Thank you so much to everyone for their support and donations towards our sponsored event with Michael Churm. The children had an amazing morning training with the Paralympian and raising lots of money for new school sports equipment! Well done to everybody involved!
The Liverpool City Council ASD Training team are facilitating a social communication and social behaviour workshop with an interpreter.
Targeted at Arabic and Polish families whose children are awaiting an assessment for autism or have an autism diagnosis.
Can you please share with the appropriate families.
Please see the attachments for booking details and venue, dates.
There are limited places.
During Spring 1 Year 2 have explored and been very busy! The children have immersed themselves in History – Rosa Park, Science – Materials and Plants, English Text – Bog Baby, Maths – Measurement, DT – Pouches and Healthy wraps, PE – Dance, ICT – Algorithms, PSHE – Healthy Bodies, RE – Branch 3 and much more. Lets take a look at what we have been up to!
International Mother Language Day in Year 2. We are hugely grateful to all our parents for teaching us about their home language.
Today Year 2 started dance! We learnt a new routine which was based on how the weather makes us feel and movements to match these feelings.
Today during English we immersed ourselves in our new text “Grandads Island” we then explored preposition and played sticky fingers.
Sorting exercise of living and non-living.
Geography – year 2 created a practical map of our journey to Everton Park using colours and a key to represent the different landmarks
We made protectors for our plants using recycled plastic bottles from home.
Happy feast day form everyone in Mrs Rimmer’s class
A huge congratulations to the Eco council who achieved their ‘Get up and Grow award’. They have really enjoyed the process and learnt so many new skills
Our Year 2 parents and carers were invited to our advent collective worship.
Today we discussed heart rate and what and how we can b healthy. The children all completed a practical session to see which exercise increased their heart rate.
We have really enjoyed finding out about Andy Goldsworthy and how he creates Transient Art. He uses the natural environment to create art and we have done the same!
Thank you to all our families for your generosity.
Exploring how to keep the beat with different instruments in Music… if we find it tricky we help our friends too! #olipmusic @csergeant3 @oli_primary @DeputyOLI
Today we celebrated another 7th Birthday ?☺️ @csergeant3 #olipcommunity
On Wednesday we celebrated one of children 7th Birthday ?☺️ @csergeant3 #olipcommunity
Year 2 Chatter

Stars of the week
What a brilliant first week back! Congratulations to our Stars of the week, you have been amazing! ⭐️⭐️
Star of the week assembly
What a great first week back. Key Stage One loved sharing what they had been up to during our Star of the week assembly ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Weeding the school allotments
The Eco council did a great job weeding the school allotments on Friday! ?? @csergeant3 #olipgeography
Fantastic attendance!
We love Year 2 ☺️ we have had a fantastic start to the year with our attendance!
Monday and Tuesday and we have a FULL HOUSE
Monday and Tuesday and we have a FULL HOUSE – well done to you all I’m very proud and you all look so smart ☺️⭐️ @csergeant3 #olipattendance
Science practical investigation – sorting seeds and bulbs
During Science we have started our new topic Plants the children immersed themselves in a practical investigation – sorting seeds and bulbs #olipscience @csergeant3
Science Plant
science Plant – children enjoyed sorting and discussing seeds and bulbs during our investigation today ☺️? #olipscience @csergeant3
History – Transport through time
History – Transport through time, the children have enjoyed exploring different types of transport and classifying it into land, sea and air #oliphistory @csergeant3 ☺️??✈️
Science – plants and seeds
Today during science we observed plants and seeds. We found out the difference and classified and sorted different seeds and bulbs. #olipscience @csergeant3
Today year 2 enjoyed their first Dots session of the year
Today year 2 enjoyed their first Dots session of the year. This session will take place each week and help children to think about their feelings/emotions and strategies to deal with them.
Birthdays to celebrate this week in Year 2!
We have 3 birthdays to celebrate this week in Year 2! Happy birthday ?????? @csergeant3
First Spanish lesson of the year
Mrs Rimmer’s class really enjoyed their first Spanish lesson of the year. #olipspanish
Year 2 plant some bulbs with the eco council
This afternoon Year 2 went to our allotments to plants some bulbs with the eco council to ensure we are ready for spring @csergeant3 #olipscience #olipgeography
DT exploring food
During DT today we explored where food comes from ??????????? @csergeant #olipdt

RE – Focusing on Psalm 19:1-5
Today during Come and See we focused on Psalm 19:1-5, we spoke about the phrases used and created actions to go with each of them. #olipre @csergeant3
History – timeline about cars
Today during History, Year 2 completed a timeline about cars and looked at the changes over time. #oliphistory
Music – Learning all about rhythm and beat
Music – the children in year 2 have been enjoying learning all about rhythm and beat ?? @csergeant3 #olipmusic ☺️
PE – Rugby Tots
During PE this week the children had lots of fun learning new techniques in Rugby Tots ??☺️ @csergeant3 #olippe
DOTS this week
During DOTS this week the children enjoyed their session with Mrs Beatie @csergeant3 #olipcommunity ?
History – cars over a period of 100 years
During our history lesson we looked in detail at cars over a period of 100 years, we then created a timeline using maths equipment to show the decades and years @csergeant3 #oliphistory ??️☺️
Spanish – salsa dancing
Spanish was exciting today Year 2 enjoyed their first taster session into Spanish. They even done some salsa dancing – well done to our volunteer ??☺️⭐️ #olipspanish @csergeant3

Year 2 DOTS today
Year 2 enjoyed DOTS today – noticing the breath ?⭐️ #olippshe @csergeant3 ?♀️??♂️?
Rugby Tots
Rugby Tots this week in Year 2 was fun the children all enjoyed learning new skills ☺️?? #olippe @csergeant3
WE GOT A FULL HOUSE ⭐️? well done to Mrs Garrity’s class – what a way to end the week ??? #olipattendance @csergeant3

100 percent attendance this week!
Congratulations to Mrs Rimmer’s class who had 100 percent attendance this week! ⭐️ @csergeant3
Number party day
Today we celebrated number party day and throughout school #olipmaths @csergeant3 ⭐️☺️?
DT – fruit kebab design and making
DT – today during DT we explored different flavours in preparation for our fruit kebab design and making. We are deciding what we would like our to taste like. We had lots of fun with sweet and sour flavours ????? #olipdt @csergeant3
This weeks star of the week
This weeks star of the week Year 2 – for always being ready to learn and fully immersing himself in the all parts of the curriculum ⭐️? #olipcommunity @csergeant3

DT – Tasting fruits and vegetables
Today we tasted lots of fruit and vegetables to help us decide what we will use in our own Kebabs next lesson! #olipdt

Maths party day!
We really enjoyed maths party day! We played lots of fun games using maths equipment! #olipmaths

Rugby Tots today – they used their listening skills
Mrs Garrity’s class really enjoyed Rugby Tots today – they used their listening skills taught to them during the lesson ☺️???#olippe @csergeant3

Children 7th Birthday
On Wednesday we celebrated one of children 7th Birthday ?☺️ @csergeant3 #olipcommunity

Exploring how to keep the beat with different instruments in Music…
Exploring how to keep the beat with different instruments in Music… if we find it tricky we help our friends too! #olipmusic @csergeant3 @oli_primary @DeputyOLI

Art- Andy Goldsworthy in Year 2
We have really enjoyed finding out about Andy Goldsworthy and how he creates Transient Art. He uses the natural environment to create art and we have done the same!
Year 2 Science – Exercise and Heart rate
Today we discussed heart rate and what and how we can b healthy. The children all completed a practical session to see which exercise increased their heart rate.

Collective worship
Our Year 2 parents and carers were invited to our advent collective worship.
‘Get up and Grow’ Award
A huge congratulations to the Eco council who achieved their ‘Get up and Grow award’. They have really enjoyed the process and learnt so many new skills

Eco-council working hard
We made protectors for our plants using recycled plastic bottles from home.

Map work
Geography – year 2 created a practical map of our journey to Everton Park using colours and a key to represent the different landmarks

Grandad’s Island
Today during English we immersed ourselves in our new text “Grandads Island” we then explored preposition and played sticky fingers.
Dance lessons are our favourite
Today Year 2 started dance! We learnt a new routine which was based on how the weather makes us feel and movements to match these feelings.
International Mother Language Day February 2024
International Mother Language Day in Year 2. We are hugely grateful to all our parents for teaching us about their home language.

Spring 1 Highlights in Year 2
During Spring 1 Year 2 have explored and been very busy! The children have immersed themselves in History – Rosa Park, Science – Materials and Plants, English Text – Bog Baby, Maths – Measurement, DT – Pouches and Healthy wraps, PE – Dance, ICT – Algorithms, PSHE – Healthy Bodies, RE – Branch 3 and much more. Lets take a look at what we have been up to!

Arabic and Polish Interpreter Workshops with ASD Team.
The Liverpool City Council ASD Training team are facilitating a social communication and social behaviour workshop with an interpreter.
Targeted at Arabic and Polish families whose children are awaiting an assessment for autism or have an autism diagnosis.
Can you please share with the appropriate families.
Please see the attachments for booking details and venue, dates.
There are limited places.
Fundraising for sports equipment with Paralympian Michael Churm
Thank you so much to everyone for their support and donations towards our sponsored event with Michael Churm. The children had an amazing morning training with the Paralympian and raising lots of money for new school sports equipment! Well done to everybody involved!