Science in OLI
Take a look at some of the fun science lessons that we get up to in our school and explore our Science Principles.
EYFS- understanding of the world- following the interest of the children including: what happens to water when it gets cold; animal habitats; sea creatures and minibeasts.
KS1- Animals including humans, plants and materials
LKS2- Animals including humans- exploring animal teeth, how to take care of our teeth and observation over time showing the damage sugar does to our teeth. Children also recreated a model of the digestive system.
UKS2- Animals including humans- exploring the circulatory system, effects of exercise on our hearts and using a human model to show how oxygen rich and oxygen poor blood cells moves around our body.
Year 4 and 5 were invited to North Liverpool Academy to take part in a creepy crawly show as part of STEM week. They got up close with giant cockroaches, tarantulas, giant African land snails and even a massive python. The children learnt lots of information about these amazing creatures and their habitats and they thoroughly enjoyed their teachers and friends getting up on the stage.
Big Bang North West
Science competition winners we were lucky enough to visit the Big Bang North West Exhibition sponsored by All about STEM. We enjoyed hands on experiences and experiments including fire shows, dry ice, gadgets, robots, coding, forensics, creatures, slime, medical magic, a robot goalkeeper and a makeup artist with a difference!
Science Week:
Children from all Key Stages move around school to different teachers and participated in enquiry based, fun, practical science. From making ice cream in a bag, flying balloon rockets, mixing the best ‘gloop’ and creating their own lava lamps, science week always leaves everyone wanting more!
Changing materials and their properties
Year 5 were given the task of planning a fair test investigation that explored which material would be the best thermal insulator to keep my coffee hot. We spoke about variables that could change and what we could measure. Predictions were made.
The children then allocated roles to collect resources, measure the temperature using a thermometer and also wrap different materials around the cups to insulate them. Over the course of 20 minutes they recorded the temperature and used this to present their results in a line graph.
Sound Investigators- children explored how we hear sounds, which materials would be best to soundproof an alarm, how sound travels using tuning forks and a model of a sound wave.
EYFS – Understanding of the World
Looks like we have some veterinary doctors in the making.
Year 5 – Professor Fluffy visit – STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) themed day at Liverpool University.
Scientific enquiry based activities:

Animals, including Humans – Google Expeditions – exploring the digestive system – a virtual tour through our bodies visiting places like the oesophagus, stomach and small and large intestines.
The Digestive System- what fun year 4 had recreating the journey of our food through the digestive system.
Exploring floating and sinking- which material will work best?
States of Matter: using our bodies and role play to act as particles in a solid, liquid and gas.