Anti bullying 2018-2019

Autumn News 2018

Our new playground leaders have been trained and have started their new roles on both yards, they have had a brilliant first few weeks and have gained quite a following of children ready to play with them!


I had the pleasure of working with our oldest children in the school to create informative leaflets giving children tips on what to do if they witness any bullying or feel that they are getting bullied. Our parent steering group and Governor will be choosing the final draft which will be used across school to help the younger children.

Putting a face to a name!

Here are some pictures of the main ‘Anti bullying Team’.

Mrs Sergeant (Headteacher)

Miss Hughes( Anti Bullying Lead)

Mrs Beattie (Anti bullying Governor)


Anti bullying week 2018

Our theme this year is ‘This is me!’ from the Greatest Showman musical. The national theme is ‘Expect Respect’ so we think this is a brilliant way to show our understanding.

We have started our week with a cyber bullying assembly led by our digital leaders. Year 6 have also started their work on the GANGs programme.

Year 6 have also started their work on the GANGs programme.

Key Stage One have been busy discovering what makes their friends special. They used ‘Giraffes can’t dance’ as a stimulus along with the song ‘This is me’. Lots of brilliant discussion helped to come up with lots of compliments and differences to celebrate with their friends. They played a game called ‘Hibernating hedgehog’ where all of the class must close their eyes, one child is chosen to hide under the cloth. The only way children can guess who’s hiding,  is by giving clues about what is special about the person hiding!

Year One have also been teaching each other dances to the song. Here’s some action shots!

Lower Key Stage Two have been using the song ‘This is me’ too. They have been focussing on building their self esteem and ways to help each other. Here are some of their portraits focussing on what makes them unique. They have also explored the song using guided sessions to discuss key points!


Odd Sock Day for anti bullying week!

Can you spot your odd socks?

Children also got to design their own odd socks!

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