English as an Additional Language – EAL Support
Our EAL children are supported primarily by quality first teaching within their classes. After a settling in period they receive additional support from Teaching Assistants within school. This provision is dependent upon need and its main focus is upon developing pupil’s oracy and understanding. Once they have gained confidence; this time is used to develop their speaking and listening skills, writing, including grammar, punctuation and spelling and further development of reading skills according to their particular needs.
We also buy in additional support from EMTAS. A specialist teacher spends one day a week in school supporting our EAL children and their families. Children are grouped according to their needs in order to further develop and enhance oracy and the written word.
Currently, EAL support is being offered to only those pupils who are in school as the virtual sessions can be supported by school staff and Mrs Jackson. These sessions currently, only take place only within their class bubble according to our school risk assessment.
The children continue to learn and develop their skills and understanding through the development of oracy, reading activities and the written word.
We are also lucky to also receive support from MAST Speech and Language in our Early Years. This support also includes advice for children who are learning English as an additional language. The importance of using their home language is always stressed as being of great importance. Evidence demonstrates that bilingualism has both cognitive benefits and offers professional advantages in our globalised world.
Mrs Jackson is back in school!
During the Spring Term, Mrs Jackson was zooming in every week to school to support our pupils. The children thoroughly enjoyed the support she gave them.
Now she is back in school, a larger group of children are being supported in school across the year groups from Year 2 to Year 6.
Wecome back Mrs Jackson!
Home Language Books and Picture Books
We have a selection of home language books and picture books which can be taken home and read with your child. This will help in learning English as an additional language.
Storytime with School Improvement Liverpool
This session is suitable for children aged 3-7 years, so please share with your families. Children must be accompanied by their parent, carer or supervising adult!
Jan 27, 2021 12:00 PM London
English Speaking Board (ESB) News!
Unfortunately, due to Covid-19 restrictions the children are currently unable to sit their ESB exams again this year. Once restrictions are lifted the children will automatically be re-enrolled.
Our children who have sat the English Speaking Board examinations are always most successful! We have had a 100% pass rate over the last four years! The children are always delighted to hear their good news and celebrate eachother’s successes.
In September 2017 we were invited to an awards ceremony at Liverpool Town Hall hosted by EMTAS. In 2018, the children were invited to Toxteth Annexe to receive their awards.
During the evening our school was accredited as being a School of Sanctuary and our children who are learning English as an additional language were all given their English Speaking Board Certificates.
A huge CONGRATULATIONS, to everyone! Many of the children attended with their families and had photographs taken with our Liverpool Lord Mayor, Councillor Malcolm Kennedy.
Below are a selection of the photographs taken during the evening.
During the evening Levi Tafari performed a few of his poems. The children all enjoyed the evening very much and were proud of their achievements.
We look forward to Levi visiting our school in the future.
When he came to school he worked with our year 6 children writing poems about equality and diversity; how we welcome others when they join our school and parish community…
“One Family, Living and Learning together in Faith.”
They prepared their topics really well and produced a range of props to help them deliver their topic of choice including:
- Apple
- Gymnastics
- Food from the Phillipines
- The Solar System
- Liverpool my new home…
Children working in preparation for their ESB exams
This term the children have been working really hard learning new vocabulary and applying new skills within their lessons.
Gallery of successful candidates!
Once their presentations were over they all relaxed and enjoyed having their photograph with their examiner!
The examiners are always delighted with the very high quality presentations which are delivered and the children are warmly congratulated upon their achievements!
Councillor Nick Small Visit