
About the Curriculum

Our core curriculum is made up of English and Mathematics which is taught primarily in the mornings. Science is also a core subject which is usually taught weekly.

The English curriculum consists of reading, writing and GPS (Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling). In order to assess our pupils, writing at distance is taught through science and our foundation subjects, using English based units in other areas of the curriculum. English lessons are planned through a quality text book approach each half term.

In Mathematics, children cover: number, measure, geometry and statistic units, focusing on children’s fluency, reasoning and problem-solving skills. Maths is also woven into foundation subjects through Science and the wider curriculum. Maths lessons are taught through Maths No Problem, basic skills sessions and EYFS use White Rose Maths scheme of work.

The curriculum we teach is built around the National Curriculum programmes of study and aims. As a Catholic school, we also teach the ‘Come and See’ Religious Education Programme as well as SRE programme ‘Journey of Love’.

For more information about our curriculum please contact your child’s class teacher or speak to Miss M Gallagher our Curriculum Leader. 

Our curriculum:

  • develops the whole person – values, attitudes, knowledge, skills and understanding
  • is broad, balanced and has clear progression in subject knowledge and skills
  • develops children’s knowledge and understanding of modern-cultural Britain and our diverse community
  • is filled with rich first-hand purposeful experiences and uses expertise beyond the classroom
  • teaches children about the developing world, environment and society we live
  • is flexible and responsive to individual needs and interests.

Educational Trips

Throughout the year, we organise trips to compliment the new curriculum, which challenge the children’s knowledge and understanding. Staff look closely at the curriculum, to see where the best opportunities are for learning away from the school site, utilising the local area and beyond.

Prior to trips taking place, all children use map work skills to see exactly where they are going and look at different routes to and from the location. They also look at routes around the museums and parks they visit, so that they have the biggest say in what happens during the trip.

Pupils also plan fieldwork activities that they will carry out during the trip, for example, Year 3 have asked members of the public how they travelled to Calderstones Park and how far they travelled to get there. This data will then be used back in class as follow-up work to the trip, engaging them further with the trip and the cross-curricular links.

We also organise two residential trips for Year 3 and 6 each year. See our residential page for more details.

All of our trips are organised through the EVOLVE system, adopted by Liverpool City council. You can access guidance documents below, which form our organisation process, through rigorous risk assessing and planning.

Extra Curricular Clubs

If your child would like to take part in extra-curricular activities then there are plenty to choose from! Children have the chance to sign up to after-school clubs through Mr Fairclough and every after-school club will be catered to your child’s age group at some point during the school year. Playground leaders and teaching assistants run sporting activities on our playgrounds for all year groups every lunchtime.

More details to follow.


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