Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) promotes pupils’ personal social and emotional development, as well as their health and well being. From September 2020 it is now compulsory that children are taught about relationships, health and wellbeing. It helps to give children the knowledge and skills they need to lead confident, healthy and independent lives. It aims to help them understand how they are developing personally and socially, and tackles many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up. It also gives children an understanding of the rights and responsibilities of being a good citizen.

At Our Lady Immaculate we embed high quality PSHE experiences within the school day through a range of subjects, discreet lessons and carefully selected intervention programs. Our curriculum scheme ‘My life’ ensures all objectives are met in discrete quality lessons and resources consistently across school. We always aim to make purposeful links with other subjects to make learning relevant. As part of the curriculum, we have developed age appropriate objectives to ensure that the children are receiving a broad and balanced curriculum that equips them to deal with life’s daily challenges. It is our aim that by the time the children leave us in year 6, they have not only reached their full academic potential but also as well rounded individuals ready to embark on the next phase of their education.

Here are some of the many life skills the children will develop:

  • Understand the importance of positive actions
  • Identity
  • Human rights
  • The importance of positive mental health
  • Relationships and sex education
  • Equality and diversity
  • Staying safe, both in the real world but also online
  • Protect themselves from being upset by others
  • Have respect for others
  • Build resilience
  • Make good choices
  • Have a readiness to learn
  • Follow our school code of conduct
  • Have the confidence to pursue their interests

Equal Opportunities

Provision for PSHE and RSHE  is in line with all of our policies, including the Equality Policy.  All children have equal access to the PSHE and RSHE curriculum and developmentally appropriate materials.  Delivery will be differentiated appropriately.  Resources etc are sensitive to the needs and backgrounds of the children and will not reflect gender or cultural stereotypes, and are monitored to ensure that sensitivity.

Parental and Community Involvement

Parents are invited to join in events in school, including class assemblies and liturgies on relevant themes.  Parents are regularly informed of events and developments on the website, by letters and on the parent app.

Working with parents is a vital part of the whole school approach to PSHE and Citizenship.  There will also be links with local businesses and councillors, as part of the work in Citizenship.  We also work closely with the local church and parish.  We involve outside agencies e.g. School Health Advisors, School Police Liaison Officer, Dental Health Advisors etc. as much as possible to deliver aspects of the curriculum

We have playground buddies who will be helping the staff to ensure break times are a happy time for all the children. We also run the ‘Massage in Schools Programme right from Nursery to Year Six, this has allowed children to improve their readiness to learn as well as improve relationships with their peers.

If you would like to take a more detailed look of the objectives covered please take a look at our curriculum coverage under ‘Curriculum Maps’ page.

As you can imagine some aspects of the PSHE enrichments like playground buddies, MISP, visiting speakers etc cannot take place whilst there are national COVID 19 restrictions in place. We look forward to being able to offer these again when it is safe to do so.

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