Chinese New Year
We have learnt about how Chinese New Year is celebrated. We enjoyed role playing in our very own Chinese restaurant, taking each other’s order and then preparing the food in the kitchen. We talked about the different ways in which Chinese New Year is traditionally celebrated and listened to the story of the Chinese Zodiac. At the end of the week we had a special treat, breaking and tasting our own fortune cookies! We loved reading the messages that were hidden inside!
RE – The Feeding of the Five Thousand.
The children listened to the story from The Bible.
Rugby Tots
We have enjoyed our PE sessions with Rugby Tots. We have learnt how to throw and catch the rugby ball with a partner and around a circle. We learnt how to score a try and how to work together as part of a team.
Computing with Mr Moffatt.
This half term in Nursery we have really enjoyed sensory play in the moon sand and practising our fine motor skills by painting and drawing. We also really enjoyed dressing up time and taking on the roles of ‘People Who Help Us’.
The Evil Pea by Sue Hendra. Reception discovered vegetables in distress. They worked together to trap the Evil Pea.
Pegs to Paper – Developing our fine motor skills using Pegs to Paper.
We played with puzzles to show numbers, look at numbers and create numbers.
The children take on the different roles within the home area. Together they bath, dress and put the babies to bed. They listen and take turns in conversation to develop a storyline in their play.
The children enjoyed exploring different materials and the different ways they could use them in the creative area.
Practicing writing our new phonemes, can you guess the grapheme we are learning about?
Attendance winners again!!!!! Well done Miss Doherty’s class.
What a great end to a fabulous first week back for Reception Class.
Our children loved celebrating the birth of Jesus.
Reception children acted out the story of Jesus’ birth
Our early years children sang their hearts out at their nativity today.
Thank you to all our families for your generosity.
Reception Chatter

Early Years Nativity Performance
Our early years children sang their hearts out at their nativity today.

Excellent attendance from Miss Doherty’s class
What a great end to a fabulous first week back for Reception Class.

Practicing phonemes
Practicing writing our new phonemes, can you guess the grapheme we are learning about?
Getting creative!
The children enjoyed exploring different materials and the different ways they could use them in the creative area.
Working in the home area.
The children take on the different roles within the home area. Together they bath, dress and put the babies to bed. They listen and take turns in conversation to develop a storyline in their play.

Reception Spring 1
The Evil Pea by Sue Hendra. Reception discovered vegetables in distress. They worked together to trap the Evil Pea.
Spring 1 Nursery Highlights
This half term in Nursery we have really enjoyed sensory play in the moon sand and practising our fine motor skills by painting and drawing. We also really enjoyed dressing up time and taking on the roles of ‘People Who Help Us’.

Spring 1 – Reception
Rugby Tots
We have enjoyed our PE sessions with Rugby Tots. We have learnt how to throw and catch the rugby ball with a partner and around a circle. We learnt how to score a try and how to work together as part of a team.
RE-The Feeding of the Five Thousand.
RE – The Feeding of the Five Thousand.
The children listened to the story from The Bible.

Spring 1 – Reception
Chinese New Year
We have learnt about how Chinese New Year is celebrated. We enjoyed role playing in our very own Chinese restaurant, taking each other’s order and then preparing the food in the kitchen. We talked about the different ways in which Chinese New Year is traditionally celebrated and listened to the story of the Chinese Zodiac. At the end of the week we had a special treat, breaking and tasting our own fortune cookies! We loved reading the messages that were hidden inside!