendance. We work hard in school to make every day count!
Resourcing our playgrounds – January ’23
Our school has been awarded a grant from Food for Thought to promote healthier living by resourcing our outdoor play provision. Our school councillors have surveyed the children in their classes and have come up with a ‘wish list’ goodies! The school councillors have been scanning the catalogues considering value for money and suitability as they look.
Advent Giving ’22
During the month of December, as a school. we focused on collecting tinned and dried food for our local food bank. Every week of advent the children brought in a specific type of food and by the end of the Autumn term we had hundreds of tins, and packets.
World Book Day 2022
Our school council launched a competition, each class had to design and make a ‘hot air balloon’ lantern based on their class novel. Take a look at our amazing results.
School Council Attendance Project 2022
The school councillors have been working with Mrs Partington and Mrs Finnigan to promote the importance of excellent attendance across school. The children wrote and presented an assembly to the children, and also attended a staff meeting to share their ideas. The children were so confident and spoke with knowledge and passion! Well done.
June 2019 Trip to the Houses of Parliament.
Today the School Council caught an early train and set off for London and the Houses of Parliament. We met our local MP Dan Carden and were given a guided tour of the Palace of Westminster. We hopped on the tube to Westminster and hopped off to pay tribute to the statue of Emily Pankhurst who devoted her life to the emancipation of women. We visited Horse Guards Parade and enjoyed our sandwiches in the park. We even met Bishop Tom on the train! Enjoy our photos! We had a really amazing day.
I would like to thank our school council of 2017-18 for all of the work that they did this year for the children and for representing the school so well on many occasions.
I wish all of the children from Year 6 (2017-18) who have moved on to their new secondary schools great success as they start the next part of the education in KS3.
We will be holding school elections for our new school council in the near future and I look forward to working with them this year.
Mrs Sergeant
Our school councillors represent children from across the school. Children were voted for by their peers and they meet weekly with Mrs Sergeant, Mr Cotton and Mr Southworth to discuss topics which impact on the children, their learning and the environment.
Luciana Berger (MP) Visit to School: January 2017
The children were very excited to meet Labour MP for Wavertree, Luciana Berger, when she visited school for a meeting with the school council and the e-cadets.
Luciana stayed for most of the afternoon and talked candidly about her experiences in parliament, helping others, being an MP AND an expectant Mum – oh and Brexit!
She also spoke in depth to the e-cadets about internet safety and her own personal experiences of internet trolling and anti-semitic abuse she has previously experienced.
It was a very valuable meeting for all children involved and we were grateful to Mrs Berger for giving up her time to talk to us about the fascinating world of politics.
Also, a big thank you to Mrs Bowcock for arranging the visit.
Merseytravel Project: January 2017
Chris O’Brien from the Merseytravel education team visited the school council recently to discuss how they can support our pupils, especially those in year six, in finding more sustainable ways of travelling to and from school.
She explained that we were entitled to bid for a £500.00 Ambassadors grant to help us encourage others in school to look at cleaner ways to travel.
She also offered a series of interactive transition sessions for pupils in year six, to give advice about safe travel, how to find out information about bus routes and tickets and what’s available for those that might want to cycle to school. These sessions will take place after SAT’s in May.
The council are currently putting their ideas together to launch the £500.00 bid.
Establishing a house/house points system in school: January 2017
The school council have been discussing the possibility of introducing a (High school) house system, to support good behaviour at our school and to reward pupils for examples of good behaviour, good manners and any other positive things that are identified by all adults around school.
The initial feeling around the idea was very positive, although most of the councillors had never heard of such a system.
We shared our own experiences of a house system and the children did some personal research in this area.
Another primary school in Liverpool have used the system for some time and contact was made. This has resulted in our school council receiving an invitation to visit and find out more about their school house system and whether it could work in our school.
Analysis of marking – pupil voice: November 2016 – January 2017
The school council did an excellent job when asked to work alongside the SLT to examine the way teachers currently mark pupil’s work in books.
They spent a considerable amount of time developing a pupil questionnaire, and coordinated the distribution, completion and collection.
After some extensive analysis of the questionnaires, the school ambassadors produced a detailed report which outlined whole school pupil voice on teachers marking.
Pupil Marking Survey Results Jan 2017
Representatives from the school council delivered the findings to all teachers & support staff at a recent staff meeting, and staff have now taken the views of the pupils into consideration when marking work in books.
The school council have generously allowed Mrs Sergeant to share their research documents with some local schools.
This piece of valuable work by the children will feed into Mr Cotton’s review of the school marking policy.
Upper Key Stage Two Playground furniture: November 2016
The school council recently held a debate to examine the current playground areas, with the upper key stage two yard a particular interest. It was quite unanimous that children feel it is being under-utilised and the suggestion was made that the ‘furniture’ installed could be removed, allowing for a ‘blank canvas.’
School councillors then sought the opinion of their peers, with some excellent ideas for future development.