Examples of computing at OLI

OLI School Councillors are also Digital Leaders.

Our Lady Immaculate has a very successful team of Digital Leaders who are also School Councillors. The Digital Leaders are selected from each class and are there to support both pupils and staff with technical issues, questions or queries. All the children know who The Digital Leaders are and we regular meet to update ourselves with current practices and new technology. We advise our fellow pupils on matters connected to the Internet and Internet Safety.

Autumn 2021- 2022 So far this year we have enjoyed Computing in Lower Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 1 with Mr Moffatt from MGL. Below are some examples of our work.

Year 4 loved using Scratch programming to create dance routines using their decomposition skills. The year 3’s have made great progress over the last few weeks. Check out the F1 games they are creating using Scratch.


Year 4 have loved working with Mr Moffet today ! They have explored databases and created a PowerPoint about them to help others. Fantastic computer skills everyone.

Year 4 have created their own branching databases today  and began putting them onto a presentation for others to see . Excellent computer skills Year 4

Year 3 & 4 have had a fantastic morning computing with Mr Moffatt, Year 4 organised themselves through asking questions to create groupings then transferred this information into branching databases.

Today Year 2 designed their own algorithms using Coding Safari. What wonderful skills Year 2 have shown during ICT with Mr Moffat. Brilliant listening, following instructions and team work!

Year 1

Really enjoyed their coding session today. They used Coding Safari to develop their understanding of algorithms.

A fab lesson, practising our coding skills in Year 1. KS1 are making great progress in computing. They loved using the #Codapillar app to develop their coding skills. It was 30 minutes of total concentration from both classes.
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