Working in the home area.

The children take on the different roles within the home area. Together they bath, dress and put the babies to bed. They listen and take turns in conversation to develop a storyline in their play.

What’s in the box for Y6 classes at the moment? Who was brave enough to lift the lid ? 



Beditation this week for Year 6, learning about the importance of sleep. 

Today Year 2 started dance! We learnt a new routine which was based on how the weather makes us feel and movements to match these feelings.

Year 1 have been discussing what they are proud of and what it means to be proud!

‘My voice matters’ is the theme of children’s mental health week. Year 1 have been sharing what matters to them this afternoon!

We had a lovely afternoon learning to write our names and our birthdays in Chinese as part of our International Mother Language Day celebrations. We enjoyed seeing how all of our names looked!

Year 3 have completed a 12 week course of Paws B. The children have loved their weekly sessions learning all about how to be mindful.

Thank you to all our families for your generosity. 

The children were fabulous at exploring vocabulary related to our feeling and emotions today. They were able to sort a range of vocabulary into the correct zone of regulation! #zonesofregulation #olippshe @csergeant3 @oli_primary @DeputyOLI

Some small world creations this week… working together and sharing ideas! @EarlyExcellence @DeputyOLI @csergeant3 #olippshe

Year 1 playing circle games independently outside! Taking turns, listening to others and following instructions. @csergeant3 @DeputyOLI #olippshe

Celebrating #WorldMentalHealthDay by taking time to talk whilst enjoying a biscuit! #olippshe @csergeant3 @DeputyOLI

Year 5 and 6 have had a special assembly this morning from @MerseyPolice about keeping safe during Halloween and Bonfire Night #olippshe @csergeant3 @DeputyOLI

We calmed our bodies and minds after lunchtime and got ready for this afternoon’s learning by using the Massage in Schools Programme @olippshe @csergeant3 @DeputyOLI

Year 5 have had a lovely day training to be ROCKET champions! They focussed on resilience and how we can support others with their mental health! They finished the afternoon with throwing their rocket pledges into the air! ?? @csergeant3 @DeputyOLI @MYARAISETeam #olippshe

Year 3 found that a massage after lunch really helps them to settle down and feel ready to learn #olippshe @DeputyOLI @csergeant3@csergeant3

Year 3 have enjoyed sharing a circle time about our dream careers. I loved hearing some of their lovely aspirations for the future #olippshe @oli_primary @DeputyOLI @csergeant3

@oli_nursery enjoyed making themselves to finish our learning on ‘me and my family’. We look forward to next week’s page of ‘You Choose’. @csergeant3 @DeputyOLI #olippshe #olipart #olipreading

After introducing our new text, You Choose, we discussed our family members and some of us drew pictures of them. #olipreading #olipart @csergeant3 @DeputyOLI

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PSHE Chatter

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Dots session

Children enjoying their weekly Dots session. #olippshe

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Year 2 DOTS today

Year 2 enjoyed DOTS today – noticing the breath ?⭐️ #olippshe @csergeant3 ?‍♀️??‍♂️?

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We can even wash our own dishes

We have been focusing on our independence skills in @oli_nursery this week. We can even wash our own dishes. @csergeant3 @DeputyOLI @oli_primary #olipshce #independence

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Colour Monster – sorting colours into jars

@oli_nursery have been learning about colours linked to The Colour Monster. We’ve been trying to sort our colours and feelings into jars so we’re not like a confused Colour Monster. @csergeant3 @DeputyOLI #olippshe #olipreading

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Childrens first marks

In @oli_nursery we value all marks children make before they begin to write. From the smallest mark to their recognisable pictures. #olipenglish #markmaking #olipart #olippshe @EarlyExcellence @sil_eyfs #marvellousme @csergeant3 @DeputyOLI

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We began Peer Massage in a new format

We began Peer Massage in a new format, today. After lunchtime, we got into a circle and asked our friends “Would you like a massage?” Before gently doing some moves on their back & thanking our friends for their massage. @oli_nursery @oli_primary @csergeant3 @DeputyOLI #olippshe

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Key person time nursery

We have taken a real interest in our display about ourselves and our families. @oli_nursery have been drawing representations of each member in their family as part of Key Person Time. #olippshe #olipre #olipart @csergeant3 @DeputyOLI

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Drawing family members in nursery

After introducing our new text, You Choose, we discussed our family members and some of us drew pictures of them. #olipreading #olipart @csergeant3 @DeputyOLI

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PSHE – ‘me and my family’

@oli_nursery enjoyed making themselves to finish our learning on ‘me and my family’. We look forward to next week’s page of ‘You Choose’. @csergeant3 @DeputyOLI #olippshe #olipart #olipreading
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Our dream careers

Year 3 have enjoyed sharing a circle time about our dream careers. I loved hearing some of their lovely aspirations for the future #olippshe @oli_primary @DeputyOLI @csergeant3

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Year 3 massage after lunch

Year 3 found that a massage after lunch really helps them to settle down and feel ready to learn #olippshe @DeputyOLI @csergeant3@csergeant3

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Year 5 have had a lovely day training to be ROCKET champions!

Year 5 have had a lovely day training to be ROCKET champions! They focussed on resilience and how we can support others with their mental health! They finished the afternoon with throwing their rocket pledges into the air! ?? @csergeant3 @DeputyOLI @MYARAISETeam #olippshe

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We calmed our bodies and minds after lunchtime

We calmed our bodies and minds after lunchtime and got ready for this afternoon’s learning by using the Massage in Schools Programme @olippshe @csergeant3 @DeputyOLI

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Year 5 and 6 have had a special assembly this morning

Year 5 and 6 have had a special assembly this morning from @MerseyPolice about keeping safe during Halloween and Bonfire Night #olippshe @csergeant3 @DeputyOLI

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Celebrating #WorldMentalHealthDay

Celebrating #WorldMentalHealthDay by taking time to talk whilst enjoying a biscuit! #olippshe @csergeant3 @DeputyOLI

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Year 1 playing circle games independently outside!

Year 1 playing circle games independently outside! Taking turns, listening to others and following instructions. @csergeant3 @DeputyOLI #olippshe

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Some small world creations this week…

Some small world creations this week… working together and sharing ideas! @EarlyExcellence @DeputyOLI @csergeant3 #olippshe

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The children were fabulous at exploring vocabulary related to our feeling and emotions today

The children were fabulous at exploring vocabulary related to our feeling and emotions today. They were able to sort a range of vocabulary into the correct zone of regulation! #zonesofregulation #olippshe @csergeant3 @oli_primary @DeputyOLI

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We raised £381.31 for Children in Need

Thank you to all our families for your generosity. 

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Year 3 Celebrate Finishing Paws B!

Year 3 have completed a 12 week course of Paws B. The children have loved their weekly sessions learning all about how to be mindful.

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International Mother Language Day

We had a lovely afternoon learning to write our names and our birthdays in Chinese as part of our International Mother Language Day celebrations. We enjoyed seeing how all of our names looked!

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Children’s Mental Health Week 2024

‘My voice matters’ is the theme of children’s mental health week. Year 1 have been sharing what matters to them this afternoon!

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What are you proud of?

Year 1 have been discussing what they are proud of and what it means to be proud!

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Dance lessons are our favourite

Today Year 2 started dance! We learnt a new routine which was based on how the weather makes us feel and movements to match these feelings.

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Beditation this week for Year 6, learning about the importance of sleep. 

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What’s in the box?

What’s in the box for Y6 classes at the moment? Who was brave enough to lift the lid ? 



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Working in the home area.

The children take on the different roles within the home area. Together they bath, dress and put the babies to bed. They listen and take turns in conversation to develop a storyline in their play.

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