LivPaC Resources for parents of SEND Pupils
Liverpool Parent and Carers Forum-LivPaC
Liverpool Parent and Carers Forum (LivPaC) is a group of parents and carers of children and young people with special education needs and/or disabilities (SEND) who work with education, health and care services.
“Alone, we can do so little. BUT together we CAN do so MUCH”
Through their participation and co-production, they work to create a culture across all services which places need of families at the centre of the decision making.
Below is a link to LivPac which holds a wealth of resources which may provide useful in supporting your child and your family.
As Parenting Co-ordinator for Liverpool City Council, I am proud that we can offer parents across the city a platform to share their stories whilst offering resources from across a wide spectrum of organisations to support parents on their journey.
It has been a privilege to pull these SEND blogs and information together and I would like to thank the parents, LivPac and our partners for their support and assistance in piecing this jigsaw of information together. Chris Cavanagh