Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs C. Sergeant (Headteacher)
Safeguarding Team: Mrs J. Brown (Deputy Headteacher), Mrs L. Partington (Acting/Deputy Headteacher) , Mrs D. Finnigan (Learning Mentor)
Safeguarding Governor Mr P Crilly
If you have concerns about a child you can make a referral to Careline on (0151) 233 3700
Information for parents and visitors
Our school is committed to safeguarding children and promoting children’s welfare and expects all staff, governors, volunteers and visitors to share this commitment and maintain a vigilant and safe environment. Everyone has a responsibility to act without delay to protect children by reporting anything that might suggest a child is being abused or neglected. We would expect you to also report to the headteacher or Designated Safeguarding Lead any behaviours of any adults working in the school that may concern you. By signing our visitors book you are agreeing to follow the school’s safeguarding advice to visitors and where appropriate the code of conduct for staff and volunteers.
Safeguarding Information and advice for parents
Click the image to visit Family help in Liverpool.
Please click the image above to visit the Safeguarding Hub Resource Page which is a free hub of national safeguarding resources to empower children, young people and all adults supporting them.
Barnardo’s Website – Child sexual Exploitation – Spot The signs
CSE Spot the signs leaflet for parents
CSE Spot the signs leaflet for children/young people
NSPCC Website – Keeping children safe information for parents
NSPCC – website link to “The Underwear Rule”
Is my child ready to be left home alone?
E- Safety information for Parents – Keeping your child safe online
Parents, do you need advice about the latest apps, making reports and how to implement parental controls?
There is lots of information within this magazine especially on pages 37-45
NSPCC = Advice for parents – Talking to your child about online safety
NSPCC advice for parents about Sexting
NSPCC Share Aware- e-safety resources for parents
UK Safer Internet Website – information for parents
Think U Know website information for parents
I’m worried about cyberbullying -Information for parents
Supporting young people online leaflet for parents
Childline – Staying safe online advice for children
BBC OWN it – A place to help children make the most of their time online
The Stop, Speak , Support campaign to prevent cyberbullying
Scary challenges online POSTER
Children’s Acceptable Use Agreement
Digital technologies have become integral to the lives of children and young people, both within schools and outside school. These technologies are powerful tools, which open up new opportunities for everyone. These technologies can stimulate discussion, promote creativity and stimulate awareness of context to promote effective learning. Young people should have an entitlement to safe internet access at all times. Each year KS2 children read, discuss and then sign this agreement.
This Acceptable Use Agreement is intended to ensure:
- That young people will be responsible users and stay safe while using the internet and other digital technologies for educational, personal and recreational use.
- That school systems and users are protected from accidental or deliberate misuse that could put the security of the systems in jeopardy and will have good access to digital technologies to enhance their learning and will, in return, expect the pupils to agree to be responsible users.
Pupils Acceptable Use Agreement
PSHE curriculum overview with safeguarding links
Click here to view our online safety overview with PSHE links
Thanks Mrs Bowcock