Science week!

Year 1 have been learning all about animals including humans within their Science lessons so decided to keep this going during Science Week. The children explored how they could categorize animals by their features and talk about why they needed these features.

The children then created their own animals and could talk about how the features of it allowed it to be adapted for a specific habitat!




We learnt about the components and their functions in our blood.

Science- topic on rocks and soils

This term the children have enjoyed learning about the properties of rocks. The have worked scientifically to investigate the hardest and most durable rock and how to classify them. 

Learning about difusion in Science.

Our Year 3 and Year 6 were invited to Hugh Baird college to take part in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Maths) Expo 2024. What a fantastic time they had!

What a great lesson we had sorting and classifying rocks. We even had a go at using a classification key to find out the names of the rocks.

Sorting exercise of living and non-living.

We explored which material was absorbent in science

We made protectors for our plants using recycled plastic bottles from home.



A huge congratulations to the Eco council who achieved their ‘Get up and Grow award’. They have really enjoyed the process and learnt so many new skills

Today we discussed heart rate and what and how we can b healthy.  The children all completed a practical session to see which exercise increased their heart rate.


With the changing weather we have been able to spot many signs of Autumn around our school grounds. We discussed the changes we could see, created a vocabulary bank and recorded on mind maps together #olipscience @oli_primary

Exploring and sharing existing knowledge related to materials in Science this week! What a fabulous job Year 1 did at sorting objects by material and discussing their choices ? #olipscience

Sorting objects according to the materials they are made of in science @DeputyOLI @csergeant3 #olipscience

Working together to solve problems and complete tasks in the provision, both indoors and outdoors! A great first few days in Year 1! @EarlyExcellence @csergeant3 @DeputyOLI #olipmaths #olipscience

Having fun this afternoon with our science investigation linked to Charles Darwin’s theory of natural selection, imitating finches beaks. #olipscience @csergeant3 @DeputyOLI

Year 6 have been researching Charles Darwin and his theory of evolution and natural selection in our Science topic: Evolution and Inheritance #olipscience @csergeant3 @DeputyOLI

Phases of the moon by Mrs Bird’s class! ???????? #olipscience @csergeant3 @DeputyOLI

Miss Clifford’s class had a fabulous time creating the phases of the moon out of Oreo’s! ???????? #olipscience. @csergeant3 @DeputyOLI

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Science Chatter

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Science practical investigation – sorting seeds and bulbs

During Science we have started our new topic Plants the children immersed themselves in a practical investigation – sorting seeds and bulbs #olipscience @csergeant3

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Science Plant

science Plant – children enjoyed sorting and discussing seeds and bulbs during our investigation today ☺️? #olipscience @csergeant3

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Science – plants and seeds

Today during science we observed plants and seeds. We found out the difference and classified and sorted different seeds and bulbs. #olipscience @csergeant3

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Year 2 plant some bulbs with the eco council

This afternoon Year 2 went to our allotments to plants some bulbs with the eco council to ensure we are ready for spring @csergeant3 #olipscience #olipgeography

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Science – Functions of a plant

Today we started our science topic all about the functions of a plant. We started the lesson by seeing what the children wanted to learn during this topic – we can’t wait to get started and answer some of these questions! #olipscience @csergeant3 @oli_primary @DeputyOLI

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Science – dissecting a flower

What fun year 3 had dissecting a flower to see if they could find the male and female parts #olipscience @DeputyOLI @csergeant3

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Coming up next week in year 3

Coming up next week in year 3 #olipmaths #olipscience

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Science – Pollination

As part of our science topic, plants, we will be looking at pollination. Today we were lucky enough to have a real-life beekeeper come and teach us all about the jobs of the bees. The children loved it! #olipscience @oli_primary @csergeant3 @DeputyOLI

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Today in science we planned out an investigation to see if plants can survive in different conditions

Today in science we planned out an investigation to see if plants can survive in different conditions. Year 3 will observe the plants over time and then compare what happens with the control plant. #olipscience @DeputyOLI @csergeant3 @oli_primary

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Year 5 learning about the planets in our solar system

Year 5 had a great time learning about the position of the planets in our solar system in relation to the sun!☀️?? @csergeant3 @DeputyOLI #olipscience

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Creating the phases of the moon out of Oreo’s!

Miss Clifford’s class had a fabulous time creating the phases of the moon out of Oreo’s! ???????? #olipscience. @csergeant3 @DeputyOLI

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Phases of the moon by Mrs Bird’s class!

Phases of the moon by Mrs Bird’s class! ???????? #olipscience @csergeant3 @DeputyOLI

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Science topic: Evolution and Inheritance

Year 6 have been researching Charles Darwin and his theory of evolution and natural selection in our Science topic: Evolution and Inheritance #olipscience @csergeant3 @DeputyOLI

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Our science investigation linked to Charles Darwin’s theory of natural selection

Having fun this afternoon with our science investigation linked to Charles Darwin’s theory of natural selection, imitating finches beaks. #olipscience @csergeant3 @DeputyOLI

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Working together to solve problems and complete tasks in the provision

Working together to solve problems and complete tasks in the provision, both indoors and outdoors! A great first few days in Year 1! @EarlyExcellence @csergeant3 @DeputyOLI #olipmaths #olipscience

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Sorting objects according to the materials they are made of in science

Sorting objects according to the materials they are made of in science @DeputyOLI @csergeant3 #olipscience

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Exploring and sharing existing knowledge related to materials in Science this week!

Exploring and sharing existing knowledge related to materials in Science this week! What a fabulous job Year 1 did at sorting objects by material and discussing their choices ? #olipscience

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With the changing weather we have been able to spot many signs of Autumn around our school grounds

With the changing weather we have been able to spot many signs of Autumn around our school grounds. We discussed the changes we could see, created a vocabulary bank and recorded on mind maps together #olipscience @oli_primary

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Year 2 Science – Exercise and Heart rate

Today we discussed heart rate and what and how we can b healthy.  The children all completed a practical session to see which exercise increased their heart rate.


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‘Get up and Grow’ Award

A huge congratulations to the Eco council who achieved their ‘Get up and Grow award’. They have really enjoyed the process and learnt so many new skills

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Eco-council working hard

We made protectors for our plants using recycled plastic bottles from home.



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Absorbent Materials

We explored which material was absorbent in science

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Science investigation – Living and non-living

Sorting exercise of living and non-living.

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Classifying Rocks in science

What a great lesson we had sorting and classifying rocks. We even had a go at using a classification key to find out the names of the rocks.

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Hugh Baird – STEAM Expo

Our Year 3 and Year 6 were invited to Hugh Baird college to take part in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Maths) Expo 2024. What a fantastic time they had!

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Learning about difusion in Science.
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Highlights from Spring 1

Science- topic on rocks and soils

This term the children have enjoyed learning about the properties of rocks. The have worked scientifically to investigate the hardest and most durable rock and how to classify them. 

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Making blood

We learnt about the components and their functions in our blood.
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Science week- theme of change


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Science week!

Year 1 have been learning all about animals including humans within their Science lessons so decided to keep this going during Science Week. The children explored how they could categorize animals by their features and talk about why they needed these features.

The children then created their own animals and could talk about how the features of it allowed it to be adapted for a specific habitat!



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