
Games Mark awards

On Friday, Gerry Wigglesworth, from LSSP, came to our celebration assembly to present us with two awards, recognising our contribution to developing sporting opportunities for our pupils. Taking part in competitions across the city, delivering a variety of after school clubs and utilising pupils as playground leaders has resulted in the school being awarded the Silver award for Key Stage Two and the Gold award for Key Stage One.

Gerry talked about the how gaining these awards is testament to the pupils’ attitudes and enthusiasm for sport, along with the commitment of the whole school and governors in ensuring the pupils are taking advantage of the opportunities available from the LSSP, utilising the PE and Sport Premium funding. We would like to thank Gerry and all at LSSP for their continual support towards our school’s PE and Sport curriculum and we hope to continue to deliver these opportunities at a high level for many years to come.


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